Her name was Ashli Babbitt

Ok so I like Trump for the reason you probably hate him. I like bombastic smart asses that challenge the establishment. Now the part I don't understand is how someone who is a conservative could just say "oh I don't like him personally so I'm gonna vote for Biden." I didn't vote for Trump in the primaries in 2016 but my God he was a better choice than Hillary or Joe Biden by a long shot. What I really can't get is how someone who believes in the RKBA would rather vote for Biden. It makes no sense.

So you say that you don't believe all the allegations of election fraud. Keep in mind there was pretty flimsy proof of Russian collusion but we still had a special investigation into it. Why can't we have an investigation into allegations of election fraud? Probably because the swamp never wanted Trump and the swamp has no political affiliation. Maybe the real hardcore types would never be satisfied but Christ at least look into it.
To address the second part (honestly man, I don’t have the mental energy anymore to counterpoint the first paragraph- feel free to count it as a win if you wish, I just can’t do it anymore). My personal feelings is no investigation outcome would ever satisfy a true Trumper. If it reveals nothing, the investigator will have been a fraud or something else will have occurred that is shady. It’s impossible to win an argument with Trump or anybody who blindly follows him. The other aspect of the investigation is I personally believe it’s been done. Recount after recount. Localized audits as naseum. What else do we need? He lost. Was there pockets of fraud in this election? Maybe, but not anymore proven than in any other election. Election reform where people need ID’s to vote? Sure man, sign me up. But for Christ sake this is over.

I like Chris Christie for the reasons you mentioned. He doesn’t take any shit. But for god sakes, he’s a normal and rational human being.
A few notes on this.
A) KD was not speaking for Comm2a. He is entitled to his personal opinion and I for one am not about to become a totalitarian douchbag like the old and new media is becoming and the DNC has been for 15 years now.

B) Comm2a focuses on one thing, the 2A. Period. People of all stripes believe in the 2A and believe me, there are a substantial amount of GOPers who don’t. While gun rights, personal rights and self-reliance (as opposed to reliance on the Government fairy) go hand in hand with each other, this isn’t a hard and fast rule. This idea that everyone believes 100% in either Red team or Blue team doctrine is absurd.

C) If people stop supporting Comm2a, this is what happens next. The suits we have going (bonded warehouse and COVID related) die. I am literally going to start building two new cases against the AG next week and those never start. There are two national orgs that are looking to make a mess of everything everywhere because they want/need to build revenues. They tell you what you want to hear, tell you they are fighting for you, then file miserably bad lawsuits. I won’t name names, but the NRA’s problems created a vacuum and some orgs are hiring like mad trying to fill that vacuum. Given the quality of the work, the only rational reason is that their primary goal appears to be file crap to be on a case that goes to SCOTUS and drive revenues. Without Comm2A these orgs would be filing the vacuum here and making it worse. I have devoted to way too much time in the last few months to stoping or improving their crap. That goes away.

D) No one on the board is paid a dime and only one person is paid by Comm2a (outside of the attorneys) and it’s not KD, Derek, Donna, Boudrie or I. It’s a young retired Marine and student who is doing the grunt work that KD used to do, for free, when he lived here that we could never find someone to take on for free. KD moved west and is pulling back from Comm2A as a result of that move. You would be trashing an org doing good work for the personal opinions of someone who, for lack of a better phrase, is on their way out the door. Awesome job. Give yourselves a hand.

When a handful of three letter orgs (Not SAF, which is awesome) who blow smoke up your asses on how hardcore they are file stupid crap here and don’t know what they are doing and make it worse here, it will be too late before you figure out that you got grifted.

Or you can continue to support Comm2A who has at least proven not to suck. And while we haven’t won every case, we never lost a case because we were wrong or did something stupid. Judges have let the mask down on their absolute disdain for personal liberty and bias free work and they simply make up crap to stop us. But we aren’t making it worse here. That COVID case was a good example of what you would get without Comm2A. We essentially won our side of the case. The other case was a CF.

What does that mean? Should I be calling him DrGrant? I believe I remember him being called Mike at certain points, but I could be misremembering that.
In any case, if you’re giving me a hard time because I may have referred to him by the wrong part of his screen name, I’d question the point of your post you obtuse imbecile.
If you don't know what to call him, you might try " sir ".
Honest question: do you think the polarization has only been happening for four years or less?
No no no no.
There’s a wonderful infographic somewhere out there on the interwebs that shows blue and red dots in a box. Each dot represents a D.C. politician. The closer the dots are to each other and the more lines connecting them to each other, the more they voted together. This infographic had boxes representing decades in the US, from like 1930-2010 or something like that. The dots get further and further apart with fewer and fewer lines connecting red and blue dots to each other, to the point of total isolation. It’s awful. It’s exactly what’s wrong with this country.
People can call me a liberal all they want for despising Trump. That’s the party line-it’s stupid, but whatever.
But ironically, actually befriending liberals, getting them on this platform, and getting them shooting would only help our cause to get 2A from a conservative thing to an everyman thing. But I guess that’s a pipe dream.
Yes it's a ridiculous conspiracy theory to demand an open audit of ballots in places where voter turnout exceeded 100%. That sounds so outlandish. [rofl]

