Healey "closing the loophole" letter to gun dealers

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Suprised no new updates have been released today regarding clearing up what exactly this c*nt is prohibiting.

Also suprised we haven't heard a statement from companies like S&W who were the primary sellers of AR15s in MA (unless I missed it). You'd think they'd be quick to condemn this publicly.

I think people/companies are still shell shocked and trying to grasp what this all means.
This is bad juju on so many levels. Obviously for 2A rights but it just makes me shudder to think of all the AGs in the country flipping through all kinds of statutes to see what vague language they can "interpret" to suit their personal/party agenda on a whim like this.
Just got off the phone with Bruce Tarr's assistant. According to him: they were blindsided by her and what she did is completely unconstitutional. If she wanted to amend it that's one thing but she didn't do it how she should have. He said they're going to gather all the facts and then issue a statement challenging her.
Yes, but that only applies to muskets not black killy objects. These traitors really need to suffer some consequences for their treasonous acts.
They should be ejected from office at the very least.

Here is the key principle: Both Heller and McDonald corroborated that the right to bear arms is “fundamental”; i.e., it is implicit in the concept of ordered liberty and deeply rooted in our nation’s traditions and culture. Consequently, the Constitution establishes a presumption of individual liberty. That means government bears a heavy burden to justify any regulations that would compromise the right.


Apparently that Witch didn't get the memo. She needs no justification what so ever.
It is probably the equivalent to pissing into the wind, but at least it made me feel a little better. Here is my response to the governor's office after they thanked me for yesterday's email.

Dear Governor Baker & Staff,

Thank you for acknowledging my original letter. Unfortunately I have seen your response to the AG's blatant over reach (both in the paper this morning and on the radio this afternoon), and I am NOT satisfied with the stance you have taken.
  • She is reinterpreting the established law in a a fashion that violates both the state and federal constitution.
  • She is over reaching the powers and responsibilities of her office.
  • Through her actions she is obviating the legislature, usurping their authority on the issue.
  • The existing law is clear and it's interpretation has been agreed upon by all parties for many years (since 1994 federally and since 1998 in MA). Her "revised" interpretation is in violation of 18 and 22 years of precedent.
  • She explicitly declared that all gun owners in the state are currently committing felonies, and that we are not being brought up on charges en-mass on the basis of her "prosecutorial discretion". She also mad a point of the fact that she reserves the right to change her stance on this fact (or any part of the directive for that matter) in the future.
I have been a law abiding citizen for all of my life, and I planed to continue doing so. However, if the meaning of the laws can change over night retroactively, with no warning, then it makes continuing on that path both far more difficult. If your government (and I hold you responsible not only because you are standing on the sidelines as this happens, but because as the governor you are the chief executive of the state, and the AGO falls under your executive branch of the government) continues to make it difficult for honest, well-intentioned citizens to play by the rules, then those same honest, well-intentioned voters and taxpayers will simply stop doing so.

I am asking you to seriously reconsider your response to the Attorney General's dangerous actions.


Just got off the phone with Bruce Tarr's assistant. According to him: they were blindsided by her and what she did is completely unconstitutional. If she wanted to amend it that's one thing but she didn't do it how she should have. He said they're going to gather all the facts and then issue a statement challenging her.

Not to take anything away from him, but he is the minority leader in a state where the minority is tiny, and he will need to convince a lot of Democrats to join him in this. While they may not like what she did generally, she accomplished their goals where they could not. Now they got their total gun ban, and didn't even have to work for it. Perfect!

FWIW, I support Tarr, and I appreciate his efforts. He has his work cut out for him.
Baker only defeated Coakley by 40,000 votes. If he hears from even half that many pissed off gun owners, it might give him pause. Even if not, it's fun just to tell his aides he screwed himself for the '18 election.

I don't want to derail the thread, but Coakley was a giant turd of a candidate. If the 'Republicans' were able to put up a decent centrist candidate, which they aren't, that person may have crushed Coakley. FFS, this guy is more liberal than many liberals. OMG this state is so effed.

Just once more in my life I would like to vote for someone I respect and agree with, and have them win and fight the good fight. Sigh.
I'm down by the statehouse now. Maybe 30-40 people here total and I just had 3-4 staties pass me on the sidewalk heading there. Also seems to be a news crew or two. One looks like telemundo, can't tell who the other is.
I'm down by the statehouse now. Maybe 30-40 people here total and I just had 3-4 staties pass me on the sidewalk heading there. Also seems to be a news crew or two. One looks like telemundo, can't tell who the other is.

tell 'em to come back saturday too....and the again next saturday, and the one after that, and.....
Just got off the phone with Bruce Tarr's assistant. According to him: they were blindsided by her and what she did is completely unconstitutional. If she wanted to amend it that's one thing but she didn't do it how she should have. He said they're going to gather all the facts and then issue a statement challenging her.

