Gun Confiscation Coming in Virginia

By car, it is 9 hours from Boston to Richmond, VA.

At $2.50 a gallon/20 MPG, that's $150 in gas (round trip).

I'm thinking that years from now I'm going to wish I was there, and I'm not going to be able to explain to myself why I didn't make it happen.

ETA datapoint: JetBlue has round-trip airfare Boston to Richmond non-stop for $117.

If you can't make it, which is understandable, you can donate a seat on one of the buses to someone in VA that might not otherwise be able to make it.
They went from 9 buses last week to about 23 as of this morning.
Link below.
If you can't make it, which is understandable, you can donate a seat on one of the buses to someone in VA that might not otherwise be able to make it.
They went from 9 buses last week to about 23 as of this morning.
Link below.

For the day-bangers, a 6am JetBlue flight out of Boston gets into VA at 9:30am. You could be at the capitol by 10:30am, driving time is 15 minutes.

8pm same day return arrives Boston 11:49.

Cost is $134.

Carry-on cost extra, Checked bag cost extra, no cancellation after 24 hours.
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The line of thinking boggles the mind.
They are air humping at the thought of going full out armed conflict with the folks down there to disarm them.
Where they hell do they think they are going to be living when this is going on?
There is only so much security you can have and when tens of thousands of people decide it's your ass , it's going to be your ass.
You really want to live out the rest of your and your families lives in a freaking bunker ?
I will have to disagree somewhat with the well spoken gent in the video Slipknot posted.
These are not smart people.
Even after watching the video above and watching personally what our New Hampshire transplant AG did these politicians no longer listen to the people. When millions show up in Virginia they will be showing up to deaf ears the politicians no longer represent the people or the country.
The line of thinking boggles the mind.
They are air humping at the thought of going full out armed conflict with the folks down there to disarm them.
Where they hell do they think they are going to be living when this is going on?
There is only so much security you can have and when tens of thousands of people decide it's your ass , it's going to be your ass.
You really want to live out the rest of your and your families lives in a freaking bunker ?
I will have to disagree somewhat with the well spoken gent in the video Slipknot posted.
These are not smart people.

It is bizarre.
Thinking that bringing is the nat'l gaurd, which is made up of 100% VA citizens, and that they'll willingly follow orders to disarm either 1. Their own households, or 2. their neighbors households is just flat out retarded.

Theres 31 buses right now as of 6 a.m.
Now imagine everyone whos going to drive in and or car pool.
Now throw in threatening the sheriffs dept with job termination if they don't fall in line.

A few thousand people show up, sheriffs look the other way, - best case scenario- Gov. Blackface and Lt Gov Rapey McRaperton soil themselves and beat feet out of state.
If you can't make it, which is understandable, you can donate a seat on one of the buses to someone in VA that might not otherwise be able to make it.
They went from 9 buses last week to about 23 as of this morning.
Link below.
Donated 2 tickets as I cannot make it there but want to pay for two people who can! Thanks for posting this!! Do I need to send the tickets to someone or will the organization use the donation for someone who can't afford the tickets? I can't quite find that on their website. If I need to give the tickets to someone then I'd like to give them to someone here
It is bizarre.
Thinking that bringing is the nat'l gaurd, which is made up of 100% VA citizens, and that they'll willingly follow orders to disarm either 1. Their own households, or 2. their neighbors households is just flat out retarded.

Theres 31 buses right now as of 6 a.m.
Now imagine everyone whos going to drive in and or car pool.
Now throw in threatening the sheriffs dept with job termination if they don't fall in line.

A few thousand people show up, sheriffs look the other way, - best case scenario- Gov. Blackface and Lt Gov Rapey McRaperton soil themselves and beat feet out of state.
They'll simply hunker down in their bunkers and wait for the crowds to subside. They are deaf eared Bolshevik vermin. There is only one way to deal with them. The founding fathers knew how to do that and now it's out turn!
Donated 2 tickets as I cannot make it there but want to pay for two people who can! Thanks for posting this!! Do I need to send the tickets to someone or will they use the donation for someone who can't afford the tickets? I can't quite find that on their website. If I need to give the tickets to someone then I'd like to give them to someone here

So what I did what use this-

Direct questions, if any, to [email protected]

And as a precautionary measure e-mailed them with "not a question, but just wanted to make sure that the info for the donated seat went through and do you need the ticket number, make sure it goes to someone who couldn't afford it to begin with, blah blah blah" Just wanted to make sure it went where it was supposed to go and all that.
They'll dole out the tickets

They did get back to me, one of the organizers the e-mailed me is a transplant from pittsfield.
Maybe someone needs to say this, and I know lots of people won't like it, but maybe it's time to look across the pond and show the same determination as the French in their yellow jackets. Not a one and done protest, but a relentless onslaught. Every goddam week end.
I think Virginia may look more like Hong Kong rather than France soon. I hope a united front that seems to be coalescing across the state can help put the out of control government in check.
Anything is good, as long as the dems get a tiny little glimpse of what they got coming if they keep their shenanigans up. I am not advocating for violence here. Yet.
So what I did what use this-

Direct questions, if any, to [email protected]

And as a precautionary measure e-mailed them with "not a question, but just wanted to make sure that the info for the donated seat went through and do you need the ticket number, make sure it goes to someone who couldn't afford it to begin with, blah blah blah" Just wanted to make sure it went where it was supposed to go and all that.
They'll dole out the tickets

They did get back to me, one of the organizers the e-mailed me is a transplant from pittsfield.
Thanks man!

Here's the response I got for all those who might wonder what happens to the donated tickets:

There is a small group of us tracking all the donated seats and ensuring they get to people who want to ride but cannot afford it. We do this by manually adding the riders who contact us for the donated seats.