It's a ridiculous conspiracy theory to question why no election officials in either of the two most f***ed states have even spent 10 seconds trying to dispel any of the questions through
providing some information to voters and the general public. That's an outrageous demand. [rofl]

Much of the nation basically watched what looked like an aircraft explode in midair. And .gov officials are telling the public that it just ran out of gas and crashed. And most people are just lapping up the official explanation. And then those that lapped up that explanation are calling everyone who saw the explosion "conspiracy theorists" .

That's basically the analog here. That's how f***ed, optically, all of this is.

Also there you go again with most of the TDS talking point garbage. You know what? Honestly I think most of the stupid trump election conspiracies are f***ing stupid btw, and I would dismiss most of them out of hand myself. I get that. And I think his legal team is f***ing stupid. (I mean guiliani, seriously? and all the stupid vague tweeting? Clown show. ) That said, if you don't think this election wasn't suspicious in those two states, creating conditions that, at least deserved some kind of investigation, you're being willfully blind.

I don't give a f*** about Trump winning. I want the truth to be seen (regardless of what it is) By the public. At a bare minimum the citizens of PA and MI deserve to know if they are being effectively disenfranchised by their own government and elected officials. Then maybe they can do something about it. Or we can have a productive dialogue about voting law
reform. (oh wait, but nobody wants that, because the existing f***ery makes it beneficial for both sides WRT cheating. ) Or- if by some miracle everything is shown to be
mostly legitimate, you can then just continue making fun of everyone that questioned the outcome, etc. At least our society can move forward with knowledge and not
fake bullshit.

I don't really think that is too much to ask. But people like you don't want that- because you're blinded by TDS bullshit and, possibly, you are so fatigued by all the political bullshit that you just want to keep chucking back the blue pills and hope it all goes "back to normal" and that people will magically stop hating each other once trump is gone, etc. so on. But I got news for you- that's not happening. Media may get quieter, but the divisions will only grow worse. Especially if there is no faith in the system.

Lol @ "Agree to Disagree". Ok, fine. I'm done in this thread, period, or on any of this political shit. If I was a blue piller like you though, I'd probably just keep my mouth shut, because mentally I'd still have to reconcile, at least, that my position was paper-stupid while still desiring the comfort of it.
Was there fraud this election?
Yup. Been that way since forever. Drunk History did a nice job with the topic.
Was it enough to affect the outcome?
There's the big question that hasn't really been definitively answered.
Did Trump have plenty of time to mitigate the concern?
Did he?
Sure seems not. Plenty of excuses around here as to why.
No no no no.
There’s a wonderful infographic somewhere out there on the interwebs that shows blue and red dots in a box. Each dot represents a D.C. politician. The closer the dots are to each other and the more lines connecting them to each other, the more they voted together. This infographic had boxes representing decades in the US, from like 1930-2010 or something like that. The dots get further and further apart with fewer and fewer lines connecting red and blue dots to each other, to the point of total isolation. It’s awful. It’s exactly what’s wrong with this country.
People can call me a liberal all they want for despising Trump. That’s the party line-it’s stupid, but whatever.
But ironically, actually befriending liberals, getting them on this platform, and getting them shooting would only help our cause to get 2A from a conservative thing to an everyman thing. But I guess that’s a pipe dream.