It'd be a great thing if they shot this directive down and repealed the AWB seeing as how even she admits that it was all cosmetic.

Unlikely, but at least her words are there to prove the AWB law does nothing.
Basically what the law is defining about firearms obtained before 7/20/16 being "Legal" to transfer is all our Rifles that we had before this BS have essentially tripled in value if you chose to gouge unfortunate people who failed to stock up on rifles as opposed to mags and ammo. You watch, by next month those same AR's that people bitched about being overpriced will seem like great deals.

I haven't seen anything that clearly says it's ok to sell one of the evil rifles that was possessed before the 7/20 date to another MA resident.
I sent this letter to the Herald, Globe, Telegram & Gazette, Springfield Republican, Lowell Sun, and Eagle Tribune today. We'll see if they have the guts to publish it.


An open letter to Attorney General Maura Healey and her fellow anti-gun progressives:

I see that you are once again infringing on the civil rights of gun owners. Our custom of keeping and bearing arms is foreign to you, so we make convenient scapegoats for the moral dystopia of your progressive society.

Your welfare state has brought us a cycle of dependency that dissolves inner city families and leaves young men, many of them fathers, to seek means and meaning in gangs and their violence. Your anti-American revisionist history has undermined our patriotism and national identity, paralyzing us with pacifism in the face of enemies who terrorize us at home and abroad. Your Godless society has given us a proliferation of self-absorbed psychopaths who, devoid of morality and loving neither God nor neighbor, slaughter those whose happiness, success, or innocence they lack.

Your answer in every case, instead of the introspection that would reveal the root of these evils and the rot at the core of your ideology, is to scapegoat us law-abiding gun owners for crimes we did not commit. Just as Nero and Diocletian blamed Christians for the crumbling of the Roman Empire; just as the Klan faulted emancipated slaves for the economic malaise of the former Confederacy; just as the Nazis promoted anti-Semitism to escape Germany’s interbellum shortcomings; so you now persecute gun owners for the moral deficiencies of your progressive state.

Count yourselves among history’s greatest bigots - those who, to shirk their own failings, stoked fear and hatred of others whose customs, color, or creed differed from their own.
Suprised no new updates have been released today regarding clearing up what exactly this c*nt is prohibiting.

Also suprised we haven't heard a statement from companies like S&W who were the primary sellers of AR15s in MA (unless I missed it). You'd think they'd be quick to condemn this publicly.

i wonder if she keeps this up for a few months then backs off but during that time alot of gun shops close, and that was her ultimate goal
You are missing my point, which was that having faith in the system to make things right is misguided at best. FYI, I am very well read in American history.

The problem is. You're in the wrong system. The "system" in MA is working perfectly. It's mostly liberal douchebag populace thinks that THIS IS fixing the problem. That is the problem. If you have a democratic community of 1000 people. 990 want one thing and 10 want the other thing. Voting will NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER get the 10 people what they want. Ever! That is where you all are right now. Granted her edict is clearly an illegal overreach. Absolutely no doubt about it. But if it were put to a vote today. You would loose an in crushing landslide. And there is absolutely no doubt about that either.

Your options are as follows:

1-Riot in the streets. Literally burn the system down. While accepting the probably thousands of lives lost in the process. (tried and true and created this country)

2-Bitch and moan to pols who DGAF and then ultimately submit to your masters. (what most of you will do)

3-Get the **** out of dodge and stop financing their shit. (what the smart ones already did, some small few may follow after this)

Ya I know, family, job etc... Whatever. If after looking at the big picture you still chose to raise you kids in that environment, because it is easier than moving. Well you're probably where you belong already. Just stick out your arm. Get your tattoo, and wait for a gov representative to come offer you a meal and a hot shower.
i wonder if she keeps this up for a few months then backs off but during that time alot of gun shops close, and that was her ultimate goal

Many people will simply buy what they can buy. Many gun shops are side businesses, so their overhead isn't incredibly high. Perhaps I am off-base, but given the high sales of the past few years, and the other factors, I would think a lot of shops can weather a drought.
Baker only defeated Coakley by 40,000 votes. If he hears from even half that many pissed off gun owners, it might give him pause. Even if not, it's fun just to tell his aides he screwed himself for the '18 election.

this, he needs to hear that we do not forget and this is his last term, so he can get ready to run in NH like Brown did.
Stopped in at FSG and they will not sell any semi-automatic magazine fed rifle without further clarification from Maura. To be fair I did not ask about rimfire. I can not blame them after rereading the letter on the Website again she could trip them up on the Ranch Rifle I was asking about.
OK, this is a huge stretch but maybe there is a long term silver lining for you MA folks.

