Globe: A few New England towns have joined the misguided Second Amendment sanctuary movement. It’s dangerous.

lol shitty article is confusing, "gun sanctuaries" as a thing have more than one meaning, and these days it's not so much about the feds as it is shitty tyrannical state governments,
From the same editorial board that came out last week and said N.H should not be allowed to have an early primary because the state is full of old white people.

f***k off globe editors. That is all.

Kill the tradition: N.H. and Iowa should not vote first
Some customs must die. Like the first-in-the-nation primary and caucuses.
By The Editorial Board,Updated February 5, 2020, 4:50 a.m.”
From the same editorial board that came out last week and said N.H should not be allowed to have an early primary because the state is full of old white people.

f***k off globe editors. That is all.

Kill the tradition: N.H. and Iowa should not vote first
Some customs must die. Like the first-in-the-nation primary and caucuses.
By The Editorial Board,Updated February 5, 2020, 4:50 a.m.”
when you're losing, change the rules.
Pick a side, folks. Either sanctuary areas are wrong or they are right. You can't straddle this one.

Yes, I concur that 2A is sacrosanct. But this is something that has to filter through the Judicial branch.

And no, I don't think I'd be buying a "non-federal" silencer ever. That was just asking to be B-slapped. LOL
That would be true if we still had the rule of law, but that went out the window a long time ago. I actually used to care about being law-abiding when I was younger..... What a chump I was in hindsight. There are too many f***ing laws to keep them straight anyway, which is how they have designed it.
What a bunch of baloney.

Pot: states can do whatever they want, screw you!
Marriage: states can do whatever they want, screw you! Also, you're homophobic!
Illegal immigration: states can do whatever they want, screw you! Also, you're xenophobic!
Gun bans: states can do whatever they want, screw you! Also, you're a redneck!
Gun sanctuaries: OMG you are breaking FEDERAL laws, that's "dangerous" and illegal!! You must follow the letter of the law!
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