BREAKING: attack at Bastille Day celebrations

Have they really assimilated or is it just a case of going along to get along while they are a minority but what will happen if & when they become a majority?

In the middle-east particularly, I think that years of interventionist wars and sanctions guarantees that they can't assimilate even if they wanted to.
I know American muslims who have assimilated just fine.
The data in the article is from 2007.

I'm not too hung up on the exact current percentages as what we're looking at is a continuum with predictable changes in Muslim group behavior with increasing numbers.

The big picture is that European Christianity, what's left of it, is baring the neck to Islam.

I've been an atheist for most of my life but have come to realize what a catastrophe the loss of faith is for Western civilization. Muslims have a stronger belief in God and therefore a stronger belief in the righteousness of their cause. And that is all it takes.

We are going to have to return to our Christian roots to have any chance of survival. Whether God exists or not is not the question, but we need to behave as if He does.
I've come to that same conclusion
The data in the article is from 2007.

I'm not too hung up on the exact current percentages as what we're looking at is a continuum with predictable changes in Muslim group behavior with increasing numbers.

The big picture is that European Christianity, what's left of it, is baring the neck to Islam.

I've been an atheist for most of my life but have come to realize what a catastrophe the loss of faith is for Western civilization. Muslims have a stronger belief in God and therefore a stronger belief in the righteousness of their cause. And that is all it takes.

We are going to have to return to our Christian roots to have any chance of survival. Whether God exists or not is not the question, but we need to behave as if He does.

Well said! As a Christian I wish all people would come to faith in Christ but I'd gladly take a return to Christian values even if it doesn't mean everyone actually joins the faith.

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Have they really assimilated or is it just a case of going along to get along while they are a minority but what will happen if & when they become a majority?

I think we are seeing the answer to that question in Europe.
I really only surmised that children who grow up western are fonder of consumer goods and comfort than they are of war and suicide. If we were to raise the next generation of muslim children in western culture, could we expect the same result?

this position assumes that the average muslim man/woman/family living in ANY western nation would ALLOW you ( meaning those holding western values ) to have ANY influence on how their children are raised or what they are exposed to.
Well said! As a Christian I wish all people would come to faith in Christ but I'd gladly take a return to Christian values even if it doesn't mean everyone actually joins the faith.

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I think we are seeing the answer to that question in Europe.
Yes, I know and agree. It was a response to AtoTheK about them knowing one's that have assimilated.
The data in the article is from 2007.

I'm not too hung up on the exact current percentages as what we're looking at is a continuum with predictable changes in Muslim group behavior with increasing numbers.

The big picture is that European Christianity, what's left of it, is baring the neck to Islam.

I've been an atheist for most of my life but have come to realize what a catastrophe the loss of faith is for Western civilization. Muslims have a stronger belief in God and therefore a stronger belief in the righteousness of their cause. And that is all it takes.

We are going to have to return to our Christian roots to have any chance of survival. Whether God exists or not is not the question, but we need to behave as if He does.

Eh, I disagree.

You can look at the whole thing logically (leaving imaginary beings out of it) and objectively say that islam and sharia are incongruent with democracy, liberty, and the ideals this country was founded on (thought, rationality, free speech, libertarianism, etc...)

People need to stop being sheeple and use their brains for rational thought, instead of giving in to their feelz.
Yes, it's a matter of do you want to live free or under tyranny and being slaughtered if you don't agree to their terms. You can fight for your freedom or be subjugated and or killed.

Eh, I disagree.

You can look at the whole thing logically (leaving imaginary beings out of it) and objectively say that islam and sharia are incongruent with democracy, liberty, and the ideals this country was founded on (thought, rationality, free speech, libertarianism, etc...)

People need to stop being sheeple and use their brains for rational thought, instead of giving in to their feelz.
Eh, I disagree.

You can look at the whole thing logically (leaving imaginary beings out of it) and objectively say that islam and sharia are incongruent with democracy, liberty, and the ideals this country was founded on (thought, rationality, free speech, libertarianism, etc...)

People need to stop being sheeple and use their brains for rational thought, instead of giving in to their feelz.

A good summary of contemporary secular values.

Yes, it's a matter of do you want to live free or under tyranny and being slaughtered if you don't agree to their terms. You can fight for your freedom or be subjugated and or killed.

People don't fight without a cause they believe in. Much of Europe is more or less already lost and without a single shot fired by the indigenous people.

And the insane thing is, Europeans don't actually need to fight, all they need to do is close their borders.

But their loss of faith and loss of belief in themselves is so complete they are unable to do even that.
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Eh, I disagree.

You can look at the whole thing logically (leaving imaginary beings out of it) and objectively say that islam and sharia are incongruent with democracy, liberty, and the ideals this country was founded on (thought, rationality, free speech, libertarianism, etc...)

People need to stop being sheeple and use their brains for rational thought, instead of giving in to their feelz.

This country was founded on Judeo-Christian values. Not Judaism or Christianity per se as this is not a theocracy but western values, ethics and morality have a base in the 10 commandments and other Biblical tenants. People who don't believe in a God don't like hearing that and will deny it but it is the truth and there are clear references to it in the founding documents. Our founding fathers acknowledged the existence of a Creator (and yes, they used a capital C as in a personal noun) and a God (with a capital G). I will not go into it further here because this isn't the thread to do it in but it has been discussed in other threads.
Yup, lets all weep for the poor Muslims. Look, I'm sure that woman and her family were not bad people and I am sure they are devastated over their loss but WTF. Leave it to the NYT to highlight her so they can say, "See, he wasn't trying to kill non-Muslims or he would not have run over a Muslim woman." It's called acceptable collateral damage to these animals. Is the NYT really that stupid or are they just figuring their readers are?

