Dad kills intruder in daughter's bedroom

I love happy endings.
These monsters cannot be rehabilitated. Draw your own conclusions from that.

Me too. Too bad, so sad, bye bye dirt bag.......

not to get into a DP discussion here but cases like this proove that these scumbags are just a waste of our society and resources. I mean comon.... a registered sex offender. You might as well give a 2 year old a loaded gun and say, "go play and have fun." Just a matter of time before some poor individual has their life ruined...... Nothing bugs me more than to see our system keep letting these people out so they can repeat offend. Why waste time trying to rehabilitate people like this when they dont get better. Its a sickness that we cant afford to have explode time after time ruining kids lives and scarring them forever. Get rid of one scumbag and save 10 kids and us lots of money and resourses. Get rid of them and make the world a safer place for our Children. PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!!!
(enough venting..... sorry... :) )

I am glad this turned out this way and one less dirt bag "WE" have to put up with. [smile][smile] good for you Pops.... [grin]
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Poppa Bear did his job and protected his family because the criminal justice system DIDN'T.

+1 for the good guys. -1 for the scumbag and the courts.
The scumbag was 54 - I think about the many victims that he left behind that were never connected to the SOB. He died way to quick and easy, IMHO. I'm no expert, but I though dirtballs like him didn't survive jail.
Where the justice system failed, the father succeeded. One more bad guy off the streets...permanently.


The tragedy is that the girl and her family were still traumatized, but nowhere near as much as they'd be if that POS had succeeded in his plans.

Most such state failures have far graver consequences.
I'm sure that the good liberals will say that he was turning his life around as he was going to use condoms. I am so glad he offed the perv and hopefully he will get a gun in near future, that way he won't have to be exposed to BG's bodily fluids in any way, shape, or form.[angry]

EDIT: Well maybe a little grey matter......very little.
+1 another failure of our liberal judges...

Read the story again:

Meyers was a registered sex offender and was released from prison two years ago after he had served 10 years of a 20-year sentence for criminal confinement and sexual deviate conduct stemming from a case in Hamilton County.

A judge had nothing to do with that release - the parole board did.

It was a judge that sentenced him to the two decades incarceration.
your right Scriv.....

the Judge wanted him in for 20. Its the parole board that failed this time. [sad2]

however.................... the Father took care of business, unfortunately at a high cost.
It's not a happy ending, but it's much better than the alternative. Just as no defensive shooting is a happy story. It's the best possible outcome, but the man is still probably going to be traumatized down the road, as is his daughter.
I feel for the Robert McNally and his family.

The world is better off without Mr. Meyers.

Now this type of thing wont happen again will it.

No Parole for Mr. Meyers

No More sexual assaults no more nothing . End of Story turns the page.
I think Meyers got off too easy, but at least he's no longer troubling anyone.

I'd like to buy the Father a beer or three.
I think his daughter's trauma is the only negative repercussion he'll have to deal with.
Well, that, and the constant stream of adoring looks from his daughter. I mean, think about it - she screams, and daddy comes and kills the would-be rapist WITH HIS BARE HANDS. Got to be some serious hero worship going on there... and justifiably so.

I hate to say it, and I will SAY it again: If that father shot that kid instead of hitting him with a pipe, you would have strung him up because he "did not know" what was happening under his own roof, in his daughters bedroom, regardless if the man on top of his daughter gaged her or had a knife to her throat. However, because this was a clear cut case of defense against a sexual predator, pats on the back to all. Hindsight is always 20/20.


In this case, the father heard a scream for help. in the other case all that was mentioned was "noises" - we can probably assume that they were noises of passion, I think. But it's also likely that the father in this case didn't see his daughter looking terrified, either. And yes, we would have torn him apart for shooting since there was no immediate threat to anyone's life.
Well, that, and the constant stream of adoring looks from his daughter. I mean, think about it - she screams, and daddy comes and kills the would-be rapist WITH HIS BARE HANDS. Got to be some serious hero worship going on there... and justifiably so.


In this case, the father heard a scream for help. in the other case all that was mentioned was "noises" - we can probably assume that they were noises of passion, I think. But it's also likely that the father in this case didn't see his daughter looking terrified, either. And yes, we would have torn him apart for shooting since there was no immediate threat to anyone's life.

Yep, this perp had a knife and rope...
If it were my daughter, it'd be worth it.

Speaking as a parent of 2....there's no f*cking law in MA that would stop me from doing what needed to be done. Jail is the least of my concern at that of family comes first.

Kudo's to McNally for taking care of business.....thumbs down to the parole board, but that's nothing new.
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Choke the guy out or kick the living sh*t out of him... I suppose that would depend on what I walked in on...

I guess, if I walked in on him just standing there I'd subdue him.
If I walked in to find him molesting my daughter I'd be making some trips to Home Depot for new dry wall, doors, windows, shower curtain, bathroom vanity, stove door, dish washer, and cabinets after I used his head for demolition. Notice I didn't involve the fridge. I need that to remain intact so my beer stays cold.

But in all seriousness, I'd probably beat him within an inch of his life.

Sexual deviants, especially child molesters, should have their berries cut off.
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