"Fast And Furious/Gunwalker" mega-thread... was: ATF director expected to resign...

An interesting video, but something always seems a bit "off" about produced interviews where the interviewer appears to be hired by the subject to lob questions at him (sort of like those TV shows where the get rich quick snake oil salesmen are being "interviewed"). The carefully worded questions sound a lot more like position statements that questions - this just smells like a scripted pseudo-interview.

Just be honest and deliver a monologue, don't hire someone to ask questions from a script you gave him - it's just plain silly.
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An interesting video, but something always seems a bit "off" about produced interviews where the interviewer appears to be hired by the subject to lob questions at him (sort of like those TV shows where the get rich quick snake oil salesmen are being "interviewed"). The carefully worded questions sound a lot more like position statements that questions - this just smells like a scripted pseudo-interview.

Just be honest and deliver a monologue, don't hire someone to ask questions from a script you gave him - it's just plain silly.

A long time ago I was invited to a meeting with Wayne LaPiere at Fanuel hall. I got there early and got a front row seat. Just before it started People with microphones and head sets came in and asked me to please move to another seat. I noticed there was a little X in masking tape on the floor in front of my seat. Other people were also asked to move. Some people came in from another room and took the seats. At the end of the meeting, during questions and answers, every question came from one of these marked seats. It was obvious the questions and answers were all canned.
An interesting video, but something always seems a bit "off" about produced interviews where the interviewer appears to be hired by the subject to lob questions at him (sort of like those TV shows where the get rich quick snake oil salesmen are being "interviewed"). The carefully worded questions sound a lot more like position statements that questions - this just smells like a scripted pseudo-interview.

Just be honest and deliver a monologue, don't hire someone to ask questions from a script you gave him - it's just plain silly.

Sounds like the relationship between BHO and media.
It's that way everywhere- any public panel or forum will have canned Q&A. It's fairly common in my job to create questions and answers for topical panels for trades shows and the like. Everyone has an agenda they want to put out. The political arena is likely the worst case environment for this.
Some of what he says is pretty good. Now if only we could get someone other than the NRA to say it on a more credible news source.

Like the MSM is going to give the NRA a fair shake in it's reporting? They would do what they do to every Republican, edit out anything good or logical they say and broadcast anything negative or mistake they made.

Like I have been saying-

"But he said the NRA had not and will not endorse any individual GOP candidate. “All those candidates have positive records on the Second Amendment issues. We are not going to get into the Republican primaries,” he said.

“Our job is to protect the Second Amendment and that means that every gun owner, every Second Amendment supporter needs to do everything they can to make sure that President Obama does not get a second term so that he can destroy the Second Amendment.

“This is the most dangerous election in our lifetime for the Second Amendment freedom that American citizens have. A second term by President Obama will break the back of that freedom in this country.”

Vote out every Democrat you can....
I heard a clip on the radio last week that had prez zero speaking about the "terror plot" to bomb the Saudi embassy here in which he was saying how (to paraphrase) There's NO way that the Iranian leaders COULD NOT HAVE KNOWN of this plot. I've been trying to find the exact quote but my google-fu really sucks sometimes. If I do find it I will add it. If not, I hope that someone else does.
Anyway, with what he said and the way he said it, there's no doubt in my mind that there's NO WAY he could not have known about this whole Operation gun runner/Operation gun walker/Operation Fast & Furious/Operation Destroy the 2nd Amendment Under the Radar/operation whatever the EFF else it may be called.
He needs to eat his own words on this one and be held accountable along with all the other treasonous criminals that were involved in this BS!
Not holding my breath here...
Obama on ‘Fast and Furious’: ‘People Who Have Screwed Up Will Be Held Accountable’

By Devin Dwyer
Oct 18, 2011 4:33pm
Obama on ‘Fast and Furious’: ‘People Who Have Screwed Up Will Be Held Accountable’

As the Justice Department investigates how U.S. guns were allowed to flow illicitly into Mexico under the watchful eyes of federal agents, President Obama said today in an exclusive interview with ABC News that “people who have screwed up will be held accountable.”

“Our overarching goal consistently has been to say we’ve got a responsibility not only to stop drugs from flowing north, we’ve also got a responsibility to make sure we are not helping to either arm or finance these drug cartels in Mexico,” Obama said in the interview with ABC News senior White House correspondent Jake Tapper that will air on “Nightline.”

Read the rest here

ETA, the video on the abc page does not talk about F&F
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Well, ultimately we screwed up by not tossing them from office years ago and demanding the closure of the ATF.

Does that mean we will be "held accountable?"

Yes, yes it does... [sad2] (they will not)
Isn't it nice to have the "state sponsored media" in your corner?
ABC’s Jake Tapper on Tuesday pressed Barack Obama on the Fast and Furious gun scandal, but his network didn’t allow the question to appear on Nightline, World News or Good Morning America. (All played clips of the interview.) Instead, ABC found time to air Tapper and the President playfully discussing children’s books and the greatness of Dr. Seuss.

During the two-segment long Nightline interview, Tapper hyped, “At the school where we spoke, the President showed off his personal knowledge of children’s books.” The journalist informed Obama, “I’m a big Dr. Seuss guy.”

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If it were about any subject other than guns OR involved any POTUS other than Obama this would gain some traction. As it is, this is going to go no place. Best case scenario Holder will be asked to resign and given a plum someplace else. Most likely Obama keeps Holder until after the election and if he wins, replaces him with another gun grabber.
Unreal this whole thing is like the twilight zone. The DOJ just sits there and acts as if nothing happened. Holder's arrogance is unreal he along with thesE other elite academics in the Whitehouse act as if they are above everyone it's sickening..
Watching on mute because I'm on a conference call, but I can still tell that he's FOS.
All softball bull$hit questions from Leahy 'before' he will be asked the pertinent questions we are all hoping to hear.

Holder is disgusting!
What does the diatribe Mr. Kohl is spouting have to do with F&F?
What does the diatribe Mr. Kohl is spouting have to do with F&F?

The Dems will burn up time with these stupid questions and build up Holder's credibility to distract the Republicans damaging questions.
The Dems keep asking if they can 'count on you' as if Holder is not going anywhere because he is too valuable!
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