Dallas Shooting Thread

Absolutely devastating, the thing that drives me nuts is that the BLM (who is powered by the media) thinks that cops are only killing blacks. They are killing all races, but the media chose to pick black deaths to coincide with the movement.

Time to order a couple cases of ammo boys and girls.... another 5K rounds should do?
"We still don't know all of the facts. But we do know when people are armed with powerful weapons it makes these attacks more tragic."


Plus, can we stop calling these atrocities tragedies? A tragedy is a train wreck or a tornado. This was willful.
Police will say that in this case time was wasted because legal carry made it difficult for them to differentiate between a real shooter and person carrying "a long gun" in the crowd. They will also say that in MN killing the legal carry complicated the situation and resulted in an unfortunate accident.

We do not have enough police, we do not have enough surveillance, we do not have budgets large enough.....yada, yada......so we need to take drastic measures and make all long guns illegal. Dallas Strong will get us there.

Mark my words.
What I find interesting in all this is the perspective.

When Lavoy Finicum was shot in Oregon, many in the black community viewed him as a "crazy white terrorist" and felt no sympathy. When the page flips and we see a man like Philando Castile shot and killed by a cop, many from the "white guy" camp shrug their shoulders and say "well, I need more info" or "he shouldn't have done that"

What neither side realizes is, everyone is fed up with the police state. Fed up with tyranny, and fed up with being pushed around. Everyone has ideas on how to fix it and no one will ever really meet in the middle on it, but on the fringes of both sides people take matters into their own hands and do stupid shit. Here we have the dallas shooting and when it was the Bundy ranch we have the clowns Jerad Miller and Amanda Miller who killed those cops in Vegas.

All I am getting at is both sides need to realize that there is a problem, a problem we share frustration in and try to fix it. Otherwise we are going to get more of this and the two sides are going to grow farther apart. Both sides need to support each other (to a degree) when the boot is on our throats. I understand that BLM has been overrun with *******s and socialists, and I will say that is where the two sides differ the most, in that the patriot movement does a better job keeping out the riff raff.

I don't know. I just woke up. I'm rambling a bit, and I'm just sad. Mainly I'm sad because I know law abiding americans are gonna take the beating over all this and it's getting old

A guy I'm "friends" with on Facebook posted some BS about how Castile should have complied with the cop and he wouldn't have died. It's such BS. He got killed because he had a gun and the cop freaked out. The fact that he was black was a part of it, yes, but it was mostly about a cop who had no clue what he was doing and who saw "guy with a gun=BAD".

Anyone who is paying any attention is sick of the cops and the way they are behaving. The police in this country have evolved into a standing army over the past 40 years, largely due to the failed "war on drugs". They have an "us versus them" attitude and really believe that the only thing that matters is other cops and not the common citizen. At one time they really did serve and protect the public, but that has devolved to the point that "serving and protecting the shit out of him" has become a reference to a cop beating a citizen for no reason. The cops insist that they be allowed to investigate their own when they commit misdeeds and that there is no need for civilian oversight, but cops protect each other. Sure, there are good cops out there. There are also a shit-ton of scumbags who get protected by all the cops because they are "one of us." It has got to stop.

I completely agree that both sides need to come together. I tried to make that point with a couple of my wife's liberal friends yesterday, but I don't know that I managed to get through their thick skulls. Black people are sick and tired of being shot and killed because they are black. Gun people are sick and tired of being treated like scum and criminals for exercising our rights. Both sides need to seize the opportunities that are presented by the Castile shooting and say "No more. We are done. We will not tolerate a police state in which cops act as if they are above the law. We demand accountability." If there isn't any accountability, I fear that there is going to be a lot more shooting. We need to prevent that if there is any possible way.

I am not going to watch the video, but a firearms instructor called in to WEEI this AM and said that the shooters were definitely trained and had a plan.

Because they managed to hit a few targets while spraying fire at a bunch of cops? So, they had gone to the range a couple of times. The plan probably consisted of "We're both sick of this shit. Let's get our rifles and kill some cops." Anytime there is a news account of something like this, the media manages to drag up some jackass who is a self-proclaimed expert and gets them on tape saying stupid stuff...lol.
Because they managed to hit a few targets while spraying fire at a bunch of cops? So, they had gone to the range a couple of times. The plan probably consisted of "We're both sick of this shit. Let's get our rifles and kill some cops." Anytime there is a news account of something like this, the media manages to drag up some jackass who is a self-proclaimed expert and gets them on tape saying stupid stuff...lol.

