Boston Restrictions

Maybe you could read through some of the threads on this forum to see what the litigation history of this issue has been? What makes you think it HASN'T been tried in the past and upheld by the courts?

Four whole posts and now you're an expert on the issue. [rolleyes]
Can you provide links or are you just going to blah, blah, blah [rolleyes]
Can you provide links or are you just going to blah, blah, blah [rolleyes]

I'm not your or anyone's research assistant. If you can't figure out how to use the search function on this forum, get an adult to help you with that. There are plenty of threads here, Comm2A probably has some information, and then there is Al Gore's internet.
I'm not your or anyone's research assistant. If you can't figure out how to use the search function on this forum, get an adult to help you with that. There are plenty of threads here, Comm2A probably has some information, and then there is Al Gore's internet.

Atta boy thats the way. So I guess its going to be.. blah
No it's not, but there is still case law on the issue. In and of itself it's enough to get a permit revoked.

Compared to a bunch of other crap you could do in MA, carrying against a restriction is not the worst of all ills.


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Atta boy thats the way. So I guess its going to be.. blah

So it's going to be too lazy to research and understand the history of the issue. Got it.
No it's not, but there is still case law on the issue. In and of itself it's enough to get a permit revoked.

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So it's going to be too lazy to research and understand the history of the issue. Got it.

You could have simply answered the guys question, but instead you go on a rant. Keeping NES alive and well.
Four whole posts and now you're an expert on the issue. [rolleyes]

So what your telling me is since you posted more that makes you more of an expert? WOOWWWWWW, your amazing. 14,000 posts, you deserve a participation trophy.

I've been on the forum for years, just started this username to keep it uniform between all the forums I look at. Smarta*s
How has this town by town, and individual city restriction not been struck down in court yet?? GOAL and Comm2A should be all over this (yes, I respect what they've done thus far and what they're doing, but we've got to quit playing nice)

They are all over it. what do you want them to do, run up to them and go "give up, cuz we said so, we really mean it now!" court cases don't run at light speed. It can take years for one case to crank all the way through both sides of the system... and in some cases, there are dependencies in play, you gotta wait for one case to pan out in the circuit before starting another, etc, or a case can become considerably easier or more difficult pending the outcome of some other case (or give you a clue to make a better firing solution for the case you are running. )

I would think a good lawyer could pursue a discrimination lawsuit, pretty easy to provide proof that the same individual can be granted or denied their rights based on where they can afford/chose to live. That's discrimination plain and simple.

If it was that easy someone would have done it by now. If you want to convince a federal court to pound the piss out of MA, you're gonna need a lot more than "Hurr Durr! I think my rights have been vyolated!" (as if you weren't the first guy to come up with that idea.)

Honestly if you want unrestricted it's going to be cheaper to call up someone like Jason Guida or whoever (eg, any competent MA gun law attorney) and ask him what you have to do to fit in the "box" in Boston so you can get unrestricted.

I understand it's not easy, and I've followed past litigation, just wasn't sure if the discrimination angle had been pushed. There are a lot of smart people in this state subject to this, so yes I realize pretty much everything has been thought of and/or tried.

Thankfully I live out west and everyone I know that's licensed has "no restrictions" , no offense but I cannot stand eastern mass (and by eastern I mean anything past the quabbin). Born & raised here and i've only visited Boston maybe three times, I'd like to keep it that way.
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Thankfully I live out west and everyone I know that's licensed has "no restrictions" , no offense but I cannot stand eastern mass (and by eastern I mean anything past the quabbin). Born & raised here and i've only visited Boston maybe three times, I'd like to keep it that way.

Springfield is the absolute worst city in the entire state WRT licensing numbers. Most "red" town in the entire state. Makes Boston look like a bastion of freedom.

Springfield is the absolute worst city in the entire state WRT licensing numbers. Most "red" town in the entire state. Makes Boston look like a bastion of freedom.


I hear that, Springfield is the pits.

If it were up to me i'd split the state right down the Connecticut river, with no bridges going across.
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Springfield is the absolute worst city in the entire state WRT licensing numbers. Most "red" town in the entire state. Makes Boston look like a bastion of freedom.


Mike, maybe the statistical numbers are low per capita compared to Boston, but I don't think it's a "red" issue because most members on here that have LTCs are unrestricted from past threads I've followed. It is a shithole city though, and I would think more people would want to carry since there is so many gang shootings there. Maybe it's just that no one bothers applying for a license and everyone just carries gang banger style.[laugh]
Comm2A responded with the regular "doctor, lawyer, blah blah" which was not the answer to the question I had asked. I was asking for help on appealing, not asking about the info I had already known. Oh well. I'm going to do a little more research and talk to a lawyer friend.

A good lawyer is going to tell you what they told you. You really want unrestricted in Boston you need to game the system. Anything else at this point is a waste of time, if it's not gaming the system (either by dumping Boston residency or doing things to fit in their "box") you're wasting your time. There's no magic EZ mode button that can be pressed to lift the restrictions, unless you have a high level political connection that you've forgotten about that you could get to grease the skids on your behalf...

Also, do the math.... probably cost you less than 2 grand to game the system. Paying for a lawyer to represent you in court, on an appeal that you might not even win.... will likely easily blow past that... whats 2K in lawyer terms? like 8 hours, for a WICKED cheap lawyer. (at 250 an hr). That's probably not enough billable to cover an appeal.

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Mike, maybe the statistical numbers are low per capita compared to Boston, but I don't think it's a "red" issue because most members on here that have LTCs are unrestricted from past threads I've followed. It is a shithole city though, and I would think more people would want to carry since there is so many gang shootings there. Maybe it's just that no one bothers applying for a license and everyone just carries gang banger style.[laugh]

Yeah some of those might be move ins, etc, but I know that anyone that lives there that didn't have a license and got one is going to get restrictions rammed up their ass. NES is also going to have a lot of sampling bias, people who bother going on a gun board are more likely to be carriers, etc. Hell we had guys on here who have unrestricted in places like Cambridge, Boston, others so that's hardly anomalous. Average smoe though is going to get eaten alive in a red town if they limp wrist things.

There's no magic EZ mode button that can be pressed to lift the restrictions, unless you have a high level political connection that you've forgotten about that you could get to grease the skids on your behalf...

This. Save and/or borrow some serious dough and grease the politician's skids (oops, "palm") with the cash instead.

But that sort of corruption "never happens anymore these days" in Boston, eh?
This. Save and/or borrow some serious dough and grease the politician's skids (oops, "palm") with the cash instead.

But that sort of corruption "never happens anymore these days" in Boston, eh?

I'm not talking about that so much as the "Oh I know a guy who knows (insert important person in boston gov here)" type of stuff.

Even if hard corruption were possible it's probably still cheaper to game the system some other way. (eg by dumping residency... people can be creative with this, too. )

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