Dallas Shooting Thread

Can we please stop usng the term "shooter" or "gunman".

the individual is a killer, murderer, perpetrator, etc.

in a mass stabbing or vehicular homicide we would call them the killer, not stabber or driver.

most of us are shooters, which is how this forum is named.
There's a lot of people on the social webs thanking this traitor for what he did last night, it's sickening.

he may not deserve thanks, but he may also not be a traitor.

History may one day say Dallas was 2016's version of Lexington.

Personally, I think there are others far more deserving of rooftop voting and would prefer the "voter" be more selective
Shooter lived with her and the house was searched by FBI. The car he used was registered to her. That is what is known so far. Her profile for unknown reason is gone from the Facebook.

It couldn't have anything to do with the internet anonymous mob mentality that is probably bombarding her, nevermind all the "journalists" who are facebook stalking her trying to get a quote.
I can't tell if this was a lone gunmen at this point or not...

Based on his Facebook page affiliation I would dare to guess that this was well organized. But we need to wait for an official version. German radio talks about 1 gunman only and few "empty hand arrests" which are contributed to a fact that you can open carry in Texas.
"person of interest" shares his experience. harmless dude could have gotten himself killed awfully quickly just for having a rifle on his shoulder. thankfully he is ok.


Everyone should watch that interview. The guy's brother gets it. It's not ok to accuse this guy's brother of being a terrorist, broadcast it to the world, simply for executing his constitutional right to carry. The brothers are getting death threats.

It's a war on blacks, but it's also a war on law-abiding gun owners.
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Heard on the radio that they thought they had multiple Shooters due to the number of shots fired. Now they are saying one shooter. This will fit the high-capacity assault rifle meme quite well
It couldn't have anything to do with the internet anonymous mob mentality that is probably bombarding her, nevermind all the "journalists" who are facebook stalking her trying to get a quote.

That would be correct if ivarr would not post this:

i suppose the three people they have in custody will be waking up in the morning in their very own private sea side bungalow's down the beach from omar mateen's wife.

Would you guess where is Omar Mateen's wife and what disappeared first before her?
Well if he used an SKS then better get ready cuz the libtards are going to come after ammo next.
Following up on shooter's favorite sites:


The Huey P. Newton Gun Club is named after Black Panther Party founder Huey P. Newton. He was shot to death in 1989 by a member of the Black Guerrilla Family, a prison gang with a Marxist-Leninist ideology. The group is dedicated to overthrowing the government.
The Huey P. Newton Gun Club is linked to the Indigenous People’s Liberation Party, a group associated with the African People’s Socialist Party-USA (APSP). In 1982, APSP founded the African National Reparations Organization.

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Not sure how old that video is, but his premise seems to be based on the government siding with white citizens. Not sure thats the case any more.
Funny because she can shoot well or funny that a 10/22 is getting 4moa ? or funny because she shoots a 10/22 well ?
I don't recall using the word funny. I laughed at his stupid video and situations and relations he discussed.
scott lucas.jpg

What I would say is: Until you deal with the issue of guns being so freely available in America, until you deal with that root cause of the violence, whatever other causes there are as well, that issue of a failure to address gun control will eat away at your society. It will eat away at it not just in terms of the immediate politics, it will eat away at it socially, because of the tragedy of the deaths, because of the fear that it's going to engender, and eventually because of the hatred that it's going to foster.

Scott Lucas is a professor of American politics at the University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom. Originally from Alabama, he is also the editor of the Journal of American Studies.
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Funny because she can shoot well or funny that a 10/22 is getting 4moa ? or funny because she shoots a 10/22 well ?

I personally don't care how much guns ammo gold or silver one has stacked, if your not mentally and physically prepared for what's coming down the pipe well than your already done for. This is why I started preparing physically three years ago... @ 50 I'm in the best shape of my life physically as well as mentally .
We HAVE turned into a banana republic, WE don't enforce laws on the books; imigration, the espionage act, It is no wonder why people feel that there are two sets of laws people are frustrated and pissed off. the Governement solution make more laws that are selectively enforced. God Help us All

Good point that nobody else brought up in the thread until now.

Since Hillary will invariably and instantly blame this on gun owners - I suggest we return the favor and blame this directly on her and her complete and utter disregard for the laws of the country.

I'm sure there's an appropriate quote out there by somebody famous about what happens when the people think that the law no longer matters. I just can't think of one at the moment.
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Who's the twatwaffle?

Scott Lucas is a professor of American politics at the University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom. Originally from Alabama, he is also the editor of the Journal of American Studies.

And the Black Lives Matter movement, of course, following Michael Brown's killing in 2014, this is a movement which is dealing with some very serious issues: Not just police violence or alleged police violence, but also issues such as the economic situation, the lack of employment in certain areas, the income disparity.

