Ever come across these guys at the range??!!

I just bring this guy and and the dog to the range and that stops people from asking questions.... they just tend to pack their sh** up and leave. [rofl]

I can't afford a real Big Dog, but I hear this one can be had much cheaper:

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Hopefully I don't annoy people, but every now and then when I leave a lane to throw away a target, I will sometimes stop NEAR other shooters and try to see what they are shooting, or watch recoil, that kinda stuff.

I'm very friendly and smiley in general, never offer advice unless someone asks (which no one ever does). Mainly just excited to be around others and their guns. But is this annoying to any of you? Doesn't mean I will stop, as I've found everyone to be nice and not seeming to mind.
I can't afford a real Big Dog, but I hear this one can be had much cheaper:

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I just bring this guy and and the dog to the range and that stops people from asking questions.... they just tend to pack their sh** up and leave. [rofl]

I actually LOL'd at that one, and I'm not one to type "LOL" lightly.

For the original poster, check out:
Range Stereotypes

I can't afford a real Big Dog, but I hear this one can be had much cheaper:

Oh my God, you guys have me in tears! When I saw the first one, I actually thought it was two guys, then I saw this. Getting up early makes for more laughs late in the day.
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My club doesnt have anybody like that yet. I suppose theres always time.
I have seen people shooting AR's at 50 yards with a scope and bipods telling me I can't shoot out to 200 yards offhand with open sights While I'm shooting my targets just fine. I will only offer advice if I'm asked. Most people at my club like to shoot and talk guns. If they did come up to me and start telling me I dont shoot right I'll tell them to go away inas nice a way as I can.
If they really know what they are talking about they'll back off when you tell em you got double charges crammed into your 5.56 cases and wanted to see how they react with the 90 grain 6mm bullets you shaved down with an emery board. If they are still there shout Good Boom after each shot.

Some great replys ....believe me I am not some slouch and will tell you where the dog died if need be but, literally every time I have been to this particular club there seems to be some sort of expert on hand. I am not a competing expert shooter by any means....I do it because it is fun to me and my family and we truly enjoy it then these wanks come along and pull their BS. I think the suggestion about maybe finding another club is probably right. I love shooting but, these people are morons...like I said, I don't bother anyone....why bother me?
Now, don't get me wrong...I like to think I am one of the more easy going guys you'll come across during the course of your day. Seems like every time I go to the range I can't just shoot in peace. I don't bother anyone, I keep to myself and have a fun time. Then, as I am enjoying myself blasting some rounds downrange some expert will come over and attach his 'self to your rear end and will not leave you alone. Blah blah blah....I am friendly and enjoy meeting new people but, seriously sometimes I just want to go to the range and let loose not have some dude all up in my face telling me he is an armchair handgun/rifle swat team navy seal green beret special pooper trooper....god! I leave you alone and respect your space why can't you leave me be?!! Ok...I now that I have that out of my system...I am good...thanks for listening...

All you had to do was ask me to leave,you didn't have to start an internet thread about it.
Sorry to hear the shitflys are in season up there already.
I recently changed clubs for some of the same reasons.
Not only were a small minority of the members "used to bes", the range was open to the public on the weekends. Some weekends the sheer ineptitude of people made me hold my knees and rock in the fetal position in the corner....under my full flak vest. I ended up spending more time playing UN between the semi-auto punks and bolt-action Fudds than I did burning my own powder so it was time to put my pullout plan into action.
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I always bring what I now call a "bullshit walks" gun when I go shooting just to scare these blowhards away. The most effective one to date is a Thompson Contender in 45-70 US Gov't with 14" barrel. I also have a nasty little .577Snider carbine which has also been pretty effective. A single round from either one of these shuts 'em right up and they wander away quietly.
[laugh] HSC has a couple-few of these. "most" of them will quite and get back to shooting within the standard 3 to 5 minutes... while SOME will yap for 45 minutes [rofl][rofl]


