BREAKING: attack at Bastille Day celebrations

I get what you are saying to a degree. I am not in favor of genocide but when things get to where it's "us" or "them" with no chance for a middle ground I no longer see "them" as a people that can be reasoned with or negotiated with. They will only understand one thing, overwhelming lethal force.

I still pray that we aren't there yet but when I see millions and millions of people who share a religion that preaches death to everyone else the way Islam does and I see how quickly and easily moderate, peaceful Muslims seem to become radicalized I truly wonder what options we really have left. I start to look at peaceful Muslims as sleepers who could at a moment's notice become terrorists. I am sorry, I know that is not fair to most Muslims, but these attacks are coming from Muslims who are not on any watch lists or tick any red flags anywhere, they were peaceful up to that point. So how can you not look at a Muslim with concern and suspicion. That is scary because that's how genocide starts.

Nice to see some of you coming to my point of view. Islam can be destroyed if there is a will to do it.
Just so that I understand, you want to know what kind of gun you should carry (concealed) so that you can be ready to shoot and disable a truck being driven through a crowd by a jihadist?

What choice do you have as that truck speeds toward your family. When it happens here then what are you going to do as it goes by?
Can't argue with that logic. So what part of the truck would you aim for?

Depends on the truck and what you are armed with. There is a chance you could shoot out a steering tire as it goes by and that would slow it down so most could get out of the way. It's really hard to drive a vehicles that you can't steer. Flat tires really slow trucks down and while it's just opinion I see nothing else I could do to slow it down.

Doubt they would ever use a really big rig because they could never get it through the streets but dump trucks on down they could use. Our safety glass is different too.

Ya'll can call me a fool if you want but if I can get the air out of the tires that truck won't kill near as many...
Truck was doing an estimated 45mph, how fast do you run?

Run diagonally to the truck and perhaps you survive. Shoot at the truck and you have simply reduced your opportunity to get out of the way. No bullets you shoot will stop the truck.
Running would be a lot more effective than shooting.

Hence my thought of carrying, being aware of what is happening around you, trying to know where your escape routes and cover are and not being caught in flip flops that you can't run in.

Ideally I grab my family and run for cover. Once they are safe I can try to shoot out a tire or maybe even the driver. Since those are long shots, getting out of the way and finding cover for my family and I are the first priority.

If everyone did that the death toll would be far less.
Depends on the truck and what you are armed with. There is a chance you could shoot out a steering tire as it goes by and that would slow it down so most could get out of the way.

Good luck with that.... [rofl] not sure if serious. Maybe robocop could do that. [rofl]

Run diagonally to the truck and perhaps you survive. Shoot at the truck and you have simply reduced your opportunity to get out of the way. No bullets you shoot will stop the truck.

No bullets will stop it but let the air out and they slow way down.

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Good luck with that.... [rofl] not sure if serious. Maybe robocop could do that. [rofl]


Ever hit a running jack rabbit?[laugh] laugh all you want but at least I would do something other than stand there.
No bullets will stop it but let the air out and they slow way down.

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Ever hit a running jack rabbit?[laugh] laugh all you want but at least I would do something other than stand there.

Yeah, something you're probably stalking or waiting for. Unless you're going to sit in a lawn chair or a barcalounger on a public street with your gun in your lap, waiting for the next terrorist kamikazi truck to come, I have news for you, you're probably not going to be able to shoot it until it's already too late. The truck is nearly always going to win the initiative roll.

Hence my thought of carrying, being aware of what is happening around you, trying to know where your escape routes and cover are and not being caught in flip flops that you can't run in.

Ideally I grab my family and run for cover. Once they are safe I can try to shoot out a tire or maybe even the driver. Since those are long shots, getting out of the way and finding cover for my family and I are the first priority.

If everyone did that the death toll would be far less.

Murderers didn't hit everyone, they drove by a lot of people. If one steering tire was flat then most trucks are near imposible to steer. One guy drove his motorcycle up and tried to stop the driver only to be run over, people will do what they think helps or stand by and cry.
Yeah, something you're probably stalking or waiting for. Unless you're going to sit in a lawn chair or a barcalounger on a public street with your gun in your lap, waiting for the next terrorist kamikazi truck to come, I have news for you, you're probably not going to be able to shoot it until it's already too late. The truck is nearly always going to win the initiative roll.


Yet sombody shot to stop the truck.....
Yet sombody shot to stop the truck.....

Not exactly. Apparently some dude like jumped on the front of the truck, and then the BG tried to shoot him, and then the police hopped on board and shot the BG. And by the time that all happened, the bulk of the carnage was long done.

ETA: it's not precisely clear why the truck stopped either. One source said the guy stopped the truck and then just started shooting at pedestrians.

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Murderers didn't hit everyone, they drove by a lot of people. If one steering tire was flat then most trucks are near imposible to steer. One guy drove his motorcycle up and tried to stop the driver only to be run over, people will do what they think helps or stand by and cry.

Very true. I am not saying I have the ultimate solution, I'm just saying most people are completely unprepared and unaware and that is often what makes a death toll go from 7 or 8 to 70 or 80.
Not exactly. Apparently some dude like jumped on the front of the truck, and then the BG tried to shoot him, and then the police hopped on board and shot the BG. And by the time that all happened, the bulk of the carnage was long done.

ETA: it's not precisely clear why the truck stopped either. One source said the guy stopped the truck and then just started shooting at pedestrians.


The gun stopped the truck, once the guns came out the truck stopped rolling.
The gun stopped the truck, once the guns came out the truck stopped rolling.

One article I just read said they started shooting at it, but there's no video footage of the truck slowing down or stopping. Just after its stopped and the cops lighting it up.

The playboy comment was tongue in cheek. I was inferring that we ought to give them some of the great things we as freedom loving Americans enjoy, ie; good food, education, medicine, maybe a nice whiskey.... porn.... the list goes on and on.
Progress is slow... Give this generation the chance to be Consumers and they will. Kids don't want to blow themselves up, they want an iphone.

They have got that in many of the host counties that have taken them in.
How's that working?
The hardest thing to get across to some people is the fact you can't talk you way out of every situation.
There are people in this world that are just plain evil, period.
Talk, hugs, creature comforts mean exactly shit to a lunatic.
And that's what your dealing with.
Any idea what these people do to non muslims in their own countries that have gone there to try and save sick and dying kids? Their kids.
Just pray you don't have a strong constitution and die quickly.
One article I just read said they started shooting at it, but there's no video footage of the truck slowing down or stopping. Just after its stopped and the cops lighting it up.


I don't think he stopped to let a pedestrian cross, the guns stopped him.[smile]
Then we should try harder.

For the record, my occasional wisecracks about nuking them are just wisecracks or blowing off steam. The radiation and long term negatives to our planet aren't worth it.

On the other hand there's no radiation from a few thousand MOABs.
I would like to see Neutron bombsI would like to see Neutron bombs employed.
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