Name withheld by oldgunner to preserve sender's privacy
Bus coordinator
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One might wonder about the odds of a redux of 1861.
Pure thought exercise: Imagine the real Virginians chasing the Yankee carpetbaggers out of Richmond up to Arlington or Alexandria, splitting off the deep blue DC suburbs who merge with D.C., keeping the name Virginia, and reuniting with their western neighbors. WV would probably have to do similarly, splitting off the eastern panhandle, before they could reunite.
We could drop back to 49 states, or +D.C becomes a state.

Yea, I need more coffee.
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In the eyes of society's visor
Even though they enterprise is the crisis
they license been revoked by the average trench coat
pullin out so you get smoked, BLAH
like hickory sausage
victory come on its far from flawless
they aint gods but their ways are pompous
thinking they can stomp us with troops and contras
but just let loose a stupid monster
unable to be contained its too late they launched it
with no promotion, so now we revolt
and insult they sultan with explosive voltage
My biggest fear in all this? If the number of people coming to the rally match with the 3% necessary to defend against enforcement.

All those opposed in one place arriving by buses? That's not a tactically sound position.
My biggest fear in all this? If the number of people coming to the rally match with the 3% necessary to defend against enforcement.

All those opposed in one place arriving by buses? That's not a tactically sound position.
Or how about we don't turn people's right to assemble peacefully and petition their .gov into a tactical issue?
You really think Trump is going to let a bonfire erupt on his doorstep whereby the core base of the party and his own supporters are allowed to flap in the wind let alone during an election year?

Make no bones about it.....this is a stunt being orchestrated above Governor Ralph Northam's head....he's a moron that cant refrain from flapping his gums......anyone else see him repeatedly/publicly put his size 10's in his mouth over and over in response to the black face scandal....and his wife had to bail him out more than once?!?!?!

I believe this is a stunt/attempt to create an election year crisis that the president will be forced to wade into.

I really hope Trump and his son are having a bunch of heart to heart discussions about this and that Jr is helping to get DJT's head on straight on this issue so he doesnt shoot his mouth off prematurely and send wrong message and have to ask for a clean up in aisle 5 again......

Lets rewind back to the Charlottesville shenanigans.....Dem Terry McAuliffe was the gov at the time and ordered ~1000 state police, national guard and other first responders into Charlotte in advance of the planned protest......

Va state police stood by and watched.....initially failed to separate and maintain separation of the groups to prevent violence and then once it began they sat back and watched

Gov McAuliffe then got on the air and claimed the "alt right" was heavily armed with ar's and other firearms roaming the streets.....couldnt have been more false but nonetheless he created a false narrative that people believe to this day despite gobs of video to the contrary.....

Lots to learn about what went down but the fact remains that the leadership of the Va state police are going to do whatever the governor tells them to do....and what can rank and file do even if they oppose it? Nada.

My own personal belief is that the left and/or the governor is going to create a crisis and try to blame gun owners and use that as a justification for what they are trying to do legislatively

Likely we'll see an incident
Governor Ralph Northam and the media will attempt to create a false narrative
State police will do as they are told and the truth/facts wont matter or ever actually be revealed
FBI will get called in and we know Wray's position on corruption within the FBI
Trump will be put into a very difficult situation.

Best possible scenario inho is that this legislation goes to a vote then everyone sees who is willing to violate the constutution/oath and who's not......but I have a funny feeling that if it goes to a vote that enough dems will defect/back away from this legislation to prevent it from passing

If it passes then Trump has an opportunity to direct Barr to file in court against the state of Va to defend 2A as incorporated by SCOTUS in Heller/McDonald cases....

I fear that the dems are going to instigate violence because its the only path they have to try to justify their actions and try to blame the opposition for their unconstitutional power grab

If the dems back down from this legislation then its a huuuuuge political loss for them.....they're not going to back down.....nationally they are 100% in for 2020 and throwing everything at the wall.....make no bones about it,,,,,the reason why tyrants that have managed to get elected are doing this is to strip you of RKBA because they're planning to do something that 2A was created for as a safeguard against......

Hope every one on the ground takes a LOT of video......with a little luck Trump will order observers from the DoJ to quietly observe.....

My gut tells me Trump was always meant to win 2020, and the extreme Left has been told this from "above" and that's why they are so pissed, and hamming it up as the heel. It's professional wrestling 101. None of their current candidates were meant to win, and the only reasonable looking one Gabbard they pile up on. They actually get way more done outside the WH with the spotlight on Trump and the Repubs.
This is going to turn into the 2A's Selma March if Governor Blackface and his merry band of carpet bagging Bloomberg funded bigots keeps pouring gasoline on the fire.

It's the exact same anti-Civil Rights shit from the left. The Country Club snobs just can't stand the little people getting uppity.
I hope you're right but fear that the dems are going to orchestrate violence

I'd say it's a safe bet that the left is going to orchestrate violence sooner or later anyway.

And as long as we're contemplating the spectre, thought some folks in this thread might be interested:

$200 for a set of 2 plates, shipping is $20 to MA.

Cross posted to the Survival Forum.
I'd say it's a safe bet that the left is going to orchestrate violence sooner or later anyway.

And as long as we're contemplating the spectre, thought some folks in this thread might be interested:

$200 for a set of 2 plates, shipping is $20 to MA.

Cross posted to the Survival Forum.

Good plate, hope you have a comprehensive med kit and a EMT A or a former combat medic to keep you alive when you catch one just a bit outside that 10x12.

Don't get me wrong, have plates, but please, understand their purpose in the bigger picture of force structure.
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