This is actually an interesting point of contention between ISIS and Al Queda. Plans similar to this type of attack were of interest to Al Queda but were reportedly nixed by Bin Laden as being too indiscriminate and carrying too high a probability that Muslims would be killed also.

At least until the end of Bin Laden, Al Queda was more focussed on more targeted, "professional" assassinations. ISIS on the other hand, does not care who they kill in pursuit of their goals.
I think my posts have been taken out of context
It doesn't seem likely that a shooting/bombing/droning strategy is working. I think we need to start employing drastically different tactics in this "war on terror."

We ought to introduce them to some comfort and try to ween them off the whole death to America (and it's allies) trip that they seem to be on. We should drop playboy magazines on their villages.
Nope. Taking you for your word.

I referenced an article, and shortened one of it's longer points which indicates that the Islamic state, as voluntary as it is for some, is just as involuntary for many others. ISIS has a strategy to maintain membership and to increase its numbers, as explained in the article.
You went beyond referencing an article. You suggested that introducing them to "our culture" was a good plan. Haven't they already enjoyed enough of their host countries culture?

We (western countries) have had little success eradicating fundamental Islam in the world. I suggested playing nice since the wars we wage against fundemental muslims seem to have only succeeded in destabilizing the region, with overflow felt in Europe (IMHO).
So we should play nice and perhaps, give them hugs?

AtoTheK said:
I really only surmised that children who grow up western are fonder of consumer goods and comfort than they are of war and suicide. If we were to raise the next generation of muslim children in western culture, could we expect the same result?

(emphasis mine)

Were the Playboy magazines were for the children?

Stop and think about this for a moment.

AtoTheK said:
If we were to raise the next generation of muslim children in western culture, could we expect the same result?
What do you think?
A good summary of contemporary secular values.

People don't fight without a cause they believe in. Much of Europe is more or less already lost and without a single shot fired by the indigenous people.

Freedom is a cause. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is a cause.
... We (western countries) have had little success eradicating fundamental Islam in the world. I suggested playing nice since the wars we wage against fundamental Muslims seem to have only succeeded in destabilizing the region, with overflow felt in Europe (IMHO). ...

Then we should try harder.

For the record, my occasional wisecracks about nuking them are just wisecracks or blowing off steam. The radiation and long term negatives to our planet aren't worth it.

On the other hand there's no radiation from a few thousand MOABs.
Nope. Taking you for your word.

You went beyond referencing an article. You suggested that introducing them to "our culture" was a good plan. Haven't they already enjoyed enough of their host countries culture?

So we should play nice and perhaps, give them hugs?

(emphasis mine)

Were the Playboy magazines were for the children?

Stop and think about this for a moment.

What do you think?

I think:
I fail to see what you're getting at.
you're failing to see what I'm getting at.
Progress takes time.
We won't be able to kill all of the worlds problems.
Things are complicated.
At this point I'm wasting my time.
I think my posts have been taken out of context. I referenced an article, and shortened one of it's longer points which indicates that the Islamic state, as voluntary as it is for some, is just as involuntary for many others. ISIS has a strategy to maintain membership and to increase its numbers, as explained in the article.

We (western countries) have had little success eradicating fundamental Islam in the world. I suggested playing nice since the wars we wage against fundemental muslims seem to have only succeeded in destabilizing the region, with overflow felt in Europe (IMHO).

I really only surmised that children who grow up western are fonder of consumer goods and comfort than they are of war and suicide. If we were to raise the next generation of muslim children in western culture, could we expect the same result?

If they were raised as Christians, Buddhists, Hindus etc. probably not. If raised as Muslims more likely to have the same result.

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You're forgiven[wink]

I hope you'll forgive me when I say it now looks exactly like hedonistic self-indulgence and degeneracy to me.
The playboy comment was tongue in cheek. I was inferring that we ought to give them some of the great things we as freedom loving Americans enjoy, ie; good food, education, medicine, maybe a nice whiskey.... porn.... the list goes on and on.
Progress is slow... Give this generation the chance to be Consumers and they will. Kids don't want to blow themselves up, they want an iphone.

This has to be the densest, most American ego-centric comment I've read here. The thought that "give them stuff we like!" will sway them is incredibly myopic. They know what an iPhone is. [rolleyes]
Not half the world... World population is at 7.4+ billion...

Putting the muzzies at ~28% of the world pop...

my mistake, last time i checked was about 1 1/2% - 2 years ago...

we're completely over run and totally ****ed. white male christians have about 5 years before we are literally OUTLAWED under international law, and the round-up begins...
we are no longer either WELCOMED or TOLERATED in this world................

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What kind and how many?

Exactly what we need to know, and will those same guns stop American made trucks? Good friend got killed at work when a belly dump truck backed over him. Caught him by the heels and slowly rolled up his entire body. I don't want to see that happening to anyone again. These murderers will do it again and it would be good to have ideas how to fight back.
Exactly what we need to know, and will those same guns stop American made trucks? Good friend got killed at work when a belly dump truck backed over him. Caught him by the heels and slowly rolled up his entire body. I don't want to see that happening to anyone again. These murderers will do it again and it would be good to have ideas how to fight back.

Just so that I understand, you want to know what kind of gun you should carry (concealed) so that you can be ready to shoot and disable a truck being driven through a crowd by a jihadist?
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