Sure, but that's why I was asking. You're saying Trump caused the migration of the independents. I'm not sure how that's even something that's remotely possible.
Bud I'm not looking for a win here. I'm just trying to understand your point about how if you believe in the 2nd amendment it's ok to vote for someone antithetical to your beliefs just because you don't like their personality. Unless you believe that you're just going to do whatever you want regardless of who's in office. Please give me something. Don't be like that free guy. Blabbing with nothing to back it up.
Whatever I respond to answer this is only going to be met with ridiculous responses by you or somebody else. I’m sure I’ll be called a cuck, liberal, whatever. But fine, here goes.
During this election I voted for Biden. It’s the only time I voted for a democrat in my life. It was not easy. But I reached a point, Path-Finder, that I couldn’t take the ridiculousness anymore.
Let me try to say it this way. If I think about people in my life who I like/respect, and I’m asked “describe that person to me.” I might say “well he’d a good person, would give you the shirt off his back, is reliable, cares about others” and whatever. What I wouldn’t say is “is a conservative” or “he’s a democrat.” For me, political affiliation is secondary to character.
I can look the other way on a lot of things. But I couldn’t possibly vote for Trump. Am I a gun owner? Yup. Do I believe in 2A? Yup. But I’m also a lot of other things. I’m a dad, I’m a husband, I’m a human being. Being a gun owner doesn’t define me; it’s part of a whole. I can’t just solely vote for somebody because it helps this one aspect of my life. At least I couldn’t this time. I find Trump morally repugnant, and again, I have always felt he’s a conman. He started talking about “rigged elections” in 2016 when he was afraid of Hillary beating him (I voted for Gary Johnson that year). I believe he has turned some real thoughtful Patriots into sheeple with all his ramblings. I’m dumbfounded how so many people buy into his bullshit. It’s astounding.
Anyway, that’s the most honest answer I can give to you, man. Flame on.
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To address the second part (honestly man, I don’t have the mental energy anymore to counterpoint the first paragraph- feel free to count it as a win if you wish, I just can’t do it anymore). My personal feelings is no investigation outcome would ever satisfy a true Trumper. If it reveals nothing, the investigator will have been a fraud or something else will have occurred that is shady. It’s impossible to win an argument with Trump or anybody who blindly follows him. The other aspect of the investigation is I personally believe it’s been done. Recount after recount. Localized audits as naseum. What else do we need? He lost. Was there pockets of fraud in this election? Maybe, but not anymore proven than in any other election. Election reform where people need ID’s to vote? Sure man, sign me up. But for Christ sake this is over.

I like Chris Christie for the reasons you mentioned. He doesn’t take any shit. But for god sakes, he’s a normal and rational human being.
Christie is a scumbag politician that is on the side of whatever he thinks will benefit him.
Dude I’d give anything for a normal candidate again. I’d take Jeb in a
heartbeat over this total retard.

To your point about no independents left-that’s my point. Who do you think caused that? Obviously you’re not going to say Trump but clearly I feel differently. Fox News has turned this into Trump vs Socialists. It’s all bullshit
Holy f***ing cognitive dissonance. I'm not even mad, I'm impressed.
Christie is a scumbag politician that is on the side of whatever he thinks will benefit him.
Then you don’t want to hear my thoughts on Romney Kevin!
That’s okay though because I agree with a lot of other points you’ve made here on this thread.
I think he’s a monster Picton. I think he changed the game to the point where he turned so many people off because he’s a monster.

Okay. I can see that, though I think it's very simplistic.

I don't like the guy either, but in terms of the polarization of the country, I think he reflects more than he affects. Trump is a result, not a cause. The situation now is that the cause is still out there, emboldened as it's never been before, and Biden is going to be completely unable to deal with it.

40m dyed-in-the-wool Trump supporters and another 15-20m that figured he was not the cat's meow, but still a good president, are going to be something Joe has to try to figure out what to do with. I don't think he'll be able to. I think he'll sit helplessly by while the Swamp goes ham on us, as the kids say.

Like it or not, you'll be thrown in with us too, condemned by your membership here. Prepare.
Okay. I can see that, though I think it's very simplistic.

I don't like the guy either, but in terms of the polarization of the country, I think he reflects more than he affects. Trump is a result, not a cause. The situation now is that the cause is still out there, emboldened as it's never been before, and Biden is going to be completely unable to deal with it.

40m dyed-in-the-wool Trump supporters and another 15-20m that figured he was not the cat's meow, but still a good president, are going to be something Joe has to try to figure out what to do with. I don't think he'll be able to. I think he'll sit helplessly by while the Swamp goes ham on us, as the kids say.

Like it or not, you'll be thrown in with us too, condemned by your membership here. Prepare.
I appreciate that. I agree that he’s a symptom not a cause. That’s a fair point. There’s a lot to this discussion, but not everybody on here is actual thoughtful and just throws ridiculous insults at people, so it’s hard to engage in meaningful dialogue.

The only hope I see for this country is if Biden and now a senate majority of democrats take the high road and actually throw the republicans a bone and start working together even if they don’t “have to”. I was dismayed to see the democrats won Georgia. Them having a majority really screws us, and it also provides an easier escape for them to not have to work with conservatives.
Another aspect of all this nonsense is this. If you and I run for Congress and get elected (in different parties) and we go to our first day, we spend that day separated, being orientated by members of our own parties only, and the rest of our stay isn’t much different. There’s too much separation and that simply breeds more separation and anger and resentment and extremism.
Now we have a gaining popularity of actual certifiable socialists in our congress. It’s horrific. It’s extremism on both ends. Gone are the days of common ground and bipartisanship. We’re f’d
This woman who died was a criminal. From prior acts and from acts on the day she died when she was being a terrorist.

Quaint thread title, Her name was Ashli Babbitt. This is really woke of the tender OP.

