Healey "closing the loophole" letter to gun dealers

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Stopped in at FSG and they will not sell any semi-automatic magazine fed rifle without further clarification from Maura. To be fair I did not ask about rimfire. I can not blame them after rereading the letter on the Website again she could trip them up on the Ranch Rifle I was asking about.

Next letter from her will come with coupons for muzzle loaded rifles, the only weapons allowed for those who can convince her that their family tree was planted in Plymouth Plantation. Real patriots, you know.
Is AR 15-22 also an assult weapon? I know CT has excluse that from the assault weapon ban.

This is a good question

GL ch. 140 sec. 121 says "copies or duplicates of the weapons, of any caliber . . . "

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I've been law abiding my whole life. Hell, I won't even jaywalk on the street. I always condemned people who even walked close to the line of breaking the law.

This situation has completely changed my views. This isn't what my father came to this country for. National guard locking us in our homes as they chased one teenage fugitive? A government official getting away with breaking a law that would have anyone else indicted? Now a clueless AG uneducated in the subject waving her wand and prohibiting the sale of a regulated consumer product without any process?

I don't know about most of you but I will NOT be turning in any firearm if asked. No, I'm not some bum with no future and nothing to lose, I have much to lose. It's not even about this being a STEP to something worse that we must stop. This is that "something worse". F*ck them, this garbage should be ignored by all of us, very simple solution, no sleep lost.

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The people who should be very worried about this are the other AWB states. You can guarantee the other AGs in those states are salivating at the idea of cloning this.

And they're learning from any failings here to ensure theirs is even harder to contest. What a time we live in!......
Just got off the phone with an aide in Bakers office.
It seems like Charlie is determining which way the wind is blowing before he makes a statement.
She told me he's looking at the total number of calls before he issues a statement.
LIGHT THIS SHIT UP boys and girls. 617- 725- 4005
One term Charlie already is committed . Out. Traitor.
[rofl2] I just got a call from the new bedford police union looking for donations. I said sure. Right after you tell me what you and the other unions are doing about the illegal edict the AG released yesterday. Stating that myself and thousands of other licensed gun owners are now overnight felons. (ya I'm in SC now and not effected but hey he doesn't know that [smile]) I let him stammer for a min. before saying, "ya that's what I thought. criminal PDs supporting their criminal AG. what to you care as long as you're part of the exempted class, right? You get nothing." <click>

For anyone wondering why I got a call in SC. My home number is through vonage and I never changed it when I move. So my 508 number is still in a bunch of databases up there. I laugh when I get calls about lowering my electric rate. I ask, "oh ya? really? you can beat the $130 mo. I pay here in SC to power everything from my well pump to my central air? Sign me up!" Sometimes, not too often, I actually feel bad for the telemarketers who call me. [laugh]
Baker only defeated Coakley by 40,000 votes. If he hears from even half that many pissed off gun owners, it might give him pause. Even if not, it's fun just to tell his aides he screwed himself for the '18 election.
I agree.

Hopefully this will reach Charley's and Healeys desk.

Sign these guys. Even though we cannot literally kick them out of office. Let's make them known that we are watching them and bringing the heat.

More fire under their asses for the time being.


Very much a "business as usual" tone to that short article.

Most people don't know enough about firearms to grasp the magnitude of what just happened.

Was just a small loophole, doncha know.

They're too busy Trumpeteering to be concerned about the arbitrary criminalization of the 10s of thousands of ppl
Now FoxNews site has the story:

Stats don't support Massachusetts AG's expanded ban on 'assault weapons'


But critics reacted quickly, noting that FBI Uniform Crime Statistics show zero murders were committed in Massachusetts in 2014 using rifles of any sort. While most mass shootings in the U.S. involved a rifle, the vast majority of gun deaths nationwide did not.

“This is an abuse of power by the Massachusetts attorney general,” said Alan Gottlieb, chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms and founder of the Second Amendment Foundation.

“It is no different than President Obama’s illegal anti-gun executive orders. If these firearms were legal yesterday, they are legal today," Gottlieb said in an email to FoxNews.com.

