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You scored 96 Expert!
Good. You know your stuff...or I made the test WAY too easy... Either way, thanks for taking my test. I'm always changing it around, trying to make it better. If you disagree with anything, and you made 91% or better, lemme know...we'll background check it.
83%. Pretty sure it was the assassination questions, although I knew that Oswald used a Mannlicher-Carcano ('cuz I have one...)
+1 If I did pay more attention I'd probably just want more!!!!Criminy I only got a 56%. I SUCK at these quizzes. It's because I don't pay attention to what other guys are shooting, only what I'm shooting.
. Personally I enjoyed the test, but would love to have seen an answer key to see what I got wrong.
If you aren't into C&Rs or you are "just a defensive handgun shooter", you are at a serious disadvantage with this test. Personally I enjoyed the test, but would love to have seen an answer key to see what I got wrong.