Gun Confiscation Coming in Virginia


Senate Republican Leader Thomas K. Norment, Jr. (R-James City), Senate Republican Caucus Chairman Ryan T. McDougle (R-Hanover), and Senate Republican Caucus Co-Chairman Mark D. Obenshain (R-Rockingham) today issued the following statement regarding Governor Ralph S. Northam’s (D) plan to prohibit weapons on Capitol Square from January 17 through 21, 2020:

“On Monday, thousands of Virginians – many of whom have already addressed their local governments – will come to the Capitol to ensure their elected representatives to state government appreciate, understand, and respect their concerns. That is their right as Virginians and as Americans."

“We are grateful to the Capitol Police and the Virginia State Police for all they have been doing to ensure the safety of all who visit Capitol Square. And, we understand the desire of the Administration to do everything possible to ensure that safety. However, we are concerned that the events of the last week, including the sudden and unannounced banning of firearms by the Joint Rules Committee and today’s announcement regarding Capitol Square, may be serving to heighten rather than assuage tensions."

“Moreover, we are not confident Governor Northam is adhering to the limitations placed on the governor’s authority under the Code of Virginia. Specifically, the enactment of House and Senate bills from 2012, for which then-Senator Northam voted, would appear to prohibit, not permit, his actions today."

“The thousands of Virginians who plan on rallying at the Capitol on Monday are decent, law-abiding citizens. They plan on utilizing their First Amendment rights to defend their Second Amendment rights. That strikes us as being a very American – and very Virginia – exercise.”
I hate identity politics but there would be a massive irony/message sent if VCDL were to get a judge that was african american to issue a cease and desist on his EO.......let the left and media chew down hard on THAT!

He has declared total war by claiming that the Lobby Day is being co-opted by the White Nationalists. What a f***ing dick.
This whole thing is right out of the "how to incite a riot" playbook.

Dictate to people exactly how they're going to live from this point forward, weather they like it or not.
Poke the bear with a slew of policies because "I'm going to show you people who's in charge and you're going to like it."
When the population pushes back, play victim card.
Roll 4D with +10 to hit "gun nuts are threatening to kill me!" Roll successful.
Declare martial law.
Roll on snare, exit stage left.

If this guy is there on the 20th with out the Nat'l Guard surrounding the building "Because I'm scared", I'd be surprised.
This guy is either literally soiling himself, or its going exactly how they want it to go.
If Obama or similar were POTUS I would be inclined to agree that this was a set up

Absent federal cover this is a clown show on the part of the gov....quite literally a comedy of bad/stupid decisions and miscalculations

Every county in the state except Arlington, Richmond and one or two others has unequivocably REJECTED their stated unconstitutional/illegal legislative/tyrannical bills/intentions/decrees

This is so big that even fake news cant spin this in favor of gov black face

The gov is claiming he had evidence of "bad things" as justification for his no guns EO......but yesterday the top police chief in charge of the capitol stated that he had no such intel/ it appears that even the capitol police are showing signs of backing away from the gov and tyrannical dems.......

I hear ya man.
100% agree. Complete clown show. Just when you think they can't "out retard" what they did the day before...........
I'm just too cynical to think that theres no involvement on a federal level (insert 3 letter acronym here) guiding this retard of a governor. Country's been a coming to a boil since 2008 (probably farther back than that) and this might be the match that lights the powder keg.
Especially after watching what they did to their own back in 2016 for the elections, or to the general population - Ruby Ridge being the most recent major thing that comes to my mind and going as far back as Kent State or Bay of Pigs Invasion, or before that.
Or even some foreign interference.
This governor doesn't strike me as very bright, so I'm guessing he's either a really good actor, or he's being fed direction.
From VCDL email:

I'm sure that everyone has now heard that Governor Northam has declared a state of emergency and banned the carrying & possession of weapons on Capitol Square in Richmond from 5:00 pm Friday, January 17 to 5:00 pm on Tuesday, January 21.

