CO: Shooting at Movie Theater in Aurora

Have any of you keyboard commanders been to a movie theater??? If yes, thing to the time when movie was over and everyone at once were exiting the theater. Can you see it? Can you remember the noise level? Good. Now imagine the similar in the dark, with some gas (tear gas or smoke grenade your choice), with noise level x10 because some people are screaming in terror and people are pushing, running and trampling others because they are desperate to get out. Now imagine you see some guy with a gun. You shoot and kill him. Just to later learn he was another CCW trying to hunt the real shooter. Or worse yet, it was not a real gun, but in panic and darkness you made a mistake. Or it is you who gets shot by a mistake by another CCW or cops. And I have not even yet mentioned the adrenaline rush - with your mind going a mile per second, your hands shaking uncontrollably and your legs turning to jelly.

Now that hopefully you got at least the vague notion of being in that theater – STFU!!!!

Yes, it would be chaotic but as long as a person could see even if it is only shadowy forms you would be able to identify the shooter because they would be the one walking methodically and stopping along their way to shoot while the innocent would be running and or taking cover. A ccw would not be walking along the aisles shooting. Also a ccw does not carry long guns, wear body armor or a gas mask so if any of this was visible it would make it easy to identify the shooter.
Would a ccw have stopped this? We won't know but could they have made a difference. Very possible. Certainly much better than the unarmed.
I think the most realistic and sickening scenerio to come out of this in regards to nation wide gun control would be a federally enstated licensing system just like we have here in MA. that's the first thing that crossed my mind after this.

In no way are they gonna be able ban ARs or restrict bulk ammo purchases but I can definitely see the FED implement a "license needed to purchase" on ammo and firearms.

Ain't gonna happen. No new licenses, no new regulations.

The usual retards like Bloomberg, Schumer, Lautenburg and McCarthy will wail and rend their garments over this shooting but anything they propose won't get enough votes to pass.

They lost. We won. Heller, McDonald, et al.
If anyone is keeping track of the continuing search at his apartment, it appears that he has been planning this for a while. At least according to the "sophistication" of the booby-traps he had set up.

Something just seems very fishy about this.
There are many questions that will go unanswered. Speculation is running rampant. Armor is not cheap and hard to buy, alot of places will not sell without proper credentials, but there are places that do. Between torso, collar, groin, that's 900 bucks not including plates, leg coverings are another 800 and a helmet is 400, 6000 rounds of ammo, if bought within the last 4 months or so is gonna run around 350/1000, so another 2000 bucks. Right now he's got over 4grand invested, not including weapons or the EO supplies to rig his apartment and the knowledge to rig it so the EOD guys are having their own questioning as to WTF. This guy definitely acquired some knowledge, how long he was studying or had a good teacher, we'll never know. Yes, there are books and if one searches hard and long enough, you can find the info on explosive devices and detonation, especially with good Google fu, but are you going to build it one time in hopes that it works or go build and test prior to deploying, as I said, many questions we the public will never know.

He had some serious money invested in gear. He was unemployed. Couldn't find a job. Was on unemployment because he lost his part-time job at McDonalds. Yet he could purchase full body armor, an AR-15, an 870, 3 Glock 40's, 6000 rounds of ammo and two OC grenades. That alone doesn't add up. Now we have to add that he had the time and motivation to bobby trap his 800 sq. ft. apartment. All within the last 4 months! None of that adds up.

How does an unemployed college student get that kind of money? There doesn't seem to be any evidence that he was interested in weaponry prior to that night. This whole thing smells bad.
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Just watched the latest press conference. What a sickening display of uniforms and suits patting each other on the back and ass grabbing each, constantly repeating a job well done. Disgusting.

Then the police chief stating he cant mention anything about motive but then goes on to say the suspect was definitely planning on killing police officers with his rigged apaetment.....even tho the suspect immediately gave up the apartment and no one was actually killed...even tho he had just killed 12 people up close and personal, he gives up his rigged apartment?

This shit is smelling fishy.

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He had some serious money invested in gear. He was unemployed. Couldn't find a job. Was on unemployment because he lost his part-time job at McDonalds. Yet he could purchase full body armor, an AR-15, an 870, 3 Glock 40's, 6000 rounds of ammo and two OC grenades. That alone doesn't add up. Now we have to add that he had the time and motivation to bobby trap his 800 sq. ft. apartment. All within the last 4 months! None of that adds up.

How does an unemployed college student get that kind of money? There doesn't seem to be any evidence that he was interested in weaponry prior to that night. This whole thing smells bad.

