BREAKING: DoJ Rules That Bump Fire Stocks Are Now Machine Guns, court says hold it update post 301

Or 3, they are doing it this way because they are trying to set up a framework which makes their regulation more legally defensible, particularly with that supreme court case coming down the
gullet and all...

As Duke Wellington once said, they are trying to defend "an indefensible"

Since 2a can't be repealed straight up, .gov pussyfooting all around the issue so much that they have tangled themselves again and again in the endless string of lies and regulations. The argument that "we are not really infringing on 2a" has became an endless string of case laws, edicts and regulations. This web of lies will take forever to untangle in courts.

Attaching a "fleshlight" isn't a nuisance, with every ban on one front they expose something else. It gets challenged, more bans, so it goes on forever, until all this endless bullshit is replaced with either "shall not be infringed" or "slaves shall not posses weapons".
Absolutely, I'm just saying that inflation has made stamps more affordable. Throw in a 2 week turnaround time for eforms and the whole process becomes significantly more palatable.
It won't work for much longer. If he manages to get re-elected expect a political bloodbath and total destruction of any legacy he could hope to achieve. He might easily be the reason we quit building "Presidential Libraries".

I hope he is reelected for the sole reason that it will absolutely destroy any last remaining vestige of humanity or reason in the liberals. They're so filled with hatred for him they can't think straight. Imagine the foaming mouth screams if he is reelected?

[insert meme video of the screaming liberal genderless "person"]

I don't even really like him all that much, but I love the effect he has on the opposition.
I hope he is reelected for the sole reason that it will absolutely destroy any last remaining vestige of humanity or reason in the liberals. They're so filled with hatred for him they can't think straight. Imagine the foaming mouth screams if he is reelected?

[insert meme video of the screaming liberal genderless "person"]

I don't even really like him all that much, but I love the effect he has on the opposition.

My fear is that Illary is going to be more centrist. Few more years and Don will be more senile than ever, expect epic rants and pictures of penus on twitter.

There is good indication that Don is turning, but different thread.
Just an FYI - I know it might be a trap - but pretty damn cool. If you are getting busted with a bump-stock as a Machine Gun, why not?

Not recommending this as "It's Bad, M-kay", but bumbled upon a post elsewhere that lead me to this youtube video - and remember knowledge is power.

And having this and the parts 'just in case' is more power.

But again, constructive possession, ATF, Dogs - you know the drill.
The D.C. Court of Appeals has granted a motion to expedite Guedes v. BATFE and FPC v. Acting A.G. Matthew Whitaker, et al.
Opening brief: Monday 3/4.
Oral arguments: 3/22. - Bumpstock Lawsuit - Guedes v. BATFE - FPC v. Acting A.G. Matthew Whitaker, et al.
Summary: FPC v. Whitaker is a federal constitutional, statutory, and APA challenge to the DOJ/ATF ban on "bump-stock" devices brought President Trump's ban on "bump stock" devices by executive fiat

  • The President’s Designation of Matthew Whitaker Violated the Constitution's Appointments Clause
    • The President unconstitutionally assigned the Attorney General’s responsibilities to a non-officer
    • The President’s designation of Mr. Whitaker violated the Appointments Clause because he is serving as a principal officer
    • The Government’s arguments defending Mr. Whitaker’s service under the Appointments Clause are non-responsive
  • Applying the canon of constitutional avoidance, the Vacancies Act is fairly read not to give the President the power to appoint a non-confirmed official in these circumstances
    • The AG Act automatically designates the Deputy Attorney General as the Acting Attorney General
    • The Government’s contrary arguments are unpersuasive
A blatant violation of the constitution. Yet this court isn’t saying that. That isn’t even part of the discussion.

But thankfully we’re protected by banning and confiscation because we have the constitution, right?

The constitution isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on if the people won’t uphold it. And yes, I realize, that like all of you, I too am a hypocrite.
“The case argues that the ATF essentially rewrote the definition as set out by previous laws.”

Would a victory here help with the suits against Healy? And would a loss hurt?
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