European violence worse than US!


Oct 18, 2009
Worcester, MA
Feedback: 4 / 0 / 0
Gun control does not reduce fact it usually increases it!
While the American hating Marxist/Progressive democrat politicians & judges keep pushing to create a sociopath police state that enjoys intimidating citizens and taking our rights away.
(yet let illegals roam around free, even when they commit crimes!)

When will this lunacy end? When will honest LEO's, politicians & judges speak out against this?
Probably never, as the filthy corruption and assault on our freedoms & liberties will continue in MA and throughout the US.
Gutless fools will prevail....
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This is the line I liked best:

The U.S. has a violence rate of 466 crimes per 100,000 residents, Canada 935, Australia 92 and South Africa 1,609.

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Let's compare:

UK 2034 per thousand
Austria 1677 per thousand
South Africa 1609
Sweden 1123
Belgium 1006
Canada 935
Finland 738
Netherlands 676
Luxembourg 565
France 504

US 466

After listening to YEARS of BS from gun grabbers about how violent it is here - and how great it is in other countries - we find out that - magically - violent crimes are way lower in a country where many people are armed - than in liberal cesspool countries where almost nobody is.

The US is like the wild west and everyone has a gun and they pull them out and shoot at the drop of a hat and campfire arguments and domestic disputes turn into gun play all the time...

This is unpossible!

The U.S. has a violence rate of 466 crimes per 100,000 residents, Canada 935, Australia 92 and South Africa 1,609.

Why is it so much lower is Australia?
That's another country that banned most types of guns.
I remember seeing photos of huge piles of arms they collected and burned.
Is this number a misprint?
Why is it so much lower is Australia?
That's another country that banned most types of guns.
I remember seeing photos of huge piles of arms they collected and burned.
Is this number a misprint?
Population density is a huge factor in crime...

Which is why of course we should be asking the urbanization pushers why we should pack ourselves into mega-cities so that disease, crime and loss of liberty can make our lives a living hell...

Of course the real answer is they just want us dependent on the state and conveniently located for periodic culling of the herd... So, no real point in asking a question when you know they will lie...
Need to read how they classify the crimes as well. The UK number is actually higher. I was talking with a friend over there and she says that they just do single charges. If a guy beats up 5 guys in a bar fight, there will be 5 charges of A&B, but in the UK it would be listed as just one.
Why is it so much lower is Australia?
That's another country that banned most types of guns.
I remember seeing photos of huge piles of arms they collected and burned.
Is this number a misprint?

Yes that must be a misprint....Australia usually has more violent crime that even Great Britain!

Population density has little to do w/ crime rates....England small - Australia HUGE. Gun control equals crime increases, and always has.
While I agree that gun control does not, by any measure, work, certainly not in the U.S., I question the validity of the article.

First it cites "official sources" without naming any of them. That's a red flag. Second it's in the Daily Mail, which is right up there with the National Enquirer in terms of reliability. Finally there's the question of apples to apples. What's classified as "violent crime" is open to a LOT of interpretation believe it or not, and over many countries with wildly differing reporting standards etc. it's hard to draw comparisons.

It may be true (The article is from 2009) but it may also be utter B.S. Since it's so far out of what my understanding has been and my experience living and traveling in Europe has been, I'm skeptical.

It's been well documented that crime has risen in the UK since the gun-ban, but I've not seen anything to support the numbers and comparisons being made. I mean seriously, you think SOUTH AFRICA has a rigorous crime reporting mechanism in place? I doubt it. the USA stats were worthless in half the states for the most part until the 90's.
Need to read how they classify the crimes as well. The UK number is actually higher. I was talking with a friend over there and she says that they just do single charges. If a guy beats up 5 guys in a bar fight, there will be 5 charges of A&B, but in the UK it would be listed as just one.

The UK numbers should be even higher than that, because the cops tell them to don't even bother reporting some crimes, such as shoplifting if the item value is under $30.
It may be true (The article is from 2009) but it may also be utter B.S. Since it's so far out of what my understanding has been and my experience living and traveling in Europe has been, I'm skeptical.

Well Bill, if my experience living and traveling in the US is anything to go by, there is no violence here since I have never been the victim of violent crime and I've never had to shoot anyone.
Well Bill, if my experience living and traveling in the US is anything to go by, there is no violence here since I have never been the victim of violent crime and I've never had to shoot anyone.
Well, I haven't shot anyone, but have experienced crime, so clearly these articles are BS and the UK is a paradise... [thinking]

Seriously though Bill - even the worst one there at 2000 per 100,000 says 2/100 or 2% of people will experience a violent crime...

There are undoubtedly problems in the data in various ways WRT to reporting - but:

a. The US likely over-reports comparatively.
b. SA likely under-reports...

That said, the trend and basic outline of the issue makes perfect sense. The trouble with all crime stats recorded in this way (per 100K) is that crime is generally pretty concentrated. That is, I'd guess that 90% of crime happens in 1% (or less) of the geographic area in question...