Rigs his apt to supposedly do maximun carnage and then in a heartbeat gives it up like that? Sounds like bullshit to me.

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Yes, it would be chaotic but as long as a person could see even if it is only shadowy forms you would be able to identify the shooter because they would be the one walking methodically and stopping along their way to shoot while the innocent would be running and or taking cover. A ccw would not be walking along the aisles shooting. Also a ccw does not carry long guns, wear body armor or a gas mask so if any of this was visible it would make it easy to identify the shooter.
Would a ccw have stopped this? We won't know but could they have made a difference. Very possible. Certainly much better than the unarmed.

How do you or DickWanner (see post #213) know that there was 1 shooter??? How do any of you know what he/she/they looked like, dressed, located within theater, acted, etc.,??? Why you assume there was 1 guy and not 10 or more like in Nordost Theatre in Moscow in 2002??? ( Why do you assume the guy who is dressed in what might seem like SWAT uniform carrying a rifle is a BG (a guy who you might not even been able to see due to all of the running/standing people between you and him), and not the guy 3-5 rows from you who is dressed like a civilian and pointing/shooting a gun into, what might seem from your angle, crowd??? How do you know how much time you would have had? May be you were his # 1, 2 or 3 victim? Could you get your oil soaked hand out of the greasy popcorn and then draw and fire in time? Are your fingertips frozen because of holding cold drink? Is your shooting arm free or is your wife/girlfriend/boyfriend were holding hends with you during the movie and now she/he clinched it in terror?

I can go like this for pages, but I hope you get the idea. No one here, myself included, is saying that given the opportunity to defend yourself or others, you shouldn’t have tried. Furthermore, no one is saying that having a gun with you at all times, potentially, substantially increases your ability to defend yourself and others. I have no idea why some here are even trying to argue those straw-man points. I find such attempts ludicrous and laughable. This is NES, not MSNBC. However, this would had been a very, very, very tough hand to play even for combat harden and well trained military/police guys, never mind average CCW. From what I see and know far too many go to the range once or even less per year and when there they slowly shoot 2 mags trying to hit bullseye 25-50’ away and then rapid fire few more mags somewhere into the berm prior to getting a feeling of self satisfaction and accomplishment and going home. How many do you thing practice Mozambique or similar on regular basis? Days later and we still do not know what kind of armor he had and if it included plates. Do you think anyone in that theater knew? How many do you thing, given the opportunity, attempted a headshot? Never mind actually managing to hit that scumbag on the head.

What I do notice at the range and is clearly being flushed out in this discussion, too many gun owners, including or maybe even especially those who train a lot, rely way too heavily on their sidearm. They totally fail to train with a knife or freehand. Unfortunately for some of them, it might prove to be deadly. In many cases going for the gun could be a wrong instinct. I see this and similar tragedy as a learning opportunity. I hope others will do the same. [wink]
I think the most realistic and sickening scenerio to come out of this in regards to nation wide gun control would be a federally enstated licensing system just like we have here in MA. that's the first thing that crossed my mind after this.

In no way are they gonna be able ban ARs or restrict bulk ammo purchases but I can definitely see the FED implement a "license needed to purchase" on ammo and firearms.

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I could see more states put the kibosh on online ammo sales though. The media reports have been stressing "ONLINE AMMO SOLD TO SHOOTER" every chance they get.
How do you or DickWanner (see post #213) know that there was 1 shooter??? How do any of you know what he/she/they looked like, dressed, located within theater, acted, etc.,??? Why you assume there was 1 guy and not 10 or more like in Nordost Theatre in Moscow in 2002??? ( Why do you assume the guy who is dressed in what might seem like SWAT uniform carrying a rifle is a BG (a guy who you might not even been able to see due to all of the running/standing people between you and him), and not the guy 3-5 rows from you who is dressed like a civilian and pointing/shooting a gun into, what might seem from your angle, crowd??? How do you know how much time you would have had? May be you were his # 1, 2 or 3 victim? Could you get your oil soaked hand out of the greasy popcorn and then draw and fire in time? Are your fingertips frozen because of holding cold drink? Is your shooting arm free or is your wife/girlfriend/boyfriend were holding hends with you during the movie and now she/he clinched it in terror?

