Dad kills intruder in daughter's bedroom


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Mar 27, 2007
New Hampshire
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Home Invader Dies In Struggle With Father Of Intended Victim
Police: Sex Offender Brought Rope, Condoms, Knife To Planned Attack

POSTED: 4:38 pm EDT September 28, 2008
UPDATED: 5:41 pm EDT September 28, 2008

INDIANAPOLIS -- A man who police said broke into a home with the intention of sexually assault a 17-year-old girl in her bedroom died early Saturday morning after a struggle with the girl's father.

David Meyers, 52, was pronounced dead at the scene shortly after officers arrived following a report of a home invasion in the 3500 block of West 79th Street at about 3:20 a.m.

Officers said they found Robert McNally, 64, on the floor with his arm around the neck of Meyers, struggling to hold him down.

When officers told McNally he could let go, they found that Meyers was unresponsive. Medics who were called to the scene then pronounced Meyers dead.

Indianapolis police Sgt. Matt Mount said Meyers had come into the home naked, except for a mask and latex gloves.

"He had rope, had (a) knife, had condoms, had a gag," Mount said.

Police said Meyers had gotten into the home through a window next to the girl's bedroom and that he knew the home well because his uncle owns it and he was an acquaintance of the family.

The teen awoke to find a naked man in her room and began screaming, alerting McNally, police said.

During a protracted struggle in the hallway of the home, McNally was able to get his arm around Meyers' neck and subdue him while his wife called police, officers said.

Meyers was a registered sex offender and was released from prison two years ago after he had served 10 years of a 20-year sentence for criminal confinement and sexual deviate conduct stemming from a case in Hamilton County.

Meyers was also being sought in Boone County for failure to register as a sex offender.

Police said Meyers had been living with his mother down a gravel road from the home that the McNally family lived in and had recently lost his job.

"When they got the mask off, both the father and daughter recognized him," Mount said.

Police said Meyers had a history of heart problems. They were not immediately sure if he died as a result of heart failure or from being choked.

The results of the police investigation will be turned over to the Marion County Prosecutor's Office, but it is unlikely charges will be filed, police said.
Copyright 2008 by All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
I love happy endings.

These monsters cannot be rehabilitated. Draw your own conclusions from that.
Good riddance

Meyers was a registered sex offender and was released from prison two years ago after he had served 10 years of a 20-year sentence for criminal confinement and sexual deviate conduct stemming from a case in Hamilton County.

WTF!!!!!! [angry]
Meyers was a registered sex offender and was released from prison two years ago after he had served 10 years of a 20-year sentence for criminal confinement and sexual deviate conduct stemming from a case in Hamilton County.

Why does our judicial system care more about the lives of the criminals than their victims?
Where the justice system failed, the father succeeded. One more bad guy off the streets...permanently.
Meyers was a registered sex offender and was released from prison two years ago after he had served 10 years of a 20-year sentence for criminal confinement and sexual deviate conduct stemming from a case in Hamilton County.

Meyers was also being sought in Boone County for failure to register as a sex offender.

Well, they can take his picture down from the teachers' room bulliten board now. This one is no longer required to register.
Job well done Mr. McNally! I don't think that these monsters can be rehabbed either. There is NO reason that sex offenders should EVER get shortened sentences in my opinion. He is lucky however, because he brought fists and not a gun to a knife fight.
Here's an idea. Let's hold the idiots that parole these sickos (and the judges) responsible for any crimes that the sick f*cks subsequently commit after their paroled release.
Meyers was a registered sex offender and was released from prison two years ago after he had served 10 years of a 20-year sentence for criminal confinement and sexual deviate conduct stemming from a case in Hamilton County.

Meyers was also being sought in Boone County for failure to register as a sex offender.

Mr. McNally had to do what the court/penal system should have. [frown][sad2]
Thank you for your service Mr. McNally

Please find comfort in knowing that the world is a better place as a direct result of your actions.
It's great the way this one turned out (although, I bet the daughter has a few sleepless nights after that!)!! Usually you hear stories like this except the father (in this case) is on trial for murder!

Think about this for a second.

Imagine being any dude that shows up to take this girl out.

They know that her father killed a guy with his bare f**king hands...

Good job, Mr. McNally...
I am going to take some heat for this, but I don't care

I am glad the outcome worked in the father's favor... However... How about that father everyone raked me over the coals about?

An angry Deltona father whacked his teenage daughter's boyfriend with a metal pipe after finding the boy naked in his daughter's room. Authorities say the father, 45, didn't even know his daughter had a boyfriend or that the youngster had been sneaking into the home for more than a year.

I hate to say it, and I will SAY it again: If that father shot that kid instead of hitting him with a pipe, you would have strung him up because he "did not know" what was happening under his own roof, in his daughters bedroom, regardless if the man on top of his daughter gaged her or had a knife to her throat. However, because this was a clear cut case of defense against a sexual predator, pats on the back to all. Hindsight is always 20/20.

+1 Fathers can pump their chest all they want about how much ass whupping they'd give a kid who had sex with their daughter, but if they decide to make themselves judge and jury, they can get right in line with the other "unsuitables" and thugs in jail.

From the flipside, if I had a 16 year old son and his girlfriend invited him into her room to have sex and her dad smashed him in the skull with a pipe, I doubt I would be shaking that father's hand. I would be calling the police.

We talk alot about trying to be legal citizens due to our risk as gun owners, then a thread like this comes up and people start spouting about ventilating a kid with .45 slugs in a vigilante murder over their "shamed" daughter.

Anyone who has ever been 16 cannot honestly say that they'd assume their daughter was being raped when they walked in on a naked teenager in bed with her...can they? All it takes is "do you know this guy?"...not an instant escalation to lethal force. Do you same people shoot at shadows in your basement assuming its a murderer without first being sure of your target?
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I'm glad to hear it was a story that worked out for the better. The father was probably so enraged that he crushed the guy's airway and rightly so.

Gives new meaning to the MMA phrase Rear Naked Choke.
I'm a firefighter/EMT.

If I was responding to that call and had known the full details beforehand... I just might have had to make an 'out of service' call due to an apparatus breakdown. [wink]
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