Healey "closing the loophole" letter to gun dealers

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Now that black people are using these weapons in crimes she feels the need to ban them? Sounds awfully racist to me.

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The AG, even at this point, seems to be staying clear of outlawing property that was legal when acquired.

If this ban were applied to eFA-10s on NFA weapons now waiting transfer, it would cross that line.

But, as we know, the AG does not issue a-priori legal opinions on her regulations.

She's not going to mess with the eFA-10 system or anything that will make common citizens into felons, she's just going to go after the soft targets which is FFLs. That way she can do the most damage while drawing the least attention. Ordinary citizens getting charged with felonies will draw too much attention and scare voters.
She probably sees California gun law as a model and wants to go there and beyond, without the inconvenience of legislation. Clearly her personal agenda carries more weight than the law. [rolleyes]

Somehow 'attorney' general is quite the oxymoron in her case, as one would assume an attorney knows something about law.

She does this is why they love the word play.... also she will most likely have it based on public safety and they can alter change and do what ever they want under the safety of the people.
She's not going to mess with the eFA-10 system or anything that will make common citizens into felons, she's just going to go after the soft targets which is FFLs. That way she can do the most damage while drawing the least attention. Ordinary citizens getting charged with felonies will draw too much attention and scare voters.
In that case, drive up to NH and buy rifles that are otherwise "Mass compliant" and bring them back.

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She needs to press charges against someone.

Exactly. Once she has destroyed the lives of a few law-abiding citizens, emptied the coffers of Comm2A or other pro-legal groups, etc, it maybe goes before a Clinton-stacked SCOTUS where it gets upheld 6-3 or 7-2. (Yes, my outlook is grim as usual.)
Dominos are starting to fall. We'll be in the same boat as NJ before long. CC permits are probably next on the chopping block. Love this state :)
Thank God my wife is increasingly into the idea of leaving Mass. I'm hopeful that we have no more than 2-3 years in this anti-liberty state. I just hope I'm not turned into a felon before I can escape.
Don't read the comments on the Globe article. Most are praising this "common sense" directive. One person thinks this is great as no one needs more than 10 rounds. Sigh.
1. Wait a few more minutes till 11:00 hours and then we'll see specifically what WE ARE ALL up against.
2. Stop worrying about Cops and Fudds, etc....WE are all in this fight. Rights are for everybody, our sons and daughters will suffer.
There's a method to her madness.

She may or may not have the legal authority to rewrite, reinterpret the law as currently written, but even if struck down by the courts (or if she backs off),

the damage is already done.

This move of hers will set the legislatures wheels in motion to rewrite the current law and make it even more restrictive than what Healy has planned.

Don't be surprised if 10+ magazines and restricting private sales are on the chopping block..
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