Bye Bye Evans

Hard to work up a tear, but there is a trend developing with the high profile members of Boston government "leaving"

First Tommy Chang walking away from $267k/yr and now Evans is skating on $239k /yr (never mind the pension benefits for both these guys)

Usually people get the yips when things are going south, those that are the smartest or have the most to lose are the first out the door.
Hard to work up a tear, but there is a trend developing with the high profile members of Boston government "leaving"

First Tommy Chang walking away from $267k/yr and now Evans is skating on $239k /yr (never mind the pension benefits for both these guys)

Usually people get the yips when things are going south, those that are the smartest or have the most to lose are the first out the door.

Word is that Tommy Chang was forced out by Mahty for giving ICE info about illegal immigrant students involved with ms13.
What is he going to do when they don't find all those guns that he talks so much about on the streets, on the BC campus?
He'll have nothing to blame but those poor up and coming just turning their lives around criminals..LOL

I can't believe more people don't see this man for what he really is!
A political grandstanding puppet that throws our citizens rights way for his own profit![puke]
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So the ignorant mutant is finally cashing in and moving on to a safe non-job with even more money.
Maybe he isn't as stupid as he looks and talks after all. Nah. [thinking]
Adios loser. Of course the guy isn’t wise enough to run a college “police” dept. either.
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