VCDL believes that this gun ban is illegal. Our legal team is looking at our options and we will keep you advised as soon as we have a definitive plan. As it stands now, you can carry on 9th Street, or other nearby streets, as long as you don't go into the fenced-in Capitol grounds area (or into any of the government buildings). There will be 17 magnetometers to speed up security for those wishing to be on the Capitol grounds, which puts you near the stage. You CAN have a knife with a blade LESS THAN 3 inches. Again, wait for final word on the Capitol grounds gun-ban situation over the weekend.

Every year since 2002, VCDL has come to the General Assembly to peacefully assemble and lobby our elected officials on Martin Luther King Day. The only difference this year is that the crowd size is expected to be significantly larger due to the Democrat leadership's promise to pass draconian gun control laws that would adversely affect law-abiding citizens while having minimal impact on criminals.

The Governor claimed in his Executive Order that there has been credible intelligence gathered suggesting that the purpose of many of the participants in VCDL's Lobby Day is not to peacefully assemble but instead is to foment "violence, rioting, and insurrection." Yet, neither the Governor nor any of his law enforcement has informed VCDL of any of these alleged threats.

The inflammatory rhetoric from Democrats (including the Governor, Attorney General, Congressman McEachin, Delegate Levine, and many others) regarding the Second Amendment Sanctuary movement and VCDL's Lobby Day leads us to wonder if they really want Lobby Day to go peacefully.

The Democrats are afraid of the voters and want to portray this peaceful assembly of law-abiding gun owners in the worst possible way. They would love for it to degenerate to "violence, rioting, and insurrection" in order to smear gun owners. Has the Democrat leadership actually invited violent groups to attend for the purpose of disrupting our peaceful assembly?

SITUATIONAL AWARENESS: There have been many rumors, videos, and articles flying around the internet. We cannot stress enough that this is a peaceful day to assemble and address our Legislature about protecting our right to keep and bear arms. Lobby Day is NOT about statues, flags, racism, sexism, or anything other than protecting the right to keep and bear arms for ALL law-abiding citizens.

Yes, we hold a rally, but the point of the day is communication with our legislators. (Note that a rally is not the same thing as a protest.)

To our knowledge there are no credible threats of violence. That being said, please practice appropriate situational awareness. IF YOU SEE A BAD ACTOR flag down a police officer and point it out. If someone tries to provoke you, smile and walk away. There is probably someone secretly recording the interaction, with the intent of capturing some kind of inappropriate reaction on your part. Don't take the bait.It's not worth the bad press. Again, you might want to notify law enforcement of such bad actors.

The eyes of the nation and the world are on Virginia and VCDL right now and we must show them that gun owners are not the problem. Lead by example. We have been, and continue to be, in close contact with several law enforcement agencies and will keep them informed of all potential threats that we become aware of. Law enforcement will be in abundance at the event, both uniformed and plain clothes, to provide security and we are sincerely appreciative of their efforts to keep everyone as safe as possible.

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From VCDL email:

I'm sure that everyone has now heard that Governor Northam has declared a state of emergency and banned the carrying & possession of weapons on Capitol Square in Richmond from 5:00 pm Friday, January 17 to 5:00 pm on Tuesday, January 21.

VCDL believes that this gun ban is illegal. Our legal team is looking at our options and we will keep you advised as soon as we have a definitive plan. As it stands now, you can carry on 9th Street, or other nearby streets, as long as you don't go into the fenced-in Capitol grounds area (or into any of the government buildings). There will be 17 magnetometers to speed up security for those wishing to be on the Capitol grounds, which puts you near the stage. You CAN have a knife with a blade LESS THAN 3 inches. Again, wait for final word on the Capitol grounds gun-ban situation over the weekend.

Every year since 2002, VCDL has come to the General Assembly to peacefully assemble and lobby our elected officials on Martin Luther King Day. The only difference this year is that the crowd size is expected to be significantly larger due to the Democrat leadership's promise to pass draconian gun control laws that would adversely affect law-abiding citizens while having minimal impact on criminals.

