GOAL, many P.D.'s and the CHSB are out of FA10s



Hey Everyone,

We've been receiving many phone calls in regards to local P.D.s being out of FA10 forms.

We are also out of them here in the office.

The CHSB is also out of them and apparently has been for some time.

GOAL is investigating this, best guess is that they are keeping a low inventory as it's budget time.

We will let you know what we find out.

What legal bind or potential repercussions does this place on someone if they are unable to file an FA-10 within the requisite 10 days?

I would expect the CHSB to issue some sort of amnesty or grace period for this.
What legal bind or potential repercussions does this place on someone if they are unable to file an FA-10 within the requisite 10 days?

I would expect the CHSB to issue some sort of amnesty or grace period for this.

Why would you sell a gun without a form?
What legal bind or potential repercussions does this place on someone if they are unable to file an FA-10 within the requisite 10 days?

I would expect the CHSB to issue some sort of amnesty or grace period for this.

It's 7 days, not 10.

And laws either have "amnesty/grace periods" or they don't. There is no such thing in this part of MGL.

See my suggestion in another thread on the same topic . . . photocopy (scan is better, can make infinite copies when needed) and fill out copy, make 2 copies and sign all three. Mail original with letter explaining situation and buyer/seller each keep one copy. Mail copy of CHSB letter plus cover letter with further explanation to your state sen and state rep asking them to investigate why no forms printed/available to comply with MGLs.

You have fulfilled the law at this point (read it if you doubt me, it does NOT specify that any particular form is required). I'm sure that there is a CMR, but since it can not be more stringent (legally) than the underlying law, they can pound sand at CHSB and you are in the clear.
I've scanned one of my last official forms as a .pdf file. I've blocked out the number at the upper right corner. If I can't locate any of the state issued forms I'm just going to print out the file on plain paper and go from there. As long as the form can be read by the OCR scanner at the CHSB, the data will be entered. If the printing can't be read, no matter what kind of paper it's on, then it will have to be manually entered by a human interpreter. In either event, I will have satisifed the requirement of the law.

That whole database is an exercise in silliness. In terms of reality, it is about as useful as mammary glands on a fish.

ETA: By request, link to form now up in post #94.
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Len is right. The FA-10 is not "mandated" in the law specifically, just that the transaction/registration has to be reported. You could make a form with all the same info on it on a computer, print it out 3 times, and both parties sign all 3 copies. Then fire one off to CHSB. If they whine about it, I'd love to see what their excuse is.

It's 7 days, not 10.

And laws either have "amnesty/grace periods" or they don't. There is no such thing in this part of MGL.

See my suggestion in another thread on the same topic . . . photocopy (scan is better, can make infinite copies when needed) and fill out copy, make 2 copies and sign all three. Mail original with letter explaining situation and buyer/seller each keep one copy. Mail copy of CHSB letter plus cover letter with further explanation to your state sen and state rep asking them to investigate why no forms printed/available to comply with MGLs.

You have fulfilled the law at this point (read it if you doubt me, it does NOT specify that any particular form is required). I'm sure that there is a CMR, but since it can not be more stringent (legally) than the underlying law, they can pound sand at CHSB and you are in the clear.
Boggles the mind why they don't just say print out this PDF? Budget problem solved...
Len is right. The FA-10 is not "mandated" in the law specifically, just that the transaction/registration has to be reported. You could make a form with all the same info on it on a computer, print it out 3 times, and both parties sign all 3 copies. Then fire one off to CHSB. If they whine about it, I'd love to see what their excuse is.


If that is the case, why don't they just post a link where people can download it instead of spending all that money printing them all up?

Is there a valid reason?
If that is the case, why don't they just post a link where people can download it instead of spending all that money printing them all up?

Is there a valid reason?

I believe the valid reason is someone gets paid for the contract printing services. The other
reason would be to confuse as many people as possible, just like all the other gun laws.

I'd just make 3 copies and send it......your reporting to the standards of the law.
If that is the case, why don't they just post a link where people can download it instead of spending all that money printing them all up?

Is there a valid reason?

-It probably (somehow) makes more work for some guy at CHSB

-It's not in line with the states obstructionist, anti gun agenda.

