CO: Shooting at Movie Theater in Aurora

It would have been a shit show. 60+ people in a dark room, screaming, running, smoke, shots being fired, total chaos.
liberals and the like blaming everyone but the person responsible, its been going on since before WW2

The comments on CNN are infuriating. I don't know why I even read them. They're full of liberal American and European trolls blaming the guns and not the perp, saying that the guy probably had a hard life and couldn't find a job!

There's also an argument against CCW and how if someone tried to retaliate they would have doubled or tripled the death toll by firing randomly since they could not see the perp. Now I recognize the stress of the situation and the dim lighting, and the smoke or gas but the idea that a CCW holder will just start firing indiscriminately is the product of someone who knows nothing about firearms. Sure, maybe you can't see too well and maybe can't even take the shot, but the guy's weapon firing will be very visible in a dark theater will it not? Even with a flash supressor it will be pretty obvious where he is.
Never go with the masses, only more trouble brewing.
This incident will bring calls for bans and other rhetorical crap and it will be just that. There are nuts among us, its just that they usually don't go high profile like this. When they do, it doesn't matter if there were no guns, they will find a way to commit carnage, there are many other non firearm methods to utilize, over the top is over the top.

Ban movie theaters!
Have any of you keyboard commanders been to a movie theater??? If yes, thing to the time when movie was over and everyone at once were exiting the theater. Can you see it? Can you remember the noise level? Good.

It didn't happen at the end of the movie.
The comments on CNN are infuriating. I don't know why I even read them. They're full of liberal American and European trolls blaming the guns and not the perp, saying that the guy probably had a hard life and couldn't find a job!

what a bunch of goddamn idiots. i don't see how that could possibly be related to getting decked out like the dude from rampage and then trying to slaughter a movie theater full of people. how do they even make that kind of connection?

Ban movie theaters!

ban people. if there are no people there will be no one to shoot and therefore no one will die. ever. from anything. problem solved.
We obviously need to ban rifles, batman, theaters, masks, skittles, puppies, smoke, fried chicken, darkness, and people. We should also consider a ban on oxygen, because if there was no oxygen, liberals wouldn't have to worry about any tragedies occurring.

Sent from my iPhone in the secret lair of the Supreme ruler of the ozone layer, the Dark Lord Kramdar.
We obviously need to ban rifles, batman, theaters, masks, skittles, puppies, smoke, fried chicken, darkness, and people. We should also consider a ban on oxygen, because if there was no oxygen, liberals wouldn't have to worry about any tragedies occurring.

Sent from my iPhone in the secret lair of the Supreme ruler of the ozone layer, the Dark Lord Kramdar.
We don't need to ban Batman. If he showed up to his own movie premiere, this wouldn't have happened.
This is not going to go well for the rest of us law abiding folks...

Let me ask you PSH types a question.... why is it constantly necessary to conflate the actions of violent nutjobs with what the other 99% don't do with their guns?

By even bringing this up all you do is help the antis. Making the association implies guilt or responsibility. There is none. Normal people (gun owners and not alike) are not responsible for the actions of these types of people, in any way shape or form. To assume otherwise is ludicrous.

Yes, you are going to tell me "Oh but that's what the antis are thinking!" Fine, let them think it... but it shouldn't be part of your thought process.

Is CO one of those states where "NO GUNS" signs have legal bearing? If so (and assuming the theater had said sign), I'd love to see the media and police start attacking the theateer's management over the fact that they were complicit in the attack by forcing those who obey the laws to disarm while allowing those who would break the law to do so.

Apparently this place WAS a No-Gun zone.
The comments on CNN are infuriating. I don't know why I even read them. They're full of liberal American and European trolls blaming the guns and not the perp, saying that the guy probably had a hard life and couldn't find a job!

There's also an argument against CCW and how if someone tried to retaliate they would have doubled or tripled the death toll by firing randomly since they could not see the perp. Now I recognize the stress of the situation and the dim lighting, and the smoke or gas but the idea that a CCW holder will just start firing indiscriminately is the product of someone who knows nothing about firearms. Sure, maybe you can't see too well and maybe can't even take the shot, but the guy's weapon firing will be very visible in a dark theater will it not? Even with a flash supressor it will be pretty obvious where he is.

i gave up reading the CNN forum when it comes to this stuff.....Every Anti automatically becomes a firearm expert then when you ask if they have ever shot, tried to purchase, or know anyone who owns firearms....the answer is almost always NO..... Then their famous lines come out......oh gun owners are overcompensating..... i have 35 black belts i could of handled this guy without a gun.... Gun owners are more likely to kiss family members, etc............This is what i have to say to the anti gun types...........FUUUUUUUUUUUUU
For having to see Bloomberg and company in the headlines for a little while, and hopefully that is all.