There is a risk now that this movement in particular will be cast as a threat to all police. There's going to be this stigma which is going to be placed on it. Now if you do that - which is not to say that I agree with everything Black Lives Matters says, what the protesters say - but what you do is you shut down the possibility of dialogue and you turn this into a conflict situation.

We've got a former congressman, on Twitter right now, saying that this is war - a guy named Joe Walsh. If that type of language is exploited by politicians, including Mr. Trump, it will only contribute to what I think has been a very damaging erosion. In fact, more than erosion - I would never use the word "threat," that would only contribute to the language, but I would say that there is a serious problem in American politics and that this could be exacerbated by the reaction to what we've seen.
Good point that nobody else brought up in the thread until now.

Since Hillary will invariably and instantly blame this on gun owners - I suggest we return the favor and blame this directly on her and her completely and utter disregard for the laws of the country.

I'm sure there's an appropriate quote out there by somebody famous about what happens when the people think that the law no longer matters. I just can't think of one at the moment.

"It is unrealistic to expect a moral populace with immoral leaders."

--Jason Flare

The best thing they could do for their cause right now is GET organized, condemn this incident, and basically say that they think a serious dialogue between them and police departments has to begin.

I don't really think there is enough organization and focus to do that, though. To do that, I think they would need to shift towards addressing this as a police violence problem, and a violence problem in general (i.e. within poor communities, etc.) They would need to take it to the next level in terms of showing that they are organized, powerful, and have an agenda that doesn't create too much divisiveness. Not to say they have to drop the fact that this happens to black people so much more often, but they would need to focus on solutions more than the problem.

I really think there are two parts to it. There is a movement, with a lot of followers and posers who feel like they're a part of something when they end their tweets with #blacklivesmatter, and there is an organization behind the scenes that is controlling the "movement" part of it. Many, if not most, of the people in the movement part don't want violence. They don't want events like last night, and many may even want a world where race isn't an issue. On the other hand, the organized part is manipulating these followers to incite violence, to create a racial divide, create mistrust, and polarize the situation. To what end, I could only speculate. Movements without organization backing them up tend to fizzle out very quickly, sort of like #jesuischarlie (after the Charlie Hebdo attack) and #bringbackourgirls (referring to the children in Africa who were abducted and sold into sex slavery).
What I find interesting in all this is the perspective.

When Lavoy Finicum was shot in Oregon, many in the black community viewed him as a "crazy white terrorist" and felt no sympathy. When the page flips and we see a man like Philando Castile shot and killed by a cop, many from the "white guy" camp shrug their shoulders and say "well, I need more info" or "he shouldn't have done that"

What neither side realizes is, everyone is fed up with the police state. Fed up with tyranny, and fed up with being pushed around. Everyone has ideas on how to fix it and no one will ever really meet in the middle on it, but on the fringes of both sides people take matters into their own hands and do stupid shit. Here we have the dallas shooting and when it was the Bundy ranch we have the clowns Jerad Miller and Amanda Miller who killed those cops in Vegas.

All I am getting at is both sides need to realize that there is a problem, a problem we share frustration in and try to fix it. Otherwise we are going to get more of this and the two sides are going to grow farther apart. Both sides need to support each other (to a degree) when the boot is on our throats. I understand that BLM has been overrun with *******s and socialists, and I will say that is where the two sides differ the most, in that the patriot movement does a better job keeping out the riff raff.

I don't know. I just woke up. I'm rambling a bit, and I'm just sad. Mainly I'm sad because I know law abiding americans are gonna take the beating over all this and it's getting old

Good point.

But it's a point that I seem to only see coming from people on the white - I mean right.

I see black people showing up at Donald Trump rallies - and when they do they're taken in as compatriots in belief. But they're also cast out as "race traitors" from BLM types.

Earlier in the thread there were pics of that "person of interest" who was open carrying an AR during the rally. Later on somebody noted the guy turned himself in , and had actually turned his rifle over to the cops when the shooting started. I don't care what color he is - that guy sounds like he was righteously trying to make a good point, but when the SHTF time came he stood up and did the right thing yet again. IMHO people like him should have their stories told to the "public" in mags like American Rifleman - so that the "good" parts of the white and black side of this argument can see that they're closer together than they are apart.

And also so the government - and the POS contingent like BLM - can't take advantage of this any more.

I think both "snipers" have been caught.

They are going to have a hell of a story to tell.

Why are they not stating the description of the shooters?

If black, whites will not be going along with gun control. Whites will be buying more guns then ever this month. This has been predicted for months about civil disturbances in urban areas. People in cities are going to be arming up big time to defend themselves from these animals.

The racial strife has been getting worse and worse ever since 0Bama took office. Had 0Bama not gotten blacks so riled up in the past few years this likely would have never happened.

Dallas Police Chief:

- The police took the suspect out by attaching a bomb to a robot and sending it in to the suspect and exploding it.

- Suspect indicated that he was upset about BLM, upset about police shootings, and that he wanted to target white people and especially white cops.

Sounds like somebody in Dallas PD has a brain in their head.
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