Heading for the hills...

Are you leaving because MA is socialist?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 11.3%
  • Yes in the next couple of years

    Votes: 48 32.0%
  • I would like to leave but I can't

    Votes: 66 44.0%
  • I am staying here in MA

    Votes: 19 12.7%

  • Total voters
I got your back, RJ; I'm not going anywhere, either. Remember: In brightest day, in blackest night: no evil shall escape my sight... I think that means that we're supposed to keep a sharp eye on the liberals. [smile]

You da man, Ross! [smile] I got my shirt too. Awesome. [wink]
Derek, I'm so very happy for you and the family. Just imagine - the kids can go out and play and you don't have to have a nervous breakdown if they're out of your sight for 30 seconds. [wink]

For those that are left, I'll be here for a while as well. However, when mom finds it's her time to join my dad, then Edward and I are out of here. It's not just the fact that I honestly DO hate this state and all the freaking libs in it, it's not just being able to buy whatever gun I want and not have to deal with BS gun control, it's the winters. I'm getting to the age where the cold and snow are getting to be a bit too much. However, until that time that I find myself free, I'll still fight the fight, make phone calls and write letters. I wouldn't want the legicritters on the Hill to forget my name. [laugh]
I put within 2 years... I'm fresh out of college and itching to get back in NH where I spent over 4 years at UNH [smile] Being the only conservative minded person in the land of liberals is frustrating... and I don't think it will change anytime soon around here. Not to say I think all liberals are bad, I believe in common sense more than anything! I think there are idiots on both sides of the political fence.

it's the winters. I'm getting to the age where the cold and snow are getting to be a bit too much.
Strange... I've been thinking for the last year or two that the late fall and early spring are too cold for me to ride an unfaired bike - so my solution is that I need another bike! One with that wonderful full touring BMW fairing on it...
Being the only conservative minded person in the land of liberals is frustrating.
Ahem. Tom, you need to become a paid member so that you can join in on the shoots and the lunch/dinner meets... then you won't be the only conservative at the table!

There's a lunch meet coming up this weekend... details in the Members Only section.
Hmm perhaps I should have written one of the few conservative minded [grin]

I will definitely be looking into membership here in the near future!
Beautiful sentiment but, unfortunately, by staying you also fund those who oppress you by paying taxes. Why do that? Deny them your tax money and move elsewhere.

As far as things going full circle, I doubt it very much. Demographically it doesn't seem like white, conservative voters are going to be much of a factor in MA any time soon. Illegals, who probably have no clue about 2A rights, will eventually swamp MA as Deval will make sure they get licenses. And they'll just vote to maintain or increase the Democratic majority in MA.

I see things going from bad to worse in MA not getting any better. But I could be wrong and I certainly hope I am. [hmmm]

Taxes do not oppress me, and to be sure, death and taxes are facts of our existence. Personally, the problem I have with leaving is the cut and run aspect of it. Again, for those who leave, for their reasons, I wish them all well. But for me, I will stand and be counted, as is my right and privilage.
Who can predict the future? Some will stay, and some will go. When conservatives leave, the lefties are not shedding any tears. Those of us who remain, they still have to deal with. Those who leave, well, case closed. Massachusetts has no power over you any longer.
I'm still going to help you guys out in MA as much as I possibly can. If I had more patience I would stick around, but I have about as much as Dr. Kevorkian
Who can predict the future?
Very true! Look what happened in the wake of Luby's Cafe in Texas - one of the survivors ran for office, got in, and pushed right to carry laws into existance.

While I don't want to see that happen in, say, Kelly's Roast Beef, there's always that possibility of an LTC holder stopping something like that... and doing it real publicly.

Meantime, I have many friends I don't want to leave, and a Lodge I don't want to leave... not to mention a nice house that we like.

I'll stay and fight.

I'm planning on moving to Maine within 4 or 5 years. I just took a new job up in Wilmington and I want to go back to school, when I'm done with that I'll be looking for a career and home in Maine.
That's a little bit different. The colonists got pissed off
taxation and took their guns, formed militias, and
ultimately got into some huge battles with the
british. When the colonists got pissed off, they ended
up -shooting at- the enemy. We've reduced to whining
to the enemy (eg lobbying) and filing lawsuits. [rolleyes]
which doesn't seem to be nearly as effective. The colonists
also had a groundswell of local support behind them. We
have virtually none, except from other MA gun owners (the
gun owners in the rest of the US basically make fun of us for
staying here) and a handful of politicians in MA that believe
in gun ownership as a right.

I can see someone justifying staying in MA because of
family or other reasons, but saying you're "staying here
to fight" is pretty amusing, considering that battle
was already lost, a long time ago. The permitting
system, registration, awb, etc, is already evidence
that we're basically prisoners of war at this point. At
this point, "fighting" is basically a matter of trying to
preserve the status quo, on a good day... and the status
quo is horrific. Staying in MA is not much different than
a soldier saying that they want to hang out at the Hanoi
Hilton to fight the NVA. It just doesn't pan out all that
well in reality.