I can go like this for pages, but I hope you get the idea. No one here, myself included, is saying that given the opportunity to defend yourself or others, you shouldn’t have tried. Furthermore, no one is saying that having a gun with you at all times, potentially, substantially increases your ability to defend yourself and others. I have no idea why some here are even trying to argue those straw-man points. I find such attempts ludicrous and laughable. This is NES, not MSNBC. However, this would had been a very, very, very tough hand to play even for combat harden and well trained military/police guys, never mind average CCW. From what I see and know far too many go to the range once or even less per year and when there they slowly shoot 2 mags trying to hit bullseye 25-50’ away and then rapid fire few more mags somewhere into the berm prior to getting a feeling of self satisfaction and accomplishment and going home. How many do you thing practice Mozambique or similar on regular basis? Days later and we still do not know what kind of armor he had and if it included plates. Do you think anyone in that theater knew? How many do you thing, given the opportunity, attempted a headshot? Never mind actually managing to hit that scumbag on the head.

What I do notice at the range and is clearly being flushed out in this discussion, too many gun owners, including or maybe even especially those who train a lot, rely way too heavily on their sidearm. They totally fail to train with a knife or freehand. Unfortunately for some of them, it might prove to be deadly. In many cases going for the gun could be a wrong instinct. I see this and similar tragedy as a learning opportunity. I hope others will do the same. [wink]
It is extremly rare for the police to be on scene at the time of the shooting also a swat member would not be firing randomly into the crowd. There are a lot of what ifs and nothing is guaranteed but through observation most things can be ascertained. As I said earlier if you observe someone is randomly shooting into the crowd it is very unlikely to be a ccw or innocent person.
You are correct that people should train with other weapons and their hands. This way they are better prepared.
Yeah, how the heck can an unemployed, PhD student, who recently lost his job at McDonald's, afford all this armor? I wish I could afford it and I have a decent paying job! Either he was planning this for quite awhile or was helped.
Something's been bothering me about this situation since I first heard of it, and a brief web search is only escalates my uneasiness. I can not think of, and could not find when searching, even one other case where a mass murderer willfully gives him/herself up at the first opportunity. Somebody who reaches the point that they have absolutely nothing left and want to kill as many people as they can, plans this elaborate scheme to do so, boobytraps his apartment with what's been described as very sophisticated explosives, buys weapons and armors and puts their plan to action, only to surrender a few minutes later and confess his secondary plans (the explosives).

The more I think about it, the less it makes sense. Has this been bothering anyone else?
Something's been bothering me about this situation since I first heard of it, and a brief web search is only escalates my uneasiness. I can not think of, and could not find when searching, even one other case where a mass murderer willfully gives him/herself up at the first opportunity. Somebody who reaches the point that they have absolutely nothing left and want to kill as many people as they can, plans this elaborate scheme to do so, boobytraps his apartment with what's been described as very sophisticated explosives, buys weapons and armors and puts their plan to action, only to surrender a few minutes later and confess his secondary plans (the explosives).

The more I think about it, the less it makes sense. Has this been bothering anyone else?
Unless he knows he's giving up to friendly forces. Yes, it doesn't make sense and I also looked to see if any other mass murderer has done something similar, as far back as I could remember and find info on, all have been shot or committed suicide by self or cop. Mcveigh and Nichols were the last I can remember, but they were of a different method and mindset. Anyone that used firearms in mass attacks didn't stick around long enough to be arrested. Luby's , V.T., but the guy in Texas at Ft Hood they got, only because he wants the US government to kill him. Loughner was arrested, but didn't give himself up in AZ. Here's a list of rampage killers. There were a few some time back that were arrested, but this guy Holmes had the 2 arresting officers out armored, outgunned and could have easily engaged them.
Yeah, how the heck can an unemployed, PhD student, who recently lost his job at McDonald's, afford all this armor? I wish I could afford it and I have a decent paying job! Either he was planning this for quite awhile or was helped.

Or he just put it all on a credit card. It's not like he plans on paying the bill
Something's been bothering me about this situation since I first heard of it, and a brief web search is only escalates my uneasiness. I can not think of, and could not find when searching, even one other case where a mass murderer willfully gives him/herself up at the first opportunity.

The guy that shot up Edgewater Technologies- McDermott, basically just sat down in a chair in the reception area after he had just killed 7 people, and waited for the cops to come. It's certainly happened before.

The explosives/boobytrap thing is a bit weird, though. Then again, crazy people do weird shit.

The guy that shot up Edgewater Technologies- McDermott, basically just sat down in a chair in the reception area after he had just killed 7 people, and waited for the cops to come. It's certainly happened before.

The explosives/boobytrap thing is a bit weird, though. Then again, crazy people do weird shit.


