Having More Than 7 Days Of Food Makes You A Suspected Terrorist

This would explain why an overwhelming majority of terrorist acts are perpetrated by members of one religion.

We have to put a stop to Mormon terrorism.
... more than one gun etc...

I don't get it. I can have hundreds and hundreds of Craftsman wrenches, and dozens of power tools, but I buy 30 guns and a few cases of ammunition and suddenly I'm the bad guy.

I can see it now: the scene- Home Depot. DHS Officer: excuse me sir, can you tell me what you plan to do with all these 2x4's and cement board?
I can see it now.. Stings set outside of every BJ's and Costco store.

Excuse me sir, what is the deal with buying 10lbs of bacon?
We'll be watching you!
What is funny/scary is I read an article that the average American home has 2 weeks of food left when people say they are out of food. I can't find the article now of course, but if that is the case most Americans could be considered terrorist.

How long ago was it when we had McCartyism? you know that period when people were being accused of being disloyal and subversive to the government, will we ever learn?
So does this make my parents periodic terrorists? They routinely go shopping at BJs and will buy in bulk (sometimes as much as 3 or 4 months worth of non-perishible food) and buy the perishible stuff as needed.
What is funny/scary is I read an article that the average American home has 2 weeks of food left when people say they are out of food. I can't find the article now of course, but if that is the case most Americans could be considered terrorist.

Exactly. I don't always make it to the grocery store EVERY weekend. And since I don't order out every night after the first week and don't starve, I am a terrorist?! Wow, talk about chasing the wrong groups of people. Effin' ridiculous.

By this logic, all those people on the show "Extreme Couponing" should be on America's Most Wanted!!
its so very sad that our government would call most of the citizens suspected terrorists. where is the america we all grew up in [halfmast]
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