The Governor claimed in his Executive Order that there has been credible intelligence gathered suggesting that the purpose of many of the participants in VCDL's Lobby Day is not to peacefully assemble but instead is to foment "violence, rioting, and insurrection." Yet, neither the Governor nor any of his law enforcement has informed VCDL of any of these alleged threats.

The inflammatory rhetoric from Democrats (including the Governor, Attorney General, Congressman McEachin, Delegate Levine, and many others) regarding the Second Amendment Sanctuary movement and VCDL's Lobby Day leads us to wonder if they really want Lobby Day to go peacefully.

The Democrats are afraid of the voters and want to portray this peaceful assembly of law-abiding gun owners in the worst possible way. They would love for it to degenerate to "violence, rioting, and insurrection" in order to smear gun owners. Has the Democrat leadership actually invited violent groups to attend for the purpose of disrupting our peaceful assembly?

SITUATIONAL AWARENESS: There have been many rumors, videos, and articles flying around the internet. We cannot stress enough that this is a peaceful day to assemble and address our Legislature about protecting our right to keep and bear arms. Lobby Day is NOT about statues, flags, racism, sexism, or anything other than protecting the right to keep and bear arms for ALL law-abiding citizens.

Yes, we hold a rally, but the point of the day is communication with our legislators. (Note that a rally is not the same thing as a protest.)

To our knowledge there are no credible threats of violence. That being said, please practice appropriate situational awareness. IF YOU SEE A BAD ACTOR flag down a police officer and point it out. If someone tries to provoke you, smile and walk away. There is probably someone secretly recording the interaction, with the intent of capturing some kind of inappropriate reaction on your part. Don't take the bait.It's not worth the bad press. Again, you might want to notify law enforcement of such bad actors.

The eyes of the nation and the world are on Virginia and VCDL right now and we must show them that gun owners are not the problem. Lead by example. We have been, and continue to be, in close contact with several law enforcement agencies and will keep them informed of all potential threats that we become aware of. Law enforcement will be in abundance at the event, both uniformed and plain clothes, to provide security and we are sincerely appreciative of their efforts to keep everyone as safe as possible.



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Copyright © 2020 Virginia Citizens Defense League, All rights reserved.
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Abbreviations used in VA-ALERT: Virginia Citizens Defense League - Abbreviations
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Thanks for the updates. I have yet to see any coverage of this up here.


I think this is a pretty accurate breakdown. The sad thing is that even though its true, the alternative (not showing up in force) is equally disastrous as it just kicks the can down the road.

The real question here is at what point do the police/national guard show their true colors and either pick a side, or step aside.
Thanks for the updates. I have yet to see any coverage of this up here.


I have wondered how big of a deal this is to people who aren’t (super?) into guns. As in... do they even know that there’s an impending civil war? lol I reckon the answer is no. I will say that I’ve been seeing stuff on my local NBC / CBS affiliate type websites this week regarding the gun ban at the Capitol for Lobby Day. It’s the first I’ve seen on “regular” channels.

As for the nation? I kind of doubt people have any idea this is happening. Again, unless it’s a pro-gun specific site, I doubt people know this is happening.

Unfortunately, if something does pop off on Monday, it is only then that the nation will hear about it.
I have wondered how big of a deal this is to people who aren’t (super?) into guns. As in... do they even know that there’s an impending civil war? lol I reckon the answer is no. I will say that I’ve been seeing stuff on my local NBC / CBS affiliate type websites this week regarding the gun ban at the Capitol for Lobby Day. It’s the first I’ve seen on “regular” channels.

As for the nation? I kind of doubt people have any idea this is happening. Again, unless it’s a pro-gun specific site, I doubt people know this is happening.

Unfortunately, if something does pop off on Monday, it is only then that the nation will hear about it.

The entire nation will learn about this after FBI will release a video without any sound. [wink]
Apologies if this has already been mentioned, but I fear that if this type of tyranny advances in Virginia, it will be the first shoe to fall in many other states that have Democratic legislators. I’ve been watching closely, and wish more than anything that I could be there supporting with the good people of Virginia.