"This ban on semi-auto firearms must be stopped before gun prohibitionists in other states try to enact similar bans by fiat," he said.

Time to make a donation to SAF as well!

Best comment so far:
I think rug munching Attorney Generals should be banned.
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I know some of you are opposed to the social media but there is a lot of 2A support there.

The people who should be very worried about this are the other AWB states. You can guarantee the other AGs in those states are salivating at the idea of cloning this.

Oh we are, at least I know I am. The CT gov is always a step behind in the intelligence and creativity categories but they are good at copying and taking orders from the Kenyan via our idiot governor. They are always trying to prove what wonderful libtards they are so I am sure CT's AG will be getting a call from Dumbass Dannel Malloy soon if not already telling him to do the same thing asap. I can only hope our AG isn't as bold and tells him to wait and see if it works in MA first before trying. If it works in MA then CT, NY, NJ, CA, MD, DC, etc will all follow suit quickly.
It is worse than this.

Her standard in the "Similarity Test" is: "...if the operating system and firing mechanism of the weapon are based on or otherwise substantially similar to one of the Enumerated Weapons."

Go look at the list of "Enumerated Weapons" again. Virtually every type of semi-automatic design is represented there. For example, the blow-back action of the Tec-9 is similar to the action on a 10-22. The action on a FAL isn't much different than what you find on Remington 1100.

This new "interpretation" as presented isn't about AR pattern rifles, but will very easily apply to ANY semi-automatic action on ANY gun. It matters not what the intent was, but what the language says.

And you can be damned sure that this was not by accident.


"Ok so what does substantially similar mean Maura?"

"Well if it has a trigger and a sear then it is substantially similar..."

That is all it takes.
Ok, so who is going to the GOAL protest armed? I am...screw it. I love my children and country too much to NOT do that.
Any of you with registered MGs aught to be sweating right now. I wonder if this dumb twat even knows there are legal full autos in the state. Watch how quickly she closes that "loophole". Citing all the other states where you can't get an MG license. I know the guns are clear as far as date of manufacture goes. But I but she just outright disallows them in the state.
Ok, so who is going to the GOAL protest armed? I am...screw it. I love my children and country too much to NOT do that.

So no one is willing to go to the GOAL protest armed, eh. I'm thinking my Garand on my shoulder, since open carry isn;t illegal in MA, or at least, a sidearm concealed.
Like Killary will save your butt. We agreed that we will leave Trump for a dedicated thread. Wake up!

Easy - It wasn't meant to be a political statement. I feel they could take some time from trumpmania to write an article that was a true representation of what's going on here.
I sent this letter to the Herald, Globe, Telegram & Gazette, Springfield Republican, Lowell Sun, and Eagle Tribune today. We'll see if they have the guts to publish it.


An open letter to Attorney General Maura Healey and her fellow anti-gun progressives:

I see that you are once again infringing on the civil rights of gun owners. Our custom of keeping and bearing arms is foreign to you, so we make convenient scapegoats for the moral dystopia of your progressive society.

Your welfare state has brought us a cycle of dependency that dissolves inner city families and leaves young men, many of them fathers, to seek means and meaning in gangs and their violence. Your anti-American revisionist history has undermined our patriotism and national identity, paralyzing us with pacifism in the face of enemies who terrorize us at home and abroad. Your Godless society has given us a proliferation of self-absorbed psychopaths who, devoid of morality and loving neither God nor neighbor, slaughter those whose happiness, success, or innocence they lack.

Your answer in every case, instead of the introspection that would reveal the root of these evils and the rot at the core of your ideology, is to scapegoat us law-abiding gun owners for crimes we did not commit. Just as Nero and Diocletian blamed Christians for the crumbling of the Roman Empire; just as the Klan faulted emancipated slaves for the economic malaise of the former Confederacy; just as the Nazis promoted anti-Semitism to escape Germany’s interbellum shortcomings; so you now persecute gun owners for the moral deficiencies of your progressive state.

Count yourselves among history’s greatest bigots - those who, to shirk their own failings, stoked fear and hatred of others whose customs, color, or creed differed from their own.

excellent letter
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