Actually it makes perfect sense in the mind of a crazy person trying to insure maximum time in the theater before the police show up. He cranks up the silly music and leaves his door unlocked and booby trapped. I suspect that he was hoping that a neighbor or a cop would open that door, set off a massive explosion and cause all rescue and law enforcement resources to rush there before he started shooting. That would cause the response to the shooting to be greatly inhibited. Especially if they had victims and explosives to deal with at the apartment complex.
If I wasn't killed in the first volley of fire I would of ran if I could carrying or not...and I carry everywhere.

I go to the movies 3 times a month atleast mostly with my son and a buddy an he himself carries

Anyone that spends any time at a theater knows your vision sucks if you look away from the screen, taking a piss can be a task pending on where you are sitting... getting up if you are stuck in the middle is a pain....add a packed house with a premier blockbuster an AR,Gas/Smoke,100 or so screaming panicked movie goers and a guy in a gasmask and armor ...all I can say good luck with that cya outside maybe.
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Also I have been listening to CNN on Sirius all day while working outside just to hear how they reported on this. They have been rolling in the blood of the victims to beat the drums of gun control all day non stop. The scare words are 6000 rounds of ammo, an arsenal of guns(4), and ZOMG he bought them all within 90 days.

So it's clear what's going to be called for to further infringe on the 2A. Ammo restrictions, one gun a month, the number of guns you are allowed to own. I'm sure of it. Also they are letting people from the Brady campaign lie with complete impunity.
If I wasn't killed in the first volley of fire I would of ran if I could carrying or not...and I carry everywhere.

I go to the movies 3 times a month atleast mostly with my son and a buddy an he himself carries

Anyone that spends any time at a theater knows your vision sucks if you look away from the screen, taking a piss can be a task pending on where you are sitting... getting up if you are stuck in the middle is a pain....add a packed house with a premier blockbuster an AR,Gas/Smoke,100 or so screaming panicked movie goers and a guy in a gasmask and armor ...all I can say good luck with that cya outside maybe.

And from all reports he was dressed in black from head to foot. I haven't heard a witness yet say they got a good look at him in the theater. One guy interviewed said the only way he could tell where the guy was was to watch for muzzle flashes. That's not a very good target at all.
Also I have been listening to CNN on Sirius all day while working outside just to hear how they reported on this. They have been rolling in the blood of the victims to beat the drums of gun control all day non stop. The scare words are 6000 rounds of ammo, an arsenal of guns(4), and ZOMG he bought them all within 90 days.

So it's clear what's going to be called for to further infringe on the 2A. Ammo restrictions, one gun a month, the number of guns you are allowed to own. I'm sure of it. Also they are letting people from the Brady campaign lie with complete impunity.

I seriously think you're blowing it out of proportion. Limiting the amount of firearms you can own would not even make sense. One could easily own one AR-15, a high end one, and get 30 magazines for it+ammo.
It is way too soon to tell. He might be making political statements at his trial, which was his primary goal. Also according to the reports he was trying to flee the scene. Given the reported ammo storage, it is probable he had plans to do this again. Armor might have been a safety measure in case of a potential CCW or single off/on duty cop seating in the theater rather than a plan to shoot it out with PD/SWAT. Then again, it is possible, though not likely given his background, he is just nuts. Crazy people do illogical things.

I’ll way to roll around in tinfoil until he commits suicide or some father murders him pretrial. If this was staged, I see very little upside to letting him walk out of the theater. Yes, he could be given mind melting drugs before the trial/investigation. But why bother. If he was killed at the theater, most would automatically assume he was nuts.
It's killing me to keep hearing people and seeing stupid meme stuff on facebook going all "If I were there it wouldn't have gone down like that" (a la Mark Wahlburg.) Incoming fire has this strange, almost magical way to make you unable to return accurate fire for some strange reason. Add that to the fact any hits on the shooter would have likely been ineffective against the armor.
Please don't be one of those guys.

This Guy Left His 4-Month Old Baby & Girlfriend On The Group While He Ran Out The Theater Solo: Talks About His Escape From Dark Knight Shooting!

One of the guys who died, did so while shielding his girlfriend from fire. Or at least that's what CNN said the last time I was watching.
It's killing me to keep hearing people and seeing stupid meme stuff on facebook going all "If I were there it wouldn't have gone down like that" (a la Mark Wahlburg.) Incoming fire has this strange, almost magical way to make you unable to return accurate fire for some strange reason. Add that to the fact any hits on the shooter would have likely been ineffective against the armor.
Please don't be one of those guys.

People suck in general... and they want to have something to talk about since it's still generally perceived as too soon to make jokes about the movie being 4d.
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