Healey "closing the loophole" letter to gun dealers

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I swear to God, that if this woman is successful in this undertaking, that my wife and I WILL move out of the Commonwealth.

I've never been such a single-issue voter in my fifty years on this Earth, but tyranny will drive me out.

I know that M1911 has the avatar with the patch that says "THAT GUY", but I'm gonna be "THAT GUY" for this post. I lived in Connecticut for forty years, was originally planning on retiring/dying there. About five years ago we started talking about retiring in the south where it's warmer and cheaper to live, but that was a plan for 10 or 15 years from now.

A year or so ago I'd had it with Malloy and the Democratic congress/senate in Connecticut. Fed up with the way they're ruining the economy of Connecticut, fed up with the gun laws. So, when my wife said to me "Is there any reason we're waiting to move south?", my answer was "No, let me check with work".

Six months ago we closed on a house in Georgia. Got my gun permit, joined the (new), local rod and gun club. People down there shake their heads in disbelief when I tell them what the laws are like up here. It's a different culture down there.

I have a camper up here in Connecticut, so I can stay up here in the summer and see my remaining family and friends, (and escape the Georgia heat). I changed the address on my CT permit to my Georgia address, so it's now a non-resident permit and kept my membership in my CT rod and gun club. All of my firearms that were possibly questionable are now in Georgia where they're commonplace.

It's not a solution that's practical or possible for everyone.
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I'd be in for an OC protest. They did it in Oregon too btw.
Let us know how that works out for you when you and your six or eight (if it's anything like most of the Pro 2A gatherings that happen in MA) fellow protesters are in the Stalag....

(I was one of the twelve or sixteen Pro2A citizens who actually bothered and showed up at the public hearings on stronger gun control a few years ago)
There are pro2a legislators who can make a big stink about this.

This is also an opportunity for the cops out there to publicly weigh in. Our only hope is that this is such a broad overreach that some of those in trusted positions of authority will feel compelled to speak out against it.
There are pro2a legislators who can make a big stink about this.

There were plenty of legislators who were opposed to gay marriage (or at least pretended to be). Those sincerely opposed were simply steamrolled. The pretenders experienced "change of hearts", "evolving" positions, etc. Bottom line is we need to let our reps and senators know there will be a price to be paid if they roll on this. And we have to back that up by supporting challengers, etc.
You guys aren't doing it right - REFUSE TO REGISTER, BUILD IT HOW YOU WANT AND ENJOY IT. Some of us will get pinched - refuse to plead, make all hearings happen, object to everything, CHOKE THE SYSTEM. When they are busy with us, they can't have a trial on the guy who killed a kid or a drug dealer at the school - make it hurt.

Any places stock lowers in Mass?
Any guesses on what she has coming at 11:00?
Prob making possession illegal of all semi autos period. She has gone full retard already, nothing stopping her from going on, especially w the SCOTUS refusing to hear firearm cases

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Let's say I finished an AR build today. Is it impossible to record on an E-FA10 or is it possible to record it thereby identifying me as a felon?

What I wonder is - any FA-10 submitted within this and the following several days could be registering a build completed yesterday, since we have 7 days to register. Will they be looking through the FA-10 system and hassling people,?
I started an Arfcom thread as well to reach a wider audience.

I have NFA stamps pending that will need to be FA10'd at some point. Wonder how that will work.
Let's say I finished an AR build today. Is it impossible to record on an E-FA10 or is it possible to record it thereby identifying me as a felon?
Don't even bother with the eFA-10. Our AG has zero respect for the law and your best attempts to stay legal might land you in trouble.
Healy "closing the loophole" letter to gun dealers

Tinfoil alert: anyone here think that they're monitoring these forums for ideas for 11am or are we sure her announcement is already set in stone?
Let's say I finished an AR build today. Is it impossible to record on an E-FA10 or is it possible to record it thereby identifying me as a felon?

you are already a felon many times over for simple being in mAss. If the rifle isn't capable to discharge a shot, it's not a rifle.
GOAL has organized well-attended protests on the Common and at the Statehouse. I've been to many.

It is time for GOAL to do this again and for all of us to become vocal activists and participate. OCing aside, just protesters with signs has gotten us good attention in the past.

Tyranny must be stopped, but no one will do it for us. We must band together and do it ourselves!

My thoughts only.
Tinfoil alert: anyone here think that they're monitoring these forums for ideas for 11am or are we sure her announcement us already set in stone?

I think they're far beyond giving a shit what we have to say or what we think. You know I always thought the anti-2A crowd has been too quiet here in MA. That's because they've been waiting to drop the hammer, and I guess today is when the hammer is going to be dropped.
Tinfoil alert: anyone here think that they're monitoring these forums for ideas for 11am or are we sure her announcement us already set in stone?

I doubt it, they don't give a shit, your fate is sealed by whatever they think that they can get away with. You are being paranoid, put down that joint and chill.
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