So, your collision probability with crime is highly irregular - even in cess-pool nations... A "sample of one" isn't going to tell you anything...
Well, I haven't shot anyone, but have experienced crime, so clearly these articles are BS and the UK is a paradise... [thinking]

Seriously though Bill - even the worst one there at 2000 per 100,000 says 2/100 or 2% of people will experience a violent crime...

There are undoubtedly problems in the data in various ways WRT to reporting - but:

a. The US likely over-reports comparatively.
b. SA likely under-reports...

That said, the trend and basic outline of the issue makes perfect sense. The trouble with all crime stats recorded in this way (per 100K) is that crime is generally pretty concentrated. That is, I'd guess that 90% of crime happens in 1% (or less) of the geographic area in question...

So, your collision probability with crime is highly irregular - even in cess-pool nations... A "sample of one" isn't going to tell you anything...

I never said, nor ever would say, that the UK is ANY sort of paradise. (Who the F wants to live in a complete surveillance state where your rights are at the whim of parliament)?

However, it turns out that I was thinking of murder rates, not violent crime rates overall. Murder rates are about 4 times higher in the U.S. than in the UK, but I found some additional reports which are much better documented that support the overall violent crime numbers claimed in the OP. I stand corrected.
Why is it so much lower is Australia?
That's another country that banned most types of guns.
I remember seeing photos of huge piles of arms they collected and burned.
Is this number a misprint?

The immigration policies in Australia are much stricter than those in Europe.
Austria is a violent place? That surprises me and makes me skeptical of the article. Anyone have some alternate sources?
ALL the European countries are collapsing under the pressure of public unions....Ireland being the latest today! And violent crimes are higher in all of these countries than in the US, while the liberal media here has been under reporting these issues because it goes against there leftist ideals.
All while Obama and the democrats want to 'change' America to be more like Europe, before citizens realize they have been misinformed all along....while appointed unAmerican Marxist police Chiefs keep scheming to take our God given rights away, sighting biased crime statistics. These people are about the lowest form of life knows to humans....

After reading George Orwell, 'cesspool' gutter people decided they wanted to be part of that type of totalitarian government....very close to what we have in MA right now.
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Why is it so much lower is Australia?
That's another country that banned most types of guns.
I remember seeing photos of huge piles of arms they collected and burned.
Is this number a misprint?

I would rather do down a razer blade slide and into a pool of rubbing alcohol than see pictures or videos of firearms being burned. [crying]
You might as well be a bad guy if you live in the U.K. They have more rights than the citizens.
You go to jail if you defend yourself in your own home. Sad, sad thing. Prime example below.

"Tony Martin, who shot and killed a teenager who broke into his farmhouse in Norfolk 11 years ago.
Mr Martin, now 65, insists he was right to kill Fred Barras, 16, and seriously injure his accomplice Brendan Fearon, 31.
He was initially convicted of murder and jailed for life but this was later reduced to a five-year "

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ALL the European countries are collapsing under the pressure of public unions....Ireland being the latest today!

Ireland is collapsing under something totally different.
Since the early 90's their economy was boosted from an agrarian state into modern industrial age and commerce, largely by funding received from the E.U..
Many of their road infrastructure has been paid for by tax payers from mainland
Many of the global players used Ireland as their European hub for "tax optimization", taking advantage of very attractive tax rates compared to mainland Europe.
They have created a huge bubble which has burst a few years ago, when U.S. and
European countries' tax authorities paid a close look onto this model.
However, the Irish kept investing in lots of top notch business parks which have
turned into ghost towns lately.

And violent crimes are higher in all of these countries than in the US, while the liberal media here has been under reporting these issues because it goes against there leftist ideals.

IMHO this statement doesn't hold in practice.
Ireland is collapsing under something totally different.

However, the Irish kept investing in lots of top notch business parks which have
turned into ghost towns lately.

Isn't Ireland the place where they have the sociopath/psychopath cops that brutally intimidate citizens from accusing Catholic priests of pedophilia....making Ireland the child rape capital of Europe? Wasn't it tens of thousands of helpless children these big bad cops left to fend for themselves? Talk about a cesspool society!

Yes I can remember when the computer companies (DEC, Data General, Wang, Stratos, Prime) of Massachusetts all has subsidiaries in Ireland....anything to get out of Taxachusetts! They all shortly collapsed under pressure from public union pay & benefit hikes here's a miracle MA has ANY business going on, and MA is the ONLY state loosing population, and we will be loosing a Fed. rep. soon.
Yes Europe is much more violent that here in the US....but Obama and the democrats are trying there best to lower us to there level.

And as Greece recently collapsed there was NO mention from ABC, CBS, NBC or CNN that public union bosses sent there people to the streets....burning buildings, police cruisers (even set a couple cops on fire!). All they like to show are peaceful demonstrators w/ the PC signs in Europe.

IMHO this statement doesn't hold in practice.

But Obama and the democrats are trying there best to lower us to European levels.
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