Boston Restrictions

Jan 9, 2015
Boston, MA
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I just wanted to post because it seems like the previous thread lost steam. I am looking for a little advice...I'm a Boston resident, however spend my summers out in the Berkshires. Since I am a Boston resident, I have, of course, the infamous "Target & Hunting" on my LTC. I had written a letter a while ago to ask for the restrictions to be removed. I received a phone call from Lt. Det. of licensing and was told no. This summer, There was a break-in in the home I live in. I sent a copy of the police report to the Lt. Det. and explained what had happened and asked to reconsider the removal of the restriction. I was denied again. Any suggestions on how to proceed with an appeal? Please don't use the ridiculous "You should move to a green town" phrase that seems to be so popular. Thanks to anyone with info.
I just wanted to post because it seems like the previous thread lost steam. I am looking for a little advice...I'm a Boston resident, however spend my summers out in the Berkshires. Since I am a Boston resident, I have, of course, the infamous "Target & Hunting" on my LTC. I had written a letter a while ago to ask for the restrictions to be removed. I received a phone call from Lt. Det. of licensing and was told no. This summer, There was a break-in in the home I live in. I sent a copy of the police report to the Lt. Det. and explained what had happened and asked to reconsider the removal of the restriction. I was denied again. Any suggestions on how to proceed with an appeal? Please don't use the ridiculous "You should move to a green town" phrase that seems to be so popular. Thanks to anyone with info.

Contact Comm2a.
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That's sad, ridiculous they have the power to "blanket statement" deny everyone based on where you reside.

Correct me if i'm wrong, but wasn't something passed last year where they had to issue "no restrictions" unless they wanted to go before a judge to deny you?
That's sad, ridiculous they have the power to "blanket statement" deny everyone based on where you reside.

Correct me if i'm wrong, but wasn't something passed last year where they had to issue "no restrictions" unless they wanted to go before a judge to deny you?

No idea...nothing is very clear.

- - - Updated - - -

I have contacted Comm2a with other questions in the past. Both times they never really answered my question. I will give it a go again. Just looking for a little guidance outside of Comm2a. Anything anyone can offer is helpful.
No idea...nothing is very clear.

- - - Updated - - -

I have contacted Comm2a with other questions in the past. Both times they never really answered my question. I will give it a go again. Just looking for a little guidance outside of Comm2a. Anything anyone can offer is helpful.

Basically from what I understand, the new legislation gave you the right to appeal a denial in front of a judge. This takes time and money without much hope of success. Comm2A is leading the charge on this and remains your best resource for all things legally related to 2A.
Basically from what I understand, the new legislation gave you the right to appeal a denial in front of a judge. This takes time and money without much hope of success. Comm2A is leading the charge on this and remains your best resource for all things legally related to 2A.

Thanks for the advice. I did send them a little message. I just think this is utterly ridiculous. There is already no reason to have the restrictions in the first place and now that I have a legitimate reason to have them removed, still denied. It is so frustrating.
Thanks for the advice. I did send them a little message. I just think this is utterly ridiculous. There is already no reason to have the restrictions in the first place and now that I have a legitimate reason to have them removed, still denied. It is so frustrating.

I have a friend who lives in Hyde Park. I used to live in Somerville then Lexington and now live in Wayland. Because of where I happen to live, I can carry both in the city and outside of it. Because of where he lives he is unable to carry ANYWHERE.

There is no constitutional support for that interpretation much like Boston's AWB but it needs to be challenged in court for it to be overturned and changed. These are the type of cases that Comm2A works on and has been successful with.

If there were one charity and organization I had to choose for donations, Comm2A would top the list.
What you're asking is roughly the equivalent of a Jew asking how to not wear a star on your shirt because they live in Hitler's Germany. Sadly, there is more or less nothing you can do other than piss gobbs of money down the drain pursuing a court case that will likely be denied. You answered your own question in your OP. If you want less restrictions stop choosing to live in a town notorious for harsh ones.

It will cost you less money to move to a different town, than it will in fees to fight a losing legal battle against Boston. That's the simple, plain fact reality of your situation.
Thanks for the advice. I did send them a little message. I just think this is utterly ridiculous. There is already no reason to have the restrictions in the first place and now that I have a legitimate reason to have them removed, still denied. It is so frustrating.
You have to adoptt a "Relentless Upbeat Pressure" approach. The tack I plan to take is to highlight to the city how expensive it is to administer the range qualification.

