Boston Herald disgusting editorial

Feb 8, 2010
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Just read their editorial on gun buybacks. For a second I thought I was reading the globe. They claim that if the gun buyback is done right, then it will be a success for ending violence. The last two paragraphs were the worst.

In fact when the guns were packed into an armored vehicle and given a police escort out of town — to where they would be melted down — community members gathered to cheer. That is indeed something.

As Robert Sege, a Boston Medical Center pediatrician, put it, “The main thing gun buybacks do is send a message that we don’t need to have guns in our home.”

That is a message worth sending.
Interesting the way that this editorial is written in doublespeak, I think without the author even perceiving that it is.

While in favor of the event, the editorial clearly admits that the gun buyback effort accomplishes nothing.
"The 2006 “Aim for Peace” buyback program is credited with taking more than 1,000 guns out of circulation (some estimates ran as high as 1,300) over its four-week span. "

how do they not know the math?

1 gun + 1 gun = 2 Guns + 1 Gun = 3 Guns
"The 2006 “Aim for Peace” buyback program is credited with taking more than 1,000 guns out of circulation (some estimates ran as high as 1,300) over its four-week span. "

Geez, don't they even know how many guns they got? [rofl] Maybe some of the folks running it were cherry picking some of the turn ins.
Stopped reading the Herald a year ago when they did a cover story on the teenager who could not afford his/her transgender operation. They wonder why they are having to make the paper thinner and thinner and thinner but mock the GLUB for running out of money!
she just switched to diet poon


"The 2006 “Aim for Peace” buyback program is credited with taking more than 1,000 guns out of circulation (some estimates ran as high as 1,300) over its four-week span. "

hmm. wonder what would happen to an FFL if they came close to losing track of a fraction of that over the course of their career
You wonder if these cops ever pick through the good ones. It'd be funny but I think they should.
Whatever happened to that German WW2 rifle out in CA they picked up, 1st gen AR, I forgot the name of it, started with an S.
Just read their editorial on gun buybacks. For a second I thought I was reading the globe. They claim that if the gun buyback is done right, then it will be a success for ending violence. The last two paragraphs were the worst.

Yea, Stealing is a crime too so let's see them impose a 10 year sentence on someone that steals a gun from some lawful gun owners home. Better yet, lets see them enforce any of the laws they have against criminals as a start.
As Robert Sege, a Boston Medical Center pediatrician, put it, “The main thing gun buybacks do is send a message that we don’t need to have guns in our home.”

I don't golf or play baseball, yet I am not asking for a buy back of baseball bats and golf clubs. These are dangerous weapons that have killed. My guns and 99% of them in this state have not killed anyone. What a bunch of feel good bull $hit.
Substitute guns for drugs, and it's the same message.
Armored car to be melted... lol

I had a buddy who was in charge of destroying evidence. He always put on the best fireworks shows. He claimed he was just destroying the evidence methodically, one piece at a time.
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