Did Hunter Biden's gun problem go away?

Yup and pathetic.

After 34 yrs. working for the govt. as a civilian and Soldier I'm beyond disgusted and enraged.

The Swamp is so entrenched there's no way they give up power or are reformed from within.
Dear Mr. Putin:

Please turn DC to glass. You know the coordinates.


And notice how no one from Antifa, The Anarchists, BLM, Janes Revenge, Radical Environmentalist's, Eco Warriors, etc. have been infiltrated, broken up, arrested and prosecuted?

The FBI has had files and infiltrated every violent group since the KKK, Mafia, American Nazi Party, American Communist Party, Black Panther's, Civil Rights Marchers, MLK, etc. and has either blackmailed them or arrested and broken them up but the knuckleheads who entered the Capital on 6 Jan. are being prosecuted and hung for trespassing in THEIR Capitol building.

They dared enter the Swamps domain and will pay with their lives. That's called sending a message, just like in the Godfather when the Movie Mogul woke up with his horses' head in his bed. Trump called them out and he/we will pay the price.
And notice how no one from Antifa, The Anarchists, BLM, Janes Revenge, Radical Environmentalist's, Eco Warriors, etc. have been infiltrated, broken up, arrested and prosecuted?

The FBI has had files and infiltrated every violent group since the KKK, Mafia, American Nazi Party, American Communist Party, Black Panther's, Civil Rights Marchers, MLK, etc. and has either blackmailed them or arrested and broken them up but the knuckleheads who entered the Capital on 6 Jan. are being prosecuted and hung for trespassing in THEIR Capitol building.

They dared enter the Swamps domain and will pay with their lives. That's called sending a message, just like in the Godfather when the Movie Mogul woke up with his horses' head in his bed. Trump called them out and he/we will pay the price.
Repeat after me:



And notice how no one from Antifa, The Anarchists, BLM, Janes Revenge, Radical Environmentalist's, Eco Warriors, etc. have been infiltrated, broken up, arrested and prosecuted?

The FBI has had files and infiltrated every violent group since the KKK, Mafia, American Nazi Party, American Communist Party, Black Panther's, Civil Rights Marchers, MLK, etc. and has either blackmailed them or arrested and broken them up but the knuckleheads who entered the Capital on 6 Jan. are being prosecuted and hung for trespassing in THEIR Capitol building.

They dared enter the Swamps domain and will pay with their lives. That's called sending a message, just like in the Godfather when the Movie Mogul woke up with his horses' head in his bed. Trump called them out and he/we will pay the price.
Considering the above mentioned groups are on the payroll , no surprise .
You don't arrest your own flying monkeys .
Hmmmmwhy did those cars catch fire after Joe's visit to Nantucket? Maybe they didn't want another verse added to the famous Limerick?
The "system" is so corrupt and entrenched it's beyond belief. We're f***ed because WE have to play by the rules and the Leftists don't.
They can riot and destroy cities, lie, cheat and steal with immunity and if we question them we are labeled as white supremacists and racists and the lamestream media carry's their water. We can't win playing by the rules and the D/Leftists know it.
We're fighting a conventional war, obeying the Geneva Convention and they're fighting a Guerilla War with no rules. Collateral damage means nothing to them because they're dedicated Socialists/Leftists and hate America.
Point taken.
Every ballot should have a serial number??

I've said it before - it's a great use of blockchain. You can verify when people voted, you can change your vote right up until the polls close. It solves a lot of problems.

Of course, there will ALWAYS be those who figure out a way to cheat the system. Someone would figure out a way to beat the blockchain and vote for people anyhow. But it would be a good start.
I've said it before - it's a great use of blockchain. You can verify when people voted, you can change your vote right up until the polls close. It solves a lot of problems.

Of course, there will ALWAYS be those who figure out a way to cheat the system. Someone would figure out a way to beat the blockchain and vote for people anyhow. But it would be a good start.
Doesn't conform to the Swamp's agenda, they don't want FAIR elections, they want elections they can control and WIN!
Nothing to see here Peon's, move on.
The American Leftist's have learned from the CCP and their Communist predecessor's.
I've said it before - it's a great use of blockchain. You can verify when people voted, you can change your vote right up until the polls close. It solves a lot of problems.

Of course, there will ALWAYS be those who figure out a way to cheat the system. Someone would figure out a way to beat the blockchain and vote for people anyhow. But it would be a good start.
all democracies are done, conceptually.
ruling elites do not want that, governments efficiently ignore that, same people in 3 letter entities that rule the country remain at power no matter who runs the office, and whole voting shenanigan is also kaput.

just draw the line, declare the republic entered into a new woke stage and start a honorary presidential lineage.
old biden will democratically and peacefully transfer power to hunter, who will do it to his kids or concubines of choice, and so on and so forth.
like good old kingdoms, but, democratically - means with no restrictions to pass to your own kids only. and all will be easy peasy.
i also take offense with the thread name. really? a problem, to go away?
for anything to go away it needs to be a problem to begin with.
what our prince hunter ever had a problem with, in his whole life? his whole existence is a non-stop saga of how to blossom in a protective environment. no matter what he does, to whom he does it - he is in a perpetual protected happiness. he never had problems, nor need anything to go away.
it is you - all of us who have a problem with this situation, but he - he got no problems at all.
i also take offense with the thread name. really? a problem, to go away?
for anything to go away it needs to be a problem to begin with.
what our prince hunter ever had a problem with, in his whole life? his whole existence is a non-stop saga of how to blossom in a protective environment. no matter what he does, to whom he does it - he is in a perpetual protected happiness. he never had problems, nor need anything to go away.
it is you - all of us who have a problem with this situation, but he - he got no problems at all.
Just more evidence of the Biden Crime Family saga which is conveniently ignored by the Lamestream Media.
Biden accomplished his mission which was to defeat Trump and he's getting his reward.
Just more evidence of the Biden Crime Family saga which is conveniently ignored by the Lamestream Media.
Biden accomplished his mission which was to defeat Trump and he's getting his reward.
And he is not the first person in the rewards program but damn he swung for the fence!!!