They must stand tall in the face of this peacefully and make it known that they will fight for what’s right if they are infringed. It’s disgusting that this coward can stand at the podium above the VA state seal with the words ‘Sic Semper Tyrannis’ below him.
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Mini, do you actually know or speak to any of the pro 2A state reps / Sen ? . I'm just wondering because if this goes sideways on Monday, we all know that the feds and CNN and all the rest are going to edit the tapes and sound to show what they want.. but i digress,, what i meant was it might be worth it to talk to the "good" reps/ sen.. and ask them to be ready to go on the medias and refute the lies that we know are going to be spread.. It will take those types of people to tell / spread the truth if the shtf. Thank You for all you guys are doing down there.. Paul.
Mini, do you actually know or speak to any of the pro 2A state reps / Sen ? . I'm just wondering because if this goes sideways on Monday, we all know that the feds and CNN and all the rest are going to edit the tapes and sound to show what they want.. but i digress,, what i meant was it might be worth it to talk to the "good" reps/ sen.. and ask them to be ready to go on the medias and refute the lies that we know are going to be spread.. It will take those types of people to tell / spread the truth if the shtf. Thank You for all you guys are doing down there.. Paul.

No, I don’t “know” any of them. Delegate Nick Freitas and Senator Amanda Chase are pretty vocal about all that’s happening right now. I think these two and the others that are like them are well aware of the fake news that will be spread by the media. Yep, it absolutely would not hurt to seek them out myself and voice my own opinions and concerns to them even though I am not in their district.
The 2A folks (like me) are peaceful and want to be sure our point is heard. Failing to obey the will of the people (never mind that pesky constitution) will result in repercussions.

Raids will get ambushed, politicians will get tarred and feathered.

The outright crazy the Dems have been doing - I’d be happier with folks on our side armed. It’s not like the government has ever shot protesters (Kent State).

I’m not calling for violence - but do you trust the government?

I also see they have limited access, they are shutting down all but one entrance - nothing like being able to petition you government freely.
Can one declare a future state of emergency? Never heard of such a thing. Hopefully VCDL picks up on this point.
The 2A folks (like me) are peaceful and want to be sure our point is heard. Failing to obey the will of the people (never mind that pesky constitution) will result in repercussions.

Raids will get ambushed, politicians will get tarred and feathered.

The outright crazy the Dems have been doing - I’d be happier with folks on our side armed. It’s not like the government has ever shot protesters (Kent State).

I’m not calling for violence - but do you trust the government?

I also see they have limited access, they are shutting down all but one entrance - nothing like being able to petition you government freely.

What matters is the amount of people on the ground in Virginia. Everything else is just a talk.
Can one declare a future state of emergency? Never heard of such a thing. Hopefully VCDL picks up on this point.

§ 44-146.15. Construction of chapter.
Nothing in this chapter is to be construed to:

(3) Empower the Governor, any political subdivision, or any other governmental authority to in any way limit or prohibit the rights of the people to keep and bear arms as guaranteed by Article I, Section 13 of the Constitution of Virginia or the Second Amendment of the Constitution of the United States, including the otherwise lawful possession, carrying, transportation, sale, or transfer of firearms except to the extent necessary to ensure public safety in any place or facility designated or used by the Governor, any political subdivision of the Commonwealth, or any other governmental entity as an emergency shelter or for the purpose of sheltering persons;
What matters is the amount of people on the ground in Virginia. Everything else is just a talk.

Agreed. Many are keyboard commandos and talk shit on the internet all day. Support, show up, donate, etc. or STFU and GTFO. There are many ways to support the cause. Figure it out.

I understand that some people have legit obligations and can’t be at lobby day but I am speaking about those who can go and don’t have a reason not to. These people can’t complain when they’re told to bend over and take it. And don’t forget you can speak to your politicians on all the other days of the year too, not just on lobby day. Make an appointment to see them in their office. Call them and speak over the phone.

Do something.
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