I'm in a bit of a quandry. I'm married to the greatest wife of all time. (A title given any spouse who not only accepts the other's obsessive and sometimes expensive hobbies, but enourages them)
So my wife, for my birthday, meant to indulge me with a set of CT lasergrips for my carry gun, a G27. But it seems when she went to order through Cheaper Than Dirt (where we have the membership and accompanying discount), they told her there was no such animal. (Which of course, is wrong, they do make it, but just don't seem to carry it at Cheaper than Dirt, which is very different from telling her that the part doesn't exist) So they sold her the LaserMax instead. At about $100.00 more than the CT unit...
Not wanting to seem the least bit ungrateful, I happily installed the part in the gun this afternoon. But based on what I had read beforehand, seen firsthand at Four Seasons, and confirmed through this page and others, that the CT really is the superior piece of hardware. And as Darius has so sagely has stated, this is not the type of equipment that "second best" is something to trust your life with potentially.
The wife will understand. She's the Queen of Returns herself, so I think I'll call Cheaper Than Dirt and see what they can do.
Thanks for the input guys. I appreciate it.