Can I still buy guns with my OLD STYLE LTC?

Feb 25, 2012
Western Mass
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So I was browsing the other night, thinking about making another trip out there to pick up something for the safe...

and I came across something that said they no longer accept transfers without a PIN. Well, I've had my LTC just under 6 years, and it was issued from a SMALL hill town in western's a piece of laminated paper with my thumbprint and passport photo on it. It expires 12/29/2013, and has NEVER had a PIN associated with it. This has been an issue for me doing FTF transfers, because nobody has the paper FA-10 forms (luckily I have a few in my filing cabinet), and I can't use the efa-10 form. It has never been a hindrance when buying a gun from a store, but I'm afraid that now it might. I just would hate to make the trip and walk away empty handed.

FWIW I have already renewed and received my new plastic license with its associated PIN (back in February) but it is not valid until the old one expires (12/29/2013).
What do you guys think? I would've just called four seasons but it's after hours...
If the license number stayed the same, use the new pin they gave you since it will be associated with this number when they call it in. No pin, no gun.
If they issued you a new LTC, might the new pin work now even if the license isn't really valid yet? Doesn't the fact that you HAVE a pin mean it's in the system?
First of all (if i understand correctly) WOW for getting a renewal before your license has been expired for six months. Give them a shout - it is an interesting question to say the least - let us know how you make out
You should be GTG with the old paper LTC and NO PIN.

Every renewal is supposed to generate a new LTC # and new PIN.

Paper LTCs didn't come with PINs so unless FRB started issuing them special, it shouldn't be needed.

Until 2 years ago I still had the old LTC style, no PIN and no fingerprint (then) needed when I purchased. Should be the same for the OP.

FRB understands that some PDs still don't have electricity or running water out West! [wink] [rofl]
Can't the OP still call and ask about his pin? if they can't provide it over the phone, he should be good to go?
Can't the OP still call and ask about his pin? if they can't provide it over the phone, he should be good to go?

He could always call that FRB # for PINs (no I don't know it). Or in the AM he could call the gun shop and ask.
Ok thank you guys. The new license is from a different town and has a different number, I tried using it earlier this year to buy a couple firearms and it was a no-go, had to use old paper one. I appreciate the phone number and the specific chapter/section for reference.
The eFA-10 is "unforgiving" and won't let you proceed w/o a PIN. The dealer can do it and so can you (FTF) if you can find a paper FA-10.
Correct, the fingerprint readers are gone. Thank God.

This was an example of masterful pre-planning - using a low cost device as part of the system with no assurance that drivers would be available allowing that device to be used in a post-XP world.
call this number and ask the officer that picks up. It is the number you call if you dont remember your pin# 617-660-4722
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