no, i'm NOT finding a new club
I'm fairly chatty at the club if folks look receptive and want to BS, but i never "tell" anyone anything. I do ask a lot of questions if I see something I don't recognize, especially if its old (just got my C&R). I have had someone come over to me with an issue with a revolver and fortunately it was something I recognized and fixed it for him. Sometime the friendly chat turns into a political tirade, then I get bored. I just say, "Don't mean to cut you short, but I gotta burn this ammo, I need the brass."
I have had one of the older guys at the club come over and sit next to my bench and ask questions about what I was shooting and stuff (technical stuff about reloading and such), I thought it was pretty cool. I have seen and hear guys walk up to someone who is shooting and correct their position and then move along, then the guy shooting looks at me (as if to say, wtf?). I just look and say, whatever works for you man.
I'm a relatively new resident of Mass and like meeting new people at the range. Picked up some good pointers by watching, some have offered good advice.
I haven't been bothered too much, and I've actually had a lot of positive experiences talking to people at the range, but I did have a fudd tell me one time that my USP was a waste of my money because "it's only good for killing people". [rolleyes]
I belong to a fairly social club. We all pretty much know one another and engage in conversation. The same holds true when someone hits the range who is unfamiliar. It helps us to know our members better. I haven't run into too many HSLD-types, but I don't necessarily think that's such a bad thing either - a few actually know what they're doing and are interesting to watch shoot. As to advice, I tend not to give it unless I really see someone struggling....
I enjoy my range time by myself when I have a clear objective other then tossing some rounds downrange. Other then that I enjoy the conversations with the different members of the club. I may even be considered a bug at times cause I always want to see what others are shooting and at times and talk for a bit in between targets. I find shooting to be a great social activity. That being said I don't think I come close to the "know it all type" more of the want to learn more type.
I haven't been bothered too much, and I've actually had a lot of positive experiences talking to people at the range, but I did have a fudd tell me one time that my USP was a waste of my money because "it's only good for killing people". [rolleyes]

I hope you punched him in the nuts for that.

I must look really unfriendly or something, people usually leave me alone. I like to take a day off when I know it's going to be a million below zero, head out to the rifle range and shoot by myself. Even if I have to wear snowshoes to set up a target, it's awesome. Very relaxing.
All of you guys who haven't run into this guy...... stop by my club.... we have a busload of them.

Whoa...definitely time for a new club...

Mines not bad at all most times nobody there, and when there is haven't run across anyone annoying. If I have time, I'm open to some BS'ing, but
I don't like to bother people unless they start talking to me first.
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I haven't been bothered too much, and I've actually had a lot of positive experiences talking to people at the range, but I did have a fudd tell me one time that my USP was a waste of my money because "it's only good for killing people". [rolleyes]

He probably didn't know any better.

I was at my range a year and a half ago when a local friendly fudd was sighting in a coyote rifle. He was finishing up, I was taking out an AR that my son and I had built, when he said to me, "When are you going to get a real hunting rifle?"

I said, "What's wrong with this one?" He kinda laughed and said, "Yeah right, I mean an accurate rifle."

I set up a spotting scope, pointed to the target he had been using and asked, "Are you done with that Shoot-N-See?"

He said, "Go for it." I pointed to the spotting scope ask asked, "Would you mind?"

He said, "Sure" and then watched me put five shots inside the triangle formed by the three rounds he'd already put on the target.

I let him try the AR and he ended up popping clays in the 100 yard bunker with regularity. He told me he didn't realize that 'semi-autos' could be so accurate.
... but I did have a fudd tell me one time that my USP was a waste of my money because "it's only good for killing people".

If you ever need it for it's intended purpose (stopping someone) it will be the best money you ever spent in your entire life.

Me and Glocky were at Worcester Pistol and Rifle and were shooting a glock at a 10"gong at 100yds. One if the guys look at the other, pointed at us and said ":Look at these guys, they will never hit that thing"

Bang...ding. Glocky showed them!
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