That said, I don't think much of anything will change until Walsh is reelected and Commissioner Evans steps aside. There are officers for and against easing the restrictions so hopefully one of them will be able to help the changes along.
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You have to adoptt a "Relentless Upbeat Pressure" approach. The tack I plan to take is to highlight to the city how expensive it is to administer the range qualification.

That said, I don't think much of anything will change until Walsh is reelected and Commissioner Evans steps aside. There are officers for and against easing the restrictions so hopefully one of them will be able to help the changes along.

There are weird signs of things already changing. I know 2 people, "move ins" who just moved into the city and renewed without getting downgraded, so that's a start at least. No idea whether or not this is consistent policy or not. Maybe its a risk-aversion policy, eg they're more likely to get boned if they try to downgrade someone vs restricting a newbie. Newbs are probably less likely to take them to court, too.

Become a doctor, lawyer, or active NRA instructor. Then you have a very good chance of getting the restriction lifted.
You don't need a "carry" license to shoot an intruder in your home. Carry all you want on your own property.

And sadly that is exactly what BPD lawyers would tell a judge if you appeal. And the judge will agree and dismiss your suit.
Become a doctor, lawyer, or active NRA instructor. Then you have a very good chance of getting the restriction lifted.

This, other than gaming the system with residency, the other obvious way is to fit into the box.

It's not just about carrying on his own property.

That is the way the PD and judge would look at it if he uses a house-break as a reason why his restriction to CARRY outside the house should be lifted!! That's reality in Boston and with MA courts.
1) carry where and when you want, f the restrictions
2) find yourself involved in a self defense case where you were carrying off restriction and get charged
3) fight through the courts with Comm2a at your side
4) ???
5) profit!
Become a doctor, lawyer, or active NRA instructor. Then you have a very good chance of getting the restriction lifted.

I was waiting for bill o to chime in.

You are obviously not going to do the first two, but there is no reason you can't do the third. Probably cheaper than taking the case to court.
What you're asking is roughly the equivalent of a Jew asking how to not wear a star on your shirt because they live in Hitler's Germany. Sadly, there is more or less nothing you can do other than piss gobbs of money down the drain pursuing a court case that will likely be denied. You answered your own question in your OP. If you want less restrictions stop choosing to live in a town notorious for harsh ones.

It will cost you less money to move to a different town, than it will in fees to fight a losing legal battle against Boston. That's the simple, plain fact reality of your situation.

Yep, and then when you're a visitor in Boston you can carry without regard for any of that nonsense that the people living in the city contend with.
Yep, and then when you're a visitor in Boston you can carry without regard for any of that nonsense that the people living in the city contend with.

great point - this is similar to what goes on in Lowell. These people think they are keeping firearms "off the street" by restricting your license - they are so narrow minded to think that you don't ever travel out of the city.
Carry or bring guns out there anyways. Better alive than dead. Seriously, why do criminals get better treatment than responsible citizens.
Dont you have a range back stuffed in the back of your car ... your going to the range right.. jk

If your really fed up just ask the chief about the open carry laws.

And couldn't if you have your gun in a small portable lockbox inside those hip one shoulder murses, your technically just transporting it everywhere right?
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If you are dumb enough to open carry in Boston expect to be arrested, your LTC revoked for life, and to be destroyed by the prosecutorial process. A fake bullet belt is enough to get a person swatted and charged with a dozen felonies in the city.

Boston's LTC restriction letter, like Brookline's, explicitly states that T&H does NOT allow CC to and from activities.
How has this town by town, and individual city restriction not been struck down in court yet?? GOAL and Comm2A should be all over this (yes, I respect what they've done thus far and what they're doing, but we've got to quit playing nice)

I would think a good lawyer could pursue a discrimination lawsuit, pretty easy to provide proof that the same individual can be granted or denied their rights based on where they can afford/chose to live. That's discrimination plain and simple.
Maybe you could read through some of the threads on this forum to see what the litigation history of this issue has been? What makes you think it HASN'T been tried in the past and upheld by the courts?

Four whole posts and now you're an expert on the issue. [rolleyes]

How has this town by town, and individual city restriction not been struck down in court yet?? GOAL and Comm2A should be all over this (yes, I respect what they've done thus far and what they're doing, but we've got to quit playing nice)

I would think a good lawyer could pursue a discrimination lawsuit, pretty easy to provide proof that the same individual can be granted or denied their rights based on where they can afford/chose to live. That's discrimination plain and simple.
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