It should be, Her name was Ashli Babbitt and she was a criminal and caused her own death.
People have been banned here for far less than this jackhole's level of trolling.
Your view of the SCOTUS is highly shaped by the high emotions around this election and increasing self-selection of people into echo chambers. The SCOTUS of "recently" is not the SCOTUS after Barrett. Now is probably the best time we've ever had, ever, to get good, smart, cases in front of them, thanks to the last 3 Trump nominations.
I don't know .
My faith has been pretty shaken.
I can't think of a more important case in the last hundred years than the integrity of our elections .
They wiffed that.
Maybe they will take up something REALLY important like Having to have 32 restrooms for each gender.
I appreciate that. I agree that he’s a symptom not a cause. That’s a fair point. There’s a lot to this discussion, but not everybody on here is actual thoughtful and just throws ridiculous insults at people, so it’s hard to engage in meaningful dialogue.

The only hope I see for this country is if Biden and now a senate majority of democrats take the high road and actually throw the republicans a bone and start working together even if they don’t “have to”. I was dismayed to see the democrats won Georgia. Them having a majority really screws us, and it also provides an easier escape for them to not have to work with conservatives.
Another aspect of all this nonsense is this. If you and I run for Congress and get elected (in different parties) and we go to our first day, we spend that day separated, being orientated by members of our own parties only, and the rest of our stay isn’t much different. There’s too much separation and that simply breeds more separation and anger and resentment and extremism.
Now we have a gaining popularity of actual certifiable socialists in our congress. It’s horrific. It’s extremism on both ends. Gone are the days of common ground and bipartisanship. We’re f’d
Line up to the right to turn in your guns.
If your a good little monkey maybe they won't shoot your wife and dog.
That's your "Bone".
Enjoy what you supported.
This woman who died was a criminal. From prior acts and from acts on the day she died when she was being a terrorist.

Quaint thread title, Her name was Ashli Babbitt. This is really woke of the tender OP.

It should be, Her name was Ashli Babbitt and she was a criminal and caused her own death.
I think this is a little harsh. Tuesday was not a red-letter day for the US and five people are unnecessarily dead. They're not martyrs or heroes. They're just victims of an out of control political climate. 'Criminal'? Technically, yes. But 'stupid games, stupid prizes' is still the more accurate description.
No no no no.
There’s a wonderful infographic somewhere out there on the interwebs that shows blue and red dots in a box. Each dot represents a D.C. politician. The closer the dots are to each other and the more lines connecting them to each other, the more they voted together. This infographic had boxes representing decades in the US, from like 1930-2010 or something like that. The dots get further and further apart with fewer and fewer lines connecting red and blue dots to each other, to the point of total isolation. It’s awful. It’s exactly what’s wrong with this country.
People can call me a liberal all they want for despising Trump. That’s the party line-it’s stupid, but whatever.
But ironically, actually befriending liberals, getting them on this platform, and getting them shooting would only help our cause to get 2A from a conservative thing to an everyman thing. But I guess that’s a pipe dream.
That last sentence is the God's honest truth.
They hate us.
They will never ever leave us alone.
You WILL be FORCED to comply with their agenda.
You WILL give up your constitutional rights or armed men will come to your house to kill you.
Your children WILL be indoctrinated whether you want it or not.
You WILL call a dude in a dress Ms. or Ma'm or face hate crime charges .
You WILL attend ALL of the mandatory "You are a racist, bigot , evil white person and forced to say it out loud " classes required.
And finally don't even THINK about saying Merry Christmas .

You apparently spent the Obama years in a cave.
Don't worry 2.0 + is coming and you'll remember why Trump was elected.
No. A large amount of the suits were dismissed for either lacking standing or being filed too late. That's notably different from being bullshit.
That's the thing - Trump was going on about fraud way before the election. He had plenty of time to deal with it and get things lined up. He failed at that.
I think he’s a monster Picton. I think he changed the game to the point where he turned so many people off because he’s a monster.

You do know that this is the epitome of TDS right? “Oh my dear Lord he’s a monster. I’ve got the vapors ya’ll.”

Did he eat any children in front of you? Take a bat to a bag full of fuzzy little kittens? What exactly makes him a monster?

Politicians despise him because he’s not one of them, and he’s been exposing their BS on both sides since the beginning. If you’re ok with what they do then you have bigger issues than just being afraid of the Orange Man.

I bet he’s hiding under your bed right now just waiting for you to lay down.
Can we all put an end to this divisive, vituperative, nasty name calling and labeling?
Can we discuss real issues and leave each other alone?
I'm getting tired and a little sick of it all.
Give it a rest.....
The shit starters are people working jobs trying to wind people up and distract from discussing the real issues in the world. How to be your Own Jannie – Free Republic, The Chans, And The Amygdala As Your Best Weapon In The Shadowy War for Control Of The Internet
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