Has anyone ever been denied an LTC based on an expired 209a?

Would someone please translate this into English for me?
Its a rant of "sorts", you cannot understand it. I'm sorry, I'm not going to attempt to retype it since I've only 1 thumb and 1 index finger that work properly..... read it slowly,... like my mind works. :lol: .
208 orders which are routinely inserted as boilerplate in divorce decrees have the same implications btw.

Please stop stating this. It is PATENTLY FALSE!!

As a matter of fact, the standard "boiler plate" Summons for Divorce has the 208 Order stated on it as a standard paragraph for MA and FL (and some other states that I can't recall as of this moment). Every one of them. Obviously, no court will condone either party disposing of assets during a divorce w/o court permission . . . it's like hiding your money in secret Swiss Bank accounts.

This is NOT related to any sort of abuse or accusation of abuse, by statute. It strictly states that the person may not "convert" property or assets w/o court permission, nothing more than that.

All that said, some chiefs will look for any excuse to deny and if they become aware, may just do so. However, Summons & Complaints for Divorce are NOT served by POs, but by Constables and Deputy Sheriffs, neither of whom step foot in a PD before serving them (unless they are suspicious that it might go sideways). So, except under the most unusual circumstances, there is no way that a PD would ever become aware that a 208 was in effect!
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