If it is eventually decided that your AG's interpretation of the law is valid because the statute is not clear enough couldn't it then be argued that the whole statute is unconstitutional because it is too vague and leaves the door open to the restriction of 2A rights well beyond what may be considered "reasonable" and is therefore in violation of the 2nd amendment?

As Dressed to Kill quoted, Heller says that there is a heavy burden on the govt to justify a restriction to 2A and I don't think banning all semi-auto guns would hold up to that at all. Yeah, I know it's a stretch but it makes some logical sense. The only way that is ever going to happen though is for Hitlery to lose so the SCOTUS isn't stacked with moonbats.

CT's ban on ARs was challenged to the SCOTUS and was just denied cert while they are at 4 libs and 4 conservatives and even though the AR is the most popular gun in America and passes the commonly owned test. That said, banning the AR is a lot less restrictive than MA trying to ban all semi-autos so maybe they would hear a challenge to the MA statute.
Ever since high shool I loved history. I Revered the founding of this country and studied it for many decades afterward.

There was one thing that always nagged at me regarding the separation of powers: Executive, Judicial, legislative.

That nagging worry was "who polices the policemen?" In other words it always bothered me that there was very little that could be done if not one but two of the separations were compromised. What is supposed to happen is the remaining two were to clamp down on the wayward third. The president and his minions begin to sound like a tyrant or dictator, ignoring congress and the scotus. What to do? Censure or impeach him/her, etc. What happens, however, if you've got a complicit house, AG, or scotus and a wayward president? What then? They redefine the constitution to mean what they say, not what was intended and who is to stop them?? There is no one to stop them at the top. Then what do we do?

I believe it was Rush who said why this hasn't happened yet. He said it was because the vast majority of people holding office were honorable.....not always the best of people and certainly with their foibles but at their core, they wanted the country to survive and thrive. What happens when you get people in office who don't have the best interest of the country at heart and feel that our country needs to be put into a vulnerable position as it today: totally in debt, stripped military, failing social structure, inner cites at war with the police.

I can see why this election has taken on the importance it has. It's really going to be a crossroads that will be literally impossible to turn back to in 2020. This is it. Hillary will be status quo and Trump won't.

It is this pervasive attitude that has infected state governments like this AG, to brazenly strip it's citizens of their guaranteed federal rights and their own state's rights at the same time and not be the least bit concerned about the fallout. Massachusetts has shown just how infected we all are as the rest of the government says NOTHING.....even if they could do nothing about it, they could show some solidarity with the people being accosted. On the contrary, it's as if she was being cheered on. This portends to be very very bad with a very bad outcome. It's ironic, however, that it should begin there...the cradle of our country's democracy.

Not for nothing - but that problem you mentioned is exactly why there is a second amendment.

Jefferson said that the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of tyrants - and if I remember correctly he said that revolution should be a frequent thing when the government got out of control.

I don't think the founders deluded themselves into thinking that even the system of government they devised was incorruptible. They just tried to put something together that would stave off the corruption.

When that inevitable corruption and tyranny occurred again - people were supposed to use those firearms and take out the corrupted government if it refused to take itself out.
I've been law abiding my whole life. Hell, I won't even jaywalk on the street. I always condemned people who even walked close to the line of breaking the law.

This situation has completely changed my views. This isn't what my father came to this country for. National guard locking us in our homes as they chased one teenage fugitive? A government official getting away with breaking a law that would have anyone else indicted? Now a clueless AG uneducated in the subject waving her wand and prohibiting the sale of a regulated consumer product without any process?

I don't know about most of you but I will NOT be turning in any firearm if asked. No, I'm not some bum with no future and nothing to lose, I have much to lose. It's not even about this being a STEP to something worse that we must stop. This is that "something worse". F*ck them, this garbage should be ignored by all of us, very simple solution, no sleep lost.
The people who should be very worried about this are the other AWB states. You can guarantee the other AGs in those states are salivating at the idea of cloning this.
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