Gun Control Not Working

"A lot of these homicides this week we have had are not straightforward. There are some complications to them," said Boston Mayor Marty Walsh.

Does that mean no drugs or gangs were involved?
"A lot of these homicides this week we have had are not straightforward. There are some complications to them," said Boston Mayor Marty Walsh.

Does that mean no drugs or gangs were involved?
That's probably his excuse for why the strict laws in ma did not work. You can't expect them to work when there are complications.
How about we point at the District Attorneys? If the reports that GOAL has been filing are any indication, if there are any other charges they can make, any and all firearms charges are simply dropped.

Driving an unregistered vehicle, but are a convicted felon out on parole with a stolen sawed off shotgun and obliterated serial number? Why don't we drop everything except the unregistered vehicle charge and call it good.

I mean, they got the evil gun off the street, but did nothing about the evil guy.
Mahhhhhhhhhhty said:
"I think we have to look at the gun laws. I think our gun laws are getting kind of soft here in Massachusetts as far as people getting caught with a gun and I think we might have to look at filing legislation to strengthen them," Walsh said.

The laws are there(too many, of course), what about the mandatory minimum for when someone's using a gun in the commission of a crime never actually being used(or plead out)?
I love how “soft” gun laws are the problem when laws in the DPRM have gotten more strict. Filing legislation isn’t going to do anything if you don’t put away the hooligans with records doing all the violence.
There's a .gov site with some interesting DETAILS on crime.

The Crime Data Explorer (CDE) represents a profound transformation in how data from the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program is presented.

Crime data is dynamic. Offenses occur, arrests are made, and property is recovered every day. The CDE is an attempt to somewhat reflect that fluidity in crime. The data presented here will be updated regularly in a way that UCR publications previously could not.

I spent 10 minutes or so browsing the download for Mass, 2017 and saw some interesting possibilities. (after importing into a suitable database) you can select crime data and cut it up in ways the FBI UCR doesn't seem to "want" to.

Any bored data analysts out there care to do a mass importation and play with the numbers? It's more than I care to get into right now, but it has great potential to be able to produce hard numbers to respond to the libtards with.
This is the crux of the issue with pro-gun rights movement right now. Until one of us can figure out some messaging that resonates with people, we will be stuck in this never-ending loop of gun restriction nonsense.

Strict gun laws in a town/city that has low gun violence = Pure success and thus a basis for others to replicate their insane gun control laws -> More gun control.
Strict gun laws in a town/city that has gun violence = Outside towns/cities/states are responsible for allowing those guns to filter in across their border -> More gun control.
Lax gun laws in a town/city that has gun violence = People/politicians are bought and paid for by the NRA -> More gun control.
Lax gun laws in a town/city/state that has little gun violence = Anomaly and that those weapons are being used to commit gun violence in other areas -> More gun control.

The whole aim of Bloomberg and his anti-gun lackeys like Healy is to prevent private citizens from owning any firearms. They will tell us they aren't after our guns. They will tell us that they only want the 'military-grade assault weapons' out of the hands of private citizens. They will claim we're not doing enough to protect our kids from being gunned down in the streets or in the schools. They control the narrative and are constantly shifting the goal posts.

Until we can come up with an effective response to communicate to the masses and counter their narrative, we will continue to lose these battles in our cities and states.

Here's a story about what's happening in the Florida Panhandle, surprisingly from a left leaning site. I think the editors missed the fact that this makes a case for armed citizenry.

Looters target Florida homes left in dark from Hurricane Michael, authorities say
"A lot of these homicides this week we have had are not straightforward. There are some complications to them," said Boston Mayor Marty Walsh.

Does that mean no drugs or gangs were involved?
I don't know WTF he means.
I miss the old days when these murderers were straightforward and uncomplicated.
The problem with gun control in MA is that legislation is addressing the wrong people. All these shootings are career criminals with illegal guns, yet gun control is aimed at licensed owners. And that's why our current gun control legislation doesn't work. Licensed owners are not the problem, so laws hindering licensed owners are useless to stop shootings like the ones OP mentioned.

That's a perception problem we need our reps to overcome with the voting public. Instead of vilifying specific weapons, capacities, and functionalities, we should be vilifying the actual villains. Jay McMahon has a great point that we're not hard enough on career criminals and traffickers (guns, drugs, people). I actually wish he stressed this part more, as it actually is one of his best pro-gun rights arguments despite not being directly about gun rights. If we could get an elected official to chase that end and actually make a change, we could prove to the voting public that restricting lawful licensed owners is the wrong method of gun control. Beating our chests over 2A rights is just not the right approach to the general public. Most will never truly understand what that means, so trying to use the constitutional argument while the general public is reading headlines about school shootings is the wrong approach. Show the public who is actually causing gun related crime in MA, show them how to stop it (or at least slow it down to lower levels), and then ease restrictions on lawful licensed citizens.
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