Hunter Biden’s Laptop and 2020’s First Big Lie​

Our national press outlets need a ‘Team B’ approach to the story.​

By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr

His gun problem wasn't the only issue that went away. I read Hunter was approaching guests/reporters at the WH State Dinner for Macron and making "threatening" comments basically saying he was untouchable and to back off.

"When you say the Hunter Biden laptop story was real, Democrats and their media allies respond that the private embarrassments of Hunter Biden aren’t news.

When you say a large retinue of former top intelligence officials lied when they portrayed the laptop as a Russian intelligence operation, they say there’s no evidence that Joe Biden profited from his son’s activities.

When you say Twitter censored a legitimate news story and active-duty FBI officials may have encouraged the company to do so, they insist that Twitter is a private company and that Hunter’s activities were not illegal and had already been widely reported to the public.
In other words, the defenses now filling the media evade every important question. Only one intellectually honest statement has been heard anywhere and that was offered months ago by liberal philosopher and podcaster Sam Harris: Yes, the laptop story was true and newsworthy. Yes, intelligence veterans and the press lied in suppressing it to help Joe Biden. And he supports their doing so.

At least this response owns up in healthy fashion to realities, which is more than you can say for the national media. It’s a good moment to remind ourselves: The allegory of the emperor’s new clothes is not a parable of stupidity. It’s a parable of cowardice.

When 51 ex-intelligence officials said the laptop’s emergence “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation,” they were lying. In the long history of Kremlin dirty tricks, there’s no precedent for so implausible a caper. The officials couldn’t even say clearly what they meant. A real laptop had been stolen by the Russians and leaked to the press? A fake laptop had been created with thousands of uncannily real-looking documents, photos, videos and emails, most of them diabolically designed to have no news or scandal value? The New York Post produced not only a complete and sufficient account of how it obtained the laptop data. It produced a dated subpoena showing the FBI was already in possession of the original laptop for months and would know if the data were fake.

The absurdity of the intelligence veterans’ claim was obvious at the time. The people who run America’s major news outlets (at least those who aren’t idiots) knew it.

So obvious was the lie that America’s biggest news organizations have to remain silent now because of their own complicity. What I wrote in week one remains true: “It ought to register with you how cravenly some in the mainstream media are trying to convince you something isn’t true that they know is true.”

So compromised are the national reporting staffs of the Washington Post, the New York Times and other outlets that they can’t be trusted on the biggest story of the day. A Jeff Bezos, say, would have to take a page from the CIA’s own history and recruit a “Team B” off-site from his Washington Post to investigate the laptop ruse, then require his newspaper to report the truth however discomfiting to its newsroom and leadership.

The laptop ruse also ought to have you rethinking the FBI’s and Robert Mueller’s dragging out of the collusion inquiry to damage a president they distrusted. It ought to have you rethinking James Comey’s convenient resolution of the Hillary Clinton email matter based on secret “Russian intelligence” that he made sure would remain hidden from you even today.

Our press would bring these stories to light if it could refute them, but it can’t so it ignores them. And no, Twitter and Substack aren’t a substitute for institutions that can deploy teams of reporters and substantial resources to investigations.

The point has long since stopped being whose ox is gored, Mr. Trump’s or Mr. Biden’s. American voters whatever their sympathies don’t want their government and media lying to them to shape their political choices. (Put aside lying in a way that falsely incriminates a nuclear-armed hostile power as trying to fix a U.S. election on behalf of one of the candidates—an element of this episode that none want to confront.) The election is over; the truth is kept from you now to protect the guilty, not to save the country from the supposed menace of Trumpism. In a different universe far, far away—that is, America pre-Donald Trump—a conscientious press would be reporting the hell out of all this.

Now House Republicans will have to do the job instead, implicitly holding the press to account in the process. Whether Joe Biden actively promoted his son’s ventures is a secondary question but will yield to further investigation. Whether active-duty officials joined in lying to news outlets about the laptop origins will become clear as the Twitter revelations are followed up. One question I think we can say is already resolved conclusively: The 51 former officials lied to the public with deliberation and premeditation to influence a presidential election, and the national press abetted them."
"A specialist in the agency’s Protective Intelligence and Assessment Division then wrote to their colleagues: “It’s kind of odd that we were involved in the missing gun investigation when neither Hunter or Joe were even receiving USSS protection at the time? Hmmm.”

HMMM is right, if this doesn't prove beyond a shadow of a doubt the fix was in and the swamp was all in on defeating Trump than I don't know what else people need to know. See no evil, hear no evil I guess.
In Mike Pompeo's new book, after he was appointed head of the CIA he had a conversation with Brennan, his predecessor, and Brennan stated Trump was a threat to Democracy and must be stopped. The swamp is still pursuing Trump and covering for the Biden Crime Family.
That hard drive is no good anymore - it hasn’t been since the FBI admitted to not knowing where it was. A little thing called Chain of Custody.

Any defense attorney could get it thrown out on that alone.

Can’t identify where it was?
*Can’t identify who had access?

Proof on the access is easy - otherwise they could pull out the log sheet (that doesn’t exist) and name who had it last.
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