Boston herald article, chiefs hold power but not crazy power ... yeah right

Chelsea chief of police should know [rofl] granted it was a little while back but I remember a Chelsea cop who used to frequent the bar I used to work in downtown Boston. Saw this boob tie it on and leave his gun in the mens room more than once.
Cops fail at vetting themselves, why would anyone think they'd do any better with the rest of the population?
To prove this all you need to do is look at the (now former) Framingham PD LO, The man who made those judgement calls for more than a decade, even after the truth came out that he was disqualified to hold an LTC under statute, and also prohibited from even becoming a PO. This was the man determining who got an LTC and on who's word a judge would rule on a denial.
Personally the entire article offends me. Anyone with a title of “chief” is clearly just using cultural appropriation to push a system of white supremacy. The job position should be done away with entirely as a clear message to indigenous people that we will not trample their heritage.
Chelsea chief of police should know [rofl] granted it was a little while back but I remember a Chelsea cop who used to frequent the bar I used to work in downtown Boston. Saw this boob tie it on and leave his gun in the mens room more than once.
Chelsea, the city who's strip joint was invaded by ON DUTY Everett cops who beat a bouncer to death for throwing out one of their own. Okay.
Chelsea chief of police should know [rofl] granted it was a little while back but I remember a Chelsea cop who used to frequent the bar I used to work in downtown Boston. Saw this boob tie it on and leave his gun in the mens room more than once.

Damn. Best to grab the gun and then call Boston PD that you found a gun. Watch hilarity ensue. Especially if Officer Lush doesn't realize his gun is missing.
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