Emergency Food, et al

Bouillon cubes go bad. Augason Farms products are usually much less expensive on WalMart.com. If you package in Mylar food grade buckets are an unneeded expense. Beans, especially pinto, get extremely hard after awhile. I've been advised to try lentils instead. Bonus, they cook quicker. Consider plain jane galvanized trash cans vs. anything plastic due to rodents. At least consider LDS (Mormons), for #10 cans of food. With precautions taken against vermin, dry foods can be stored anywhere, even in New England. We, in New England, have one of the best grocery chains, Market Basket, for prepping re. canned goods. Within recent times I've acquired tuna at .50 cents a can, Dinty Moore at .99 cents a can and salmon at $1.99 a can. Watch when they have introductory pricing. When they first stocked Chicken of the Sea crabmeat, it was .99 cents a can for example. Salvage stores can be your friend. 2 weeks ago I bought 300 pounds of parboiled rice for .20 cents a pound. Not for everybody but Dollar Tree has 11 ounce cans of bologna for $1. Tractor Supply has feed corn for a reasonable price.
Well, if .. .prepare to lock and load. You-know-who will have a "democratic vote" in order to allow the "greater good" to enter each house, take inventory and share it with the community.

(that's what they're doing now, anyways, besides the force entry, as long as your W-2 is around and worth anything).

SHTF is a radical scenario. But if it's on ? The one I described is a given.

What's your course of action then ? shoot your friendly neighbors coming to take inventory ? How long can you hide your family being the only one not pale and malnourished ?

My answer will be that we have a small pantry for our needs. It is not a pantry for their needs. Then I will tell them to leave. I'll lead with that with a FUDD shotgun pointed at them, but will escalate from there.

Keep in mind if neighbors know you have food it's only a matter of time before they get enough desperate people together to attempt to take it from you with force.

My moonbatty suburb will not do well in that. The nearby utes and bangers in Framingham are another story, which is why my departure plan from here would be executed. 50 gallons of #2 on tap and an M35 will get me there.
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What about coffee sealed in a can (chock full of nuts)? Can you get 5 years? What are the best storage options for coffee?

sent via Samsung Galaxy S6
has anyone gone to the LDS Food Storage facility in Worcester? They sell bulk and #10 cans of various items, for much less than the online stores.
If you do go, please let us know what kind of supplies they have on hand [grin].

FYI - some of the Market Baskets have food grade big white buckets for $2.99 (lid included). It doesn't seem to be all of them, in my area only the Newburyport store has them. (this is a new thing)

(corrected price-I originally thought they were 3.99)
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