Falmouth - Article 13 Gun Trade In Vote Tonight in special town meeting.

I'm sure the Reverend packed the place with her followers to get that bylaw passed. Wasn't much new coverage on this so I'm thinking most people who are gun owners in town didn't even know it was an article. Interesting that it doesn't affect this particular trade in happening now as it's already in process. It'll block the next one though.
Thank God the good Reverend is doing God's work on the mean streets of Falmouth.
What a pathetic excuse for a Servant of the Lord, she's beating those swords into plowshares.
News Flash Reverend, The Meek Will NEVER Inherit the Earth.
Forget the gun thing. When are they gonna fix the inlet into the pond at Menahunt???? I think my dad was talking about that. . . . 5 or 6 years ago. It's gonna be a pain as they'll close the road for 6 months, but damn. Get going peeps. Or dredge the pond. Make a choice!

(My folks had a place off of Davisville on teh pond. Whatever pond that is. I don't recall. My dad would kayak a good amount in there back in the day.)
Sounds good to me. Manufacturers get an increased number of customers purchasing new product. The police can just get the funds from the education budget or something.
Better than even chance her vestments are rainbow colored...

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EDIT: Hah!! Called it!! I'm actually surprised her hair doesn't have purple highlights.

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I didn't know the episcopal church went that wacky... I swear it was a UUU church...

I am not super religious but I believe all this sex stuff has no main stream in religion.. it's just a virtue signal... Oh and most of their services are a snooze fest.. hence the name of this youtube video snooze fest... The church audio guy couldn't even deal with it.. hence the name.. just watch maybe 5 minutes... It's basic an extreme left church....

I can't wait until I can openly profess my love for MILF/Mature chubby women 30 years or older.. wait a minute no one cares...

View: https://youtu.be/NOZc54FFnq8
However, another voter countered this, saying just because no one died in Falmouth because of an assault weapon doesn’t mean more weapons should be put on the street.

A pity someone didn't douse him in gasoline and set him on fire - See? Someone DID die of immolation! That's by definition MORE of a threat in Falmouth!
I have a great idea. Charge the Reverend with the bill for the lost revenue. Have her and her progressive followers pick up the tab.
Far left whack jobs have infiltrated the churches, the schools, the corporations, non profits, government, the media and entertainment. They spread worse than cockroaches.

FALMOUTH — Voters appropriated around $13 million to town needs, created a new bylaw regarding surplus police assault weapons and rejected a petition to reverse the plastic water bottle ban at town meeting on Monday night.

There were 190 voters at the meeting held at the Lawrence School Auditorium. Here are some of the major issues town meeting voted on:

Falmouth police surplus assault weapon bylaw approved
Voters approved a new bylaw to the Code of Falmouth that mandates surplus police assault weapons be destroyed rather than sold to gun dealers.

In the past, it was a common procedure for the Falmouth Police Department to sell its surplus weapons back to gun dealers as part of deals to purchase new weapons. In May, the Falmouth Police Department finalized a deal with Hyannis gun store Powderhorn Outfitters to sell Powderhorn over 20 AR-15 semi-automatic weapons to receive credit toward a new purchase.

This spurred a petition drive by Falmouth residents to stop the gun deal. The petition was submitted to the Select Board with more than 300 signatures but it failed to sway town officials. As a result, a citizen's petition was filed by Nan Logan, to create a bylaw regulating surplus police weapons.

On Monday, Logan, who was joined by the Rev. Deborah Warner, said assault weapons should be destroyed rather than put on the open market. They said assault weapons sold back to gun stores could appear in other states, assault weapons are illegal in Massachusetts, and used for criminal violence.

Destroying the surplus weapons is a small answer to rising gun violence across the country, Logan said.

A woman, who appeared to be relatively young, said in support of the new bylaw that her generation lives at a time when school and mass shootings are considered normal. She said she did not want her children to experience the same thing.

Another voter, who spoke against the bylaw, said that nobody in Falmouth was ever killed with an assault weapon and that the police department loses money if they can’t sell surplus weapons.

However, another voter countered this, saying just because no one died in Falmouth because of an assault weapon doesn’t mean more weapons should be put on the street.

The voice vote was resoundingly in favor of the bylaw.

ETA: an article highlighting the Reverend.
Nan Logan is a board member on some huge gun control group, and a major activist. She's 77, and some old fart. No idea why Falmouth's gun owners didn't watch the town meeting warrant, and show up in Mass to vote it down.

Every year when the town meeting warrant gets released for my town, I check it out to see what kinds of nonsense have been slipped in.
I didn't know the episcopal church went that wacky... I swear it was a UUU church...

I am not super religious but I believe all this sex stuff has no main stream in religion.. it's just a virtue signal... Oh and most of their services are a snooze fest.. hence the name of this youtube video snooze fest... The church audio guy couldn't even deal with it.. hence the name.. just watch maybe 5 minutes... It's basic an extreme left church....

I can't wait until I can openly profess my love for MILF/Mature chubby women 30 years or older.. wait a minute no one cares...

View: https://youtu.be/NOZc54FFnq8

One of the pix I saw had it standing in front of a congregational church sign...which can be just as moon batty as a UUC
It gets worse. From the article:
Duby also said that his coalition may work to get an article at the town meeting that would approve funding to buy the guns from Powderhorn Outfitters and then destroy them.
Question for the LEOs on here: what’s the criteria for when a patrol rifle needs to be replaced? Age? Round count? I doubt that it is wear and tear, but I could be wrong.
Would be cool if the wording was dispose of surplus and do not sell. At least some cops would get some free guns to take home. Either way I'm betting not one upper gets destroyed. Lol
Question for the LEOs on here: what’s the criteria for when a patrol rifle needs to be replaced? Age? Round count? I doubt that it is wear and tear, but I could be wrong.
There's no particular standard for replacement. Whim, obsolescence, damage, wear due to poor maintenance, someone has a good sale, incompatibility with new equipment - whatever. Round counts for other than full-time swat rifles would be low.
It gets worse. From the article: Duby also said that his coalition may work to get an article at the town meeting that would approve funding to buy the guns from Powderhorn Outfitters and then destroy them.
Be very interested in seeing/hearing Cohen's response to this. Definitely be You Tube material.
Question for the LEOs on here: what’s the criteria for when a patrol rifle needs to be replaced? Age? Round count? I doubt that it is wear and tear, but I could be wrong.
My guess would be ‘old toy no longer shiny, need shiny new toy.’ And I can’t say as I blame them either!
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