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Coasties Rule

and another +1, the Coast Guard is often overlooked and the coasties deserve a lot more respect and thanks than they are usually given.
I'd have figured that Dave'd go for Navy since his big brother is Navy.

Ross, My dad was Navy, my brother went Air Force, and I went Army? Maybe it was what the recruiters told them. I was going to go Air Force until they wouldn't guarantee anything.[wink]

The only reason Alan went Army is because I wouldn't sign for the Marines, and Glenn wouldn't sign for the Navy. Told him if he wanted those branches he had to wait until he was 18. He did talk to all of the recruiters, before making up his mind.
I never thought that much about the Coast Guard until the night the TWA800 flight went down over NY. A good friend was a Coast Guard reservist and spend days out on the water with his crew picking up bodies and aircraft parts. When I spoke with him when he came back, it sounded as if he just returned from a war zone, which wasn't far from the truth.

You never think about them until you're miles out on the ocean and that helicopter shoes up to save your butt. Benn there once or twice while out diving..
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