Any questions? [laugh]

Boggles the mind why they don't just say print out this PDF? Budget problem solved...

Exactly..Thats how it is in CT..

I would personally raise hell if there is a required time they must get you an FA-10...A friend of mine asked her local PD for a Pistol Permit App..they told her they had some but they were "busy" and to come back another day....she told me...I went immediately down there and politely asked them what the problem was..I printed out the law that states "When any such request is made in person at the office of the local authority, the local authority shall supply such application form immediately.......needless to say i walked out with an app and I think the dude was pissed...whatever though
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Let's see how we can make a little extra cash? How about charging for forms, FA 10s first, next car registration forms, ........... Beacon Hill at work?
Let's see how we can make a little extra cash? How about charging for forms, FA 10s first, next car registration forms, ........... Beacon Hill at work?

And when the state DOES start charging, we'll know just who to thank for the added burden......
It's 7 days, not 10.

And laws either have "amnesty/grace periods" or they don't. There is no such thing in this part of MGL.

See my suggestion in another thread on the same topic . . . photocopy (scan is better, can make infinite copies when needed) and fill out copy, make 2 copies and sign all three. Mail original with letter explaining situation and buyer/seller each keep one copy. Mail copy of CHSB letter plus cover letter with further explanation to your state sen and state rep asking them to investigate why no forms printed/available to comply with MGLs.

You have fulfilled the law at this point (read it if you doubt me, it does NOT specify that any particular form is required). I'm sure that there is a CMR, but since it can not be more stringent (legally) than the underlying law, they can pound sand at CHSB and you are in the clear.

I believe the statute in question reads as follows:

"Section 128B. Any resident of the commonwealth who purchases or obtains a firearm, rifle or shotgun or machine gun from any source within or without the commonwealth, other than from a licensee under section one hundred and twenty-two or a person authorized to sell firearms under section one hundred and twenty-eight A, and any nonresident of the commonwealth who purchases or obtains a firearm, rifle, shotgun or machine gun from any source within or without the commonwealth, other than such a licensee or person, and receives such firearm, rifle, shotgun or machine gun, within the commonwealth shall within seven days after receiving such firearm, rifle, shotgun or machine gun, report, in writing, to the executive director of the criminal history systems board the name and address of the seller or donor and the buyer or donee, together with a complete description of the firearm, rifle, shotgun or machine gun, including the caliber, make and serial number. Whoever violates any provision of this section shall for the first offense be punished by a fine of not less than $500 nor more than $1,000 and for any subsequent offense by imprisonment in the state prison for not more than ten years."
I just called them and the same story. No idea, blah, blah, blah. I asked about scanning one he said no, can't do that they need to have a serial number. He suggested to ask a gun shop if they have any to spare or do the transfer at a gun shop.

I believe the statute in question reads as follows:

"Section 128B. Any resident of the commonwealth who purchases or obtains a firearm, rifle or shotgun or machine gun from any source within or without the commonwealth, other than from a licensee under section one hundred and twenty-two or a person authorized to sell firearms under section one hundred and twenty-eight A, and any nonresident of the commonwealth who purchases or obtains a firearm, rifle, shotgun or machine gun from any source within or without the commonwealth, other than such a licensee or person, and receives such firearm, rifle, shotgun or machine gun, within the commonwealth shall within seven days after receiving such firearm, rifle, shotgun or machine gun, report, in writing, to the executive director of the criminal history systems board the name and address of the seller or donor and the buyer or donee, together with a complete description of the firearm, rifle, shotgun or machine gun, including the caliber, make and serial number. Whoever violates any provision of this section shall for the first offense be punished by a fine of not less than $500 nor more than $1,000 and for any subsequent offense by imprisonment in the state prison for not more than ten years."

Good point, the law says nothing about using a special form. Wait until they start getting some homemade ones. [laugh]
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I have a document scanner (at home) - that will automatically convert to PDF format - if needed I can scan an FA-10 tonite and post the PDF. I'll block out the number so it will just be a generic form.

Sounds like a plan. As far as a number form, may I suggest using your tel. number with you initials. example: MI617555, MI617556 and so on.
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