Meh, I'm just saying this wasn't something a couple of thugs worked out in 10 minutes. It was likely planned and the people involved had some type of training.
Lately we put so much of our focus on Islamic terrorists coming from the middle east that we can sometimes forget that there are far more domestic terrorists already here. Yes, that's what I said, terrorists. Those who riot, loot and kill, let's call them what they are, domestic terrorists.

Do you want an even larger Orwellian Society because that's how you get one! We have laws on the books to prosecute murder.... Stop romanticizing this crime; they are not domestic terrorists
Brace yourselves fellow firearms enthusiasts... this will create more hate towards gun owners.

The media is reporting "Snipers". Does any one know the distance that police were engaged at? Everyone is so quick to suggest training and tactics. I am not yet convinced. Every 15 year old who has played " Call of Duty" has seen these tactics
ban Call of Duty
This will not result in any sort of ban or action to confiscate

There's absolutely no support for it nationally

Even if there are a series of criminal/terrorist acts like this the focus was the police vs random citizens

I DO however predict actions against BLM/NBP and similar groups
actions by whom? The Dems don't eat their own.
Meh, I'm just saying this wasn't something a couple of thugs worked out in 10 minutes. It was likely planned and the people involved had some type of training.
There was absolutely some element of planning to this, but the "training" aspect is what I take issue with. How far away from the cops were they when they started shooting? 2-300 yards? Hitting a man sized target at that distance, especially from a rest isn't that hard to do. These guys didn't go to the marine sniper school. They probably did some shooting at a range.
Absolutely devastating, the thing that drives me nuts is that the BLM (who is powered by the media) thinks that cops are only killing blacks. They are killing all races, but the media chose to pick black deaths to coincide with the movement.

No one is saying white people don't get killed by cops. The difference is there are far more videos of cops murdering black guys without any repercussions.
No one is saying white people don't get killed by cops. The difference is there are far more videos of cops murdering black guys without any repercussions.
Statistics also show that blacks commit more crime, are therefore involved in more interactions with police, and are therefore more likely to be shot.
So......when are they going to release names/pics/associatiions of the shooters?

I suspect that if it had been a bunch of "crackers" they would have said so already
Which leads me to believe that its probably a bunch of nuggets associated with NBP/BLM or some similarly affiliated group........if you really want to put on the foil then consider the allignment of radical islam with NBP/BLM.......actually you dont need the foil for that....its perfectly logical
scrubbing their Facebooks all night
Bullshit. They're criminals. The word "terrorist" is being applied far too liberally these days, notably against people who believe in freedom and the constitution. Don't perpetuate that.

Agreed. Laws get put in place directed specifically at "terrorists". Start playing along with that b.s. and they'll be putting that label on whoever they want to give a good f*cking to that day. Pretty soon the guy shaking his fist at another guy in traffic is a terrorist. Dont play their games.
I'm guessing that Matt Bracken got himself banned from Facebook again. I started following him a few weeks ago, and my news feed is usually 90% Matt Bracken. Today he is absent.
And now they are breathlessly reporting that it is very concerning that the suspects are not cooperating with police. Duh
Statistics also show that blacks commit more crime, are therefore involved in more interactions with police, and are therefore more likely to be shot.

Doesn't mean the arrest should be conducted any differently.
Statistics also show that blacks commit more crime, are therefore involved in more interactions with police, and are therefore more likely to be shot.

Yeah but otoh poloce presence in certain areas means more crime is found.


Sent from my cell phone with a tiny keyboard and large thumbs...
Yeah but otoh poloce presence in certain areas means more crime is found.


Sent from my cell phone with a tiny keyboard and large thumbs...
More police in Weston would lead to a statistically significant higher arrest rate and less police in Roxbury will make it a safer neighborhood? I think that blacks do commit more crime overall and that's the result of LBJ's war on poverty, the war on drugs, and Clinton era incarceration reforms, all of which marginalized racial minorities and drove them towards poverty.
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