CA Grandfather Accidentally Backed Into Another Car Backing Out Of Walmart. Went To Apologize and Shot Dead.


NES Member
Mar 9, 2009
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Shantece Marie Norton shot and killed a grandfather who accidentally backed into her car in a Walmart parking lot. He went to apologize for the minor fender bender, and she shot him in the face then fled the scene. Arrested the next day.

And since the media won't show you the picture of the stupid a**h*** since it doesn't fit the narrative, here you go...

happens all the time, you get into an accident with a car with no reg/ins/their license is expired, they either ditch the scene or relieve the witnesses of their memories.

Shantece Marie Norton shot and killed a grandfather who accidentally backed into her car in a Walmart parking lot. He went to apologize for the minor fender bender, and she shot him in the face then fled the scene. Arrested the next day.

lol the name is enough. We all knew who and what she was the second we read it
That's why regardless of where I'm parking, I look for a drive thru space even if it means a longer walk to the store.

As God is my witness, I thought negroes could fly. (HT WKRP)

Thanks to Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Memphis, TN) we can us that word again
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Just waitin' on her homies so they can run in and boost the WallyWorld.

It'd be so nice if the blacks (lowercase) could figure out a response to any event
that doesn't include shooting, murder and mayhem.

I think a lot of people (of all colors) are getting tired of landing in the hospital or morgue
after cultural enrichment.
Just a reminder that these pieces of shit are among us. Stay away from Walmart parking lots...
It's for this reason, the only time I was in a fender-ka-bender I waited to see who got out of the other vehicle and had a hand on my carry piece for insurance. Once I saw it was old fat bingo ladies, I let go and jumped out and "sorry, here's my insurance, we'll get that fixed for you no questions asked" It was undeniably my fault, because I wasn't paying attention to their stupidity, but that's a story for another day. If her bumper was the same height as mine, there would have been no damage. I was only out a $50 license plate holder.
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