Home appraisals North Shore MA??

Don’t fall for woodpecker damage. One home inspector
added that the the report when my sister and I sold my
dads house after his death. I did some research and
found every house in NE can be written up as having
woodpecker damage. This is because NE is woodpecker
country and they can put it on the paper as the home
inspector works for the buyer not the owner.
It was really just a matter of making sure everything was built right. He was terrible. He checked the appliances, irrelevant because they were all under warranty. He didn't even take the cover/door off of the electrical panel to look for any bad stuff there.


I later found out that the guy who found the bad chimney was on the bad side of many R/E agents. He was known as "Harvey the Deal Wrecker". ha. I love Harvey.
Some inspectors will pop the panel cover (mine did) and others won't. Perhaps one of the real electricians on NES can tell us of that activity requires a license.

NEVER use a home inspector recommended by the real estate agent. Find you own, and pay for the extra travel time to get one from a few towns over who rarely if ever encounters the agent you are using.

The inspection I used should have been wearing a shirt like this, as in "blame it on the mimes ... they won't talk".

The most words I got from him was "hold this" when he handed me the electrical panel screws. I think he didn't want conversation with the agent present. His report was fat and detailed (it seemed like over 50% of the pages were various disclaimers and non-warrantees of his findings), but each defect was given a separate section, photographed in many cases, and described in incredible detail. I think he was constructing the report on his tablet as he repeatedly paused to enter data.
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