Didn't take long... did it?

Mass shooting prompts Bloomberg to call on Obama, Romney to address gun control

In the wake of a mass shooting in a suburban Denver movie theater, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is calling on President Obama and Mitt Romney to offer up more than "soothing words" and talk about how they will address gun-related violence.

"Maybe it's time that the two people who want to be president of the United States stand up and tell us what they are going to do about it, because this is obviously a problem across the country." Bloomberg said in an interview on WOR News Talk Radio 710 in New York City.

"I mean, there are so many murders with guns every day, it's just got to stop," he continued. "And instead of the two people - President Obama and Governor Romney - talking in broad things about they want to make the world a better place, okay, tell us how. And this is a real problem. No matter where you stand on the Second Amendment, no matter where you stand on guns, we have a right to hear from both of them concretely, not just in generalities - specifically what are they going to do about guns?"

Bloomberg's remarks came after the mass shooting in Aurora, Colorado that has left at least 12 people dead and dozens more injured. A gas mask-wearing gunman opened fire at about 12:30 a.m. Friday morning at the Century 16 theaters at the Aurora Mall, where the latest Batman movie "The Dark Knight Rises" was playing
Given the Level of organization and fear of death already demonstrated here. He mad a choice. Nothing made him do this... I, for one, am not interested in looking for excuses.

Listening to crazy people try to rationalize their actions can be interesting.
Bloomberg is a shameless political whore capitalizing on innocent people's deaths to disarm people with the violence of government while he keeps his armed body guards.

It must be Friday again.

The two people running for president need to say something about putting a stop to that, but we know that won't happen.
The comments on CNN are infuriating. I don't know why I even read them. They're full of liberal American and European trolls blaming the guns and not the perp, saying that the guy probably had a hard life and couldn't find a job!

There's also an argument against CCW and how if someone tried to retaliate they would have doubled or tripled the death toll by firing randomly since they could not see the perp. Now I recognize the stress of the situation and the dim lighting, and the smoke or gas but the idea that a CCW holder will just start firing indiscriminately is the product of someone who knows nothing about firearms. Sure, maybe you can't see too well and maybe can't even take the shot, but the guy's weapon firing will be very visible in a dark theater will it not? Even with a flash supressor it will be pretty obvious where he is.

The comments on CNN are always infuriating. They aren't even worth reading. If you post something there using facts, logic, statistics, or anything else besides liberal propaganda, you are attacked, berated, and trolled into oblivion. Besides, only a liberal could possibly say that someone having a hard life or being out of work is justification for mass murder. Anyone who has ever had any type of firearms training will know that the second arguement is complete BS as well. That little rule about knowing your target before pulling the trigger isn't just something to consider at the range. They tried to pull that arguement at the Arizona shooting as well, when one CCWer held a second at gunpoint for 5 seconds until the confusion was cleared up and then helped keep the shooter subdued.

All that being said, there are huge differences between this guy and the more common mass shooters. Most mass shooters commit their atrocity with the intention of being killed in the process. This guy didn't seem like he wanted to die or get caught, as he was wearing heavy body armor and from some accounts had a well thought out escape plan. What was this guy's motivation? Did he have some cause that he was pursuing with his actions? If so, what was it and how would killing these people have supported that cause?
Response is possible without a gun too.

You can just watch MSNBC for that.

Include the rest of the 24 hour news channels and I would agree with you 100%.

- - - Updated - - -

I am calling it now. How long until we see the TSA doing butt checks at movie theaters?
Now this is some Final Destination stuff right here:

Jessica Ghawi, an aspiring sportscaster, was killed when 24-year-old John Holmes burst into the Aurora, Colo., movie house early this morning and methodically began shooting patrons, killing at least 12 and injuring at least 50.

Ghawi, who had recently moved from San Antonio, Texas, to Denver, had been tweeting about seeing the new movie just before it began.

Six weeks ago, Ghawi had blogged about nearly escaping the June 2 shoot-out at a Toronto mall that left one dead and seven injured. Blogging as Jessica Redfield, Ghawi described how she had left the food court just minutes before a shooter gunned down two men.
Given the Level of organization and fear of death already demonstrated here. He made a choice. Nothing made him do this... I, for one, am not interested in looking for excuses.

I'm not saying I'm looking for a reason that makes it OK...I'm saying I'm curious to know what the reasoning was to make it OK in HIS mind.
Reading this thread is sad. I realize there is no "us" and "them" (pro and anti?), it is simply myself and everyone else. There are some exceptions. Things like this cause hysteria among gun owners. I won't justify my rights to anyone, period. I won't quote stats, I won't say I'm more likely to get struck by lightning, etc. I'll leave that to the people who believe that a right is inherently good, and can be backed up by statistics. Rights are neither good or bad, but can be used for either. That is reality.
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