Fort Hood shooter may be paralyzed.

I award the murdering terrorist douchebag....


Too Bad someone could have enjoyed watching him kick if he were to hang. I hope this POS suffers until the second they decide to put him down like the dog he is.
unfortunately now we have to pay to take care of that terrorist piece of Sh*t.....Someone should put a frickin pillow over his face.

That'd be too easy in my book. I say call the writer of the Saw movies and I'm sure he could come up with some sick @$$ed way to put him out of this world. Then he can go see his 70 virgins. 70 Big, Hairy, Gay, Olive Skinned virgins...
I'd love to see them slip the noose around his neck and hoist him from his wheelchair, but unfortunately I don't see that coming any time soon.

In the mean time, the idea of being paralyzed has always terrified me and I hope it does him too.
Ahh he is to be tried by military court, if found guilty I think he has an abbreviated time line

I'd love to think so, but the last military execution occurred in April of 1961, so they haven't made a practice of it recently. There are currently eight other people on death row in the military justice system. One of them being Hasan Akbar, the Muslim terrorist who threw grenades into the tents of sleeping soldiers.
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They should not put him to death...they should just feed him by requiring he drag his lifeless lower body across a broken-glass covered field to retrieve his maggot-infested meals every day. Oh you want salt with that meal? We will be sure we pour enough salt over your wounds that you should have plenty left over for your food...
Too Bad someone could have enjoyed watching him kick if he were to hang. I hope this POS suffers until the second they decide to put him down like the dog he is.

The bright side of that is no one would be able to tell if they botched the execution and it took a looooooooooooooooooong time for him to lose consciousness.

Also, wonder if his family will try to sue the police for paralyzing him?
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That's awful.

I want him to feel every single bullet strike his body when he goes in front of firing squad.
love to see them slip the noose around his neck and hoist him from his wheelchair,
Calling to mind this bit of history:

"This order [for execution of deserters during the Mexican-American War] was to be carried out by Colonel William Harney... While overseeing the hangings, Harney ordered Francis O'Connor hanged even though he had had both legs amputated the previous day. When the army surgeon informed the colonel that the absent soldier had lost both his legs in battle, Harney replied:

“Bring the damned son of a bitch out! My order was to hang 30 and by God I'll do it!"

[from Wikipedia article on "Saint Patrick's Battalion"]
The Army should find some marksmen of the same ability that executed Pvt. Eddie Slovic. If the details of his execution are portrayed correctly in the movie, not one member of his firing squad inflicted a fatal wound and it took many minutes for him to die. If memory serves, the commander even contemplated having the squad reload to shoot him again.
Galligan said that his client's medical condition remains "extremely serious" and that Hasan didn't flinch when Galligan touched his leg.
I bet I could get him to flinch by touching his leg:


But I probably wouldn't end up helping his paralysis much.
Did you see the movie "Law Abiding Citizen"? The 2nd guy he killed he kept alive for many hours while he was strapped to a table while he took all of his fingers, toes, arms, legs & eyelids off and finally lopped off his balls and stuffed them in his mouth before he died. The people in "Saw" died very quickly when their time was up, but the killer/rapist (who killed his wife & daughter) in "LAC" was kept alive for hours & hours & hours to make sure that guy felt every bit of pain. That's what this Ft. Hood coward should go through. BTW "LAC" is a pretty good movie except for the last 20 minutes or so when it seemed rushed to find a way to end the movie.

That'd be too easy in my book. I say call the writer of the Saw movies and I'm sure he could come up with some sick @$$ed way to put him out of this world. Then he can go see his 70 virgins. 70 Big, Hairy, Gay, Olive Skinned virgins...
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