Give it back...

May 2, 2005
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I thought this is pretty funny...

I am working from my home office this afternoon. The company I work for is based in Komifornia. I am sitting here, listening to a phone conference and web based presentation. They guy who is conducting the meeting is VERY liberal.

So I am sitting here, with my headset on, glancing at the screen, and cleaning my carry gun!

Just caught me as funny so I thought I would share! [twisted]

But I just took a pic of it for you!

hehehe. After i finished reassembling the gun, I took kinda sadistic pleasure in dry-firing it at those damn pie charts they kept referring to!

Meetings OVER!

Gotta run at top speed to the fridge and start my weekend!!!

SiameseRat said:
(That's a pint of Guinness, that's why it looks black)

Mmmm Guinness...

I recognized it right away... I work with a guy from South London. When it's warm, he gets a Smithwicks, otherwise, he usually has about 3 pints of diesel with his lunch. (diesel = Guinness)

Man..................Just think of it.........sitting at work and cleaning one of your toys in the process...........Where do I sign up?
It would be kinda hard for me to do the same as cleaning an AR and pushing 102,150 lbs. of steel, aluminum and fuel oil down the road would prove to be a challenge.
Cledus J. Crabb said:
Man..................Just think of it.........sitting at work and cleaning one of your toys in the process...........Where do I sign up?
It would be kinda hard for me to do the same as cleaning an AR and pushing 102,150 lbs. of steel, aluminum and fuel oil down the road would prove to be a challenge.

I don't get to work from home as much as I would like. My job requires a good amount of hands on work. However there are some days that I am working on projects, or will be doing network configuration changes, server maintenance, or just plain sitting through boring meetings. Those days I can do my work remotely.

I wish I could work remotely all the time, but I'll take what I can get.

Unicenter Remote Control

It's a godsend. If you can get that with a KVM over IP switch for your servers. It's just like working in the server room.

I have URC on all 2000 PCs and all the servers at every site. I can be at home, and work on the Servers in or CA offices without any issues.

You don't have to be in the office unless you have to work on the servers...or like me, to change back up tapes.

So I'm pretty much in the office everyday. But it's nice that when the kid is sick. I can work from home with no issues.
For servers, I mostly use the MS Remote Desktop built into Windows. Servers that cannot use this I use the product that my company produces. Works great either way.. As for backup tapes, I only have to change them once a week... That's what you get with a nice sized robotic LTO tape library! :D

I'm responsible for 100+ systems at work. I have VPN access set up and have a host version of Funk Proxy remote control running on each system. When I'm at work I can access anyone in the place by running the master version, just as if I'm sitting at each one.

If I'm home, like now, a VPN connection makes it look just the same on my home machine.

If I could forward all my office calls home, I could stay here and no one would know !

When I'm on the road, same thing !

It's a great inexpensive bit of software.

I have tape backups but this year I'm replacing the servers and will setup 7 external hard drives in a building away from the servers and run backups that will write to one on Monday, the next on Tues, etc. I don't have to archive anything so a weeks backup will be enough. 300 gig drives are about $250 so it'll be a good reliable cheap backup method.
I wish my backups were so easy!

I have a robotic LTO2 tape library. We backup anywhere between 2 to 3.5 terabytes/week. I also have to keep my tapes on a 10 week off-site data rotation...

Afraid hard drives would not work for me!
Be nice if it would though! :D

Adam_MA said:
I wish my backups were so easy!

I have a robotic LTO2 tape library. We backup anywhere between 2 to 3.5 terabytes/week. I also have to keep my tapes on a 10 week off-site data rotation...

Afraid hard drives would not work for me!
Be nice if it would though! :D


Been there, done that in the Army !

Off site is another building on our 150 acre site, so it's easy for me to do.
I just switched all my backups to a networked 300gb drive. It is an amazingly easy solution.

And Funk is great stuff. So much easier to fix things from home than flying halfway around the world or try to do it over the phone in a language neither of us use as our primary. (^_^)

And I've cleaned guns while in meetings too. Sucks when you forget to put the Mute back on and rack a slide. (^_^) My boss knows but he's cool. He almost lost it when I said "Sorry, noisy chair".
Yea, we have to switch tapes every day, and have a three day off site rotation. The other admin is working on getting a mysan because of how much we have to back up and ship off site.

I think that funk must be like URC. I can connect to any server or PC in our network with it and it's just like I'm sitting at the screen. I really like it.

What I like about it is that more than one person at a time can connect. So, If I'm at home, and someone is at work, and another admin is in LA, then we can all connect to the same thing to check something out. It's pretty sweet.

It's also worthwhile to set up a VPN at your house - Linksys makes a nice encryption router (BEFVP41) which works nicely in combination with another BEVFP41 or a software client. Once you have the endpoints set up, it's a simple matter to use VNC of Remote Desktop on Windows, or Telnet/SSH/RSH/Xterm on a Unix/Linux box.
My company develops its own VPN software, so that's what I use. On my cable connection it's just like I'm in the office.. Well... Almost!

Yea, it's the same here, other than not have my DHCP server to log into, so I have to map everything with an IP address. That and my DFS doesn't work over our VPN, so each drive has to be mapped separately, rather than just mapping our DFS drive.
That sucks. Our VPN refreshes your entire IP stack to reflect all normal office connections. Once logged into VPN I even get the normal drive mappings that I have setup through GPO on the DC.

I'm sure that if we were part of our corperate network, it would work better. But we're using our corperate VPN to connect to our site at a customer location. So, even though we have a trust with corperate, we're just using thier backbone to get into our sites. So it's not really that clean of a connection. But, corperate won't let us have our own connection, so it's not as great as I would like it.
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