Gun control group targets firearms owners with new ads, seeks common ground

The full-length spot concludes with the words, "8 kids a day are accidentally killed or injured by FAMILY FIRE. FAMILY FIRE is a shooting involving an improperly stored gun."

Anyone have any idea where this stat came from? Besides lala land?
LOL. Common Ground. They want to take away ALL of our rights, so the "common ground" is for us to give up half of them, while their side gives up NOTHING. Then they can come back later to take the other half of our rights. OK. Yea. How about they FOAD?

"This is completely outside the realm of politics," Brown said. "It's not red state, blue state — it’s families who want to do what’s best to protect the most vulnerable."

In fact the Family Fire campaign officially recommends simply that gun owners with firearms stored in homes where children live keep them "secure" and separate from ammunition. "A simple gun lock can make a major difference," the campaign states on its website.

Yea. So when a break in happens, people will have the time to unlock the gun, unlock the ammo and load the gun. If someone wants a set up like this and can make it work, good on them, but this shit should NEVER be a law.
Our "safe storage" laws here in MA are only used to harass and prosecute law-abiding gun owners and I have seen no evidence that one single life has been saved by this law.
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How many of the "8 a day" are little kids in gangland who find a gun under a mattress?
Or cops who accidentally drop them in a recycle bin?

Was thinking the same thing. It's the illegal guns doing the killing and those are never buried too deep in the crib
Anyone have any idea where this stat came from? Besides lala land?

That's almost 3,000 per year. You'd think they would have been banging that drum years ago if it was real. Maybe one day 8 kids were killed in a murder suicide and they extrapolated that trend. Either way, I'm calling shenanigans.

How many children die each year in vehicles being driven by family members?
I found this on the Googles from the gabage "HuffPo"

In 2016, the latest year for which federal data is available, 3,000 children were unintentionally shot and 127 were killed in family fire incidents as a result of improperly stored guns. Another 1,100 children shot themselves to death in suicides, in many cases with unsecured firearms owned by their parents. Studies have shown that having a gun in the household significantly increases the risk of adolescent suicide.

One, if they just say "127 kids killed in a year by improperly stored guns" it obviously sounds much less than "8 a day injured or killed" so typical soapboxing.

The above quote links to this CDC site WISQARS (Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System)|Injury Center|CDC but you have to dig for any kind of actual factual data
I watched the ad. Well-made, slick, well-acted. Should appeal to many of the gun-controllers out there. Dad is not some blustering redneck yelling about his rights. The kid is extremely precocious but likable. The point of the ad seems to be that guns may too easily accessible by children in many households.
However... if I were the "dad", I would have terminated the discussion after the question "do we have a gun?" "Kid, we are not discussing this, you are to stay OUT of my room and mind your OWN business. I catch you looking for a gun, talking to your friends about any guns, frightening your sister and mommy with gun talk, there will be SERIOUS consequences!" Then if the gun was truly under the sweatshirts in the closet with the "bullets" (not clear if the gun is a revolver or a semi auto) in the nightstand, I would have gone to the nearest gun shop / sporting goods store and purchased one of those boxes with the biometric locks. Problem solved.
lol so after digging, the 127 number they have(I hadn't changed the age) is actually from 99-2016. I just changed the ages from 0-4 to 15-19

Fall same time/age(it's actually 111 when I adjusted it)


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The 127 deaths are lower than when you change the date to 81-98 and that's with more people and many more guns in homes than before, so we've become safer about storage etc.

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Here we go, looks like they found a new phrase

"who will think of the children???"

Gun control group targets firearms owners with new ads, seeks common ground

There is nothing in these common grounds that apply to criminals, terrorist or nut jobs. Everyday we hear about some hardcore violent criminal who has several gun charges against them, and they are still with yet another illegal firearm walking the streets ! We really don't need any new guns laws, what we need is to fix our broken criminal justice system. A system that has failed to protect the people.
I watched the ad. Well-made, slick, well-acted. Should appeal to many of the gun-controllers out there. Dad is not some blustering redneck yelling about his rights. The kid is extremely precocious but likable. The point of the ad seems to be that guns may too easily accessible by children in many households.
However... if I were the "dad", I would have terminated the discussion after the question "do we have a gun?" "Kid, we are not discussing this, you are to stay OUT of my room and mind your OWN business. I catch you looking for a gun, talking to your friends about any guns, frightening your sister and mommy with gun talk, there will be SERIOUS consequences!" Then if the gun was truly under the sweatshirts in the closet with the "bullets" (not clear if the gun is a revolver or a semi auto) in the nightstand, I would have gone to the nearest gun shop / sporting goods store and purchased one of those boxes with the biometric locks. Problem solved.

You mean one of those lock boxes that every responsible gun owner having kids around that are too young to understand and obey "do NOT touch those or you'll be standing for a week" has?
relative to the millions of abortions a year to keep the right to choose I think eight kids a day is reasonable to keep the second amendment. Freedom isn't free.
They already have a family doctor for all the deaths causes by them. By far larger than gun deaths.

You know, if somebody ever bothered to add up all the NON gun related ways you can die and then subtract those gun related ways that are a function of GANG-on-GANG violence and contrast with the innocent lives saved / crimes averted, it would turn out that guns are the greatest humanitarian concept of all time.

*possibly* excluding the use of guns in wartime, but sure as hell, other than that, guns are the best thing since sliced bread.
Sadly most of the sheeple out there will lap this up and believe it. It doesn't have to be true in order for the politicians to pass new laws/bans.

Look at the AWB/mag ban, those guns were totally inconsequential to criminal use at the time the Clinton Ban came down. But slick advertising sells more things than statistics ever will.
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