Obviously everyone has different individual perogatives
when it comes to either staying or leaving and everyone
must make their own decision... Obviously, for some,
there are overriding factors... family, career, etc... all
of which are important.

The longer I stay here though, the more I get pissed off.
The funny thing is, I've been here most of my life, and until
I became a gun owner several years ago, I had no idea how
screwed up this state was. Ignorance is bliss, I guess.
I don't know when I'll be able to leave (due to practical
concerns and $$$$) but getting the hell out of this state is
on my "To Do" list.


Point of order, here.
Very small groups of Colonists banded together to fight for what they believed in, against very long odds. They stood their ground and succeeded.
Today we can whine, file lawsuits, and hey, how about VOTE? Change the hearts and minds, try to re-establish common sense, respect for the Constitution, and vote accordingly. Shooting the enemy is not an option.
Gun owners in Massachusetts have the best reason to stay here, stay together, and speak as one voice. We may be the last of the dying breed: Gun owners in Massachusetts. I do not want to be among those who abandoned this state to the leftards, particularly with respect to RKBA.
Gun owners should support us too, lest their "safe" states fall victim to a similar run on their constitutionally guaranteed rights. For those what understand this, no explanation is necessary, for those that don't, none is possible.
The fight is not lost, nor are we prisoners of war as you suggest. Anyone here who owns firearms, participates in shooting sports, hunting, LTC, and the like still has the right/privilage. We are not subjucated, not yet. That is the reality for us who are staying, preferring to be part of the solution, not part of the problem.
Naaaaah, apparently they have to be mailed back. My insurance company had me mail mine to them and they turned them in. I was glad to be rid of it though.

I HATE SEEING Ma**h*** LICENSE PLATES IN NEW HAMPSHIRE!!!!! But I tolerate them as long as they drive in to buy stuff then leave. [laugh]

Edit: My driver's license also got mailed back to the People's Republic. I was somewhat bummed out as I had planned to shred it. Oh well.

But is there a constraint on the number of bullet holes you put in the plate before you send it back? **2nd edit: Whoops! Just read Dwarven1's post. I'm redundant again.**

Way to go, Derek! I know the feeling. Ten years ago, I was thrilled to get out of IL* & start on my way to ME again.

*IL being one of the few states that is more liberal and more gun-restrictive than MA
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As a lifelong MA resident who recently decamped to Maine, I say well done Derek!

Good news: My company is getting me a company car, so yay, cheaper for me.
Bad news: It has to have MA plates, even though I live in ME.
Yes , MA. has a lot of problems . But even if I could move right now I'd probably still stay here . Even though the politics/polititions suck , there are a lot of things I like about MA.
What bothers me the most is that most people in MA have been so brainwashed . WHY do they keep electing these MORONS ??? - Deval Patrick , Mumbles Menino etc.
I agree with Cadilac Jack " the fight is not lost " . I don't want to run away to another state , I like it here .
As a lifelong MA resident who recently decamped to Maine, I say well done Derek!

Good news: My company is getting me a company car, so yay, cheaper for me.
Bad news: It has to have MA plates, even though I live in ME.

So long as I don't see you driving UP Exchange St. in Portland Then you're finest Kind, Cap! [smile]
I have to admit that I think seriously sometimes about getting out of MA - but like Cadillac Jack and the others that seems to much like running to me. If we give up and leave the state completely to the liberals it's like giving in without a fight. Maybe I subscribe to the same philosophy as Conan the barbarian: " What is best in life? To crush your enemies. To see them driven before you. And to hear the lamentations of their women... "

and I still hope for the day when the liberals will finally jump the shark by doing something really stupid and consign their stupid philosophies to the dustbin of history. Most of the people I know here tend to the more conservative side in my estimation - and we talk about why it is that most of the people we know seem to be conservative - and yet the state is so damn liberal.
Because most of the folks I know who AREN'T on this board are screaming libs. I love them anyway, but I've given up talking politics to many of them... my dentist recommended that course of action so that I'd stop grinding my teeth.
Chris I'm about 3 blocks from FPC...

I will still be commuting, right around 60 minutes...

Glad to hear You are finally escaping , Rindge is a great little town
It sounds like you will be living about 3 blocks from Lil Bandit [smile]
Have You tried Pizza Haven Yet ?
There is also a New England Hot Dog Company coming to the area , further down Rt.119 past Fogg's and Pizza Haven .
<-------Notice my new location??? [smile]

And guess what? My non-socialized car insurance in NH is 20% cheaper... Go figure...
F--K! I've been staying in Shirley MA. Kinda couch surfing at the moment (Read: Homeless), so I still have NH residency.
Congrats on the move. Enjoy breathing "free air" every day when you return from work!
It's funny, most times when people move they leave the snow behind and move south to the sunny states, I'm seeing everyone moving north into the snow [smile] [smile] [smile]. Not the norm.

Deb and I have talked about moving, maybe Tenn or SC (need to be close to NASCAR tracks [smile] if I move somewhere) . Maybe when both of us are back in good health.
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