quick land nav story, Was doing the Night Land Nav course down at Camp Edwards, about 5 years ago (for those who dont know, Night LN they just give you a paper with distance and direction, no map). Found my first point OK, a little cloverleaf search pattern and I hit the post, next point, 900 meters, on such and such azmuith, off I go.....pretty dark now, plus the cape sucks with all the scrub, tough on the Pace.... 800 meters, getting close.....right around the end of my pace, I stop and am looking around the get my bearings for the inevitable search soon to follow....sigh, no post......I take a half a step to get around this little sapling, BAM, there it is, Right on time, on target. wish they were all like that.
Next time Ill tell you guys the story of when I crapped my pants trying to keep a pace count.