Boston having a gun buy back

They've admitted that these gun buyback programs do not reduce crime, and that anybody likely to use a gun to commit a crime is very unlikely to turn it in for a gift card.
Correct. They have. Right in the Boston Globe no less... and more than once. Several times. And also in the way they are going about this latest "buyback"... e.g., no rifles, no shotguns, no BB/pellet guns, no non-functional guns, no grandma or grandpa guns, VISA gift cards instead of grocery store cards, much bigger payout per gun and restricted to Boston residents only. This tells me that someone behind this got the message loud and clear: Gun buybacks to date have been abysmal failures at reducing violent crime and the word is getting out... and they can no longer play games like it isn't.

So... Why do they do them? Can anybody answer that? (or take a serious educated guess).

What do the people sponsoring these events hope to accomplish?
Selfish political purposes, plain and simple. Power, money and votes. This sorry state (Boston, in particular) is owned by the lunatic liberal moonbat Dems and they will say or do whatever it takes to please their liberal base and remain in power. "Gun control" is obviously a key liberal issue.

I don't buy the "big numbers/scary photo op/public relations" argument so much this time around. If that were still the case (as it was in the past), they would be open to buying back all firearms, functional or non-functional, scary or not, from anyone residing anywhere. The more, the merrier, right? Bigger photo op, right? Isn't that what we keep saying they want?

In other words, I think they have changed their focus this time around. Significant or not, it's hard to ignore the drastic change in their strategy. The past failures are now much too obvious, even to moonbats. This latest "buyback" is an attempt to change the rules to their political advantage by career liberal politicians who enjoy being in power and want it to stay that way.
I think they have changed their focus this time around. Significant or not, it's hard to ignore the drastic change in their strategy. The past failures are now much too obvious, even to moonbats. This latest "buyback" is an attempt to change the rules to their political advantage by career liberal politicians who enjoy being in power and want it to stay that way.

I agree. What do you think would have to happen for them to consider this a "successful" gun 'buyback', and how do you think they'd use that to their political advantage?
I agree. What do you think would have to happen for them to consider this a "successful" gun 'buyback', and how do you think they'd use that to their political advantage?

If they get 1 or 100, if they get 2 or 32, big guns, black guns, shiny guns, rusty guns, they will take pictures of them, show them to people who know nothing about guns and claim a success, either way.

The did "something"

We can take it up the gun barrel or we can try to make them look like jackasses.

I vote for the latter. The former hasn't been working.
I agree. What do you think would have to happen for them to consider this a "successful" gun 'buyback', and how do you think they'd use that to their political advantage?
The beauty of being a liberal Democrat is that the success (or lack of success) of any program you dream up is totally irrelevant. All that matters is that your "heart was in the right place" (according to your base) and that you "did something." That's all it takes and the Dem voters will love you and re-elect you forever. And to a liberal Democrat, that's all that really matters.
Look at the AG candidate Healey, she wants fingerprint tech on new guns and microstamping both of which are proven to not work or do any good. The Liberal mindset, do anything and claim success

I will accept smart guns when ALL the Police and Military use them! After all aren't alot of cops killed with their own guns?
If they get 1 or 100, if they get 2 or 32, big guns, black guns, shiny guns, rusty guns, they will take pictures of them, show them to people who know nothing about guns and claim a success, either way.
Correct. And we already know from past photo ops that they are not above "borrowing" a few guns from sympathetic individuals, the evidence room or wherever if it suits their purposes.

The Liberal mindset, do anything and claim success
They've admitted that these gun buyback programs do not reduce crime, and that anybody likely to use a gun to commit a crime is very unlikely to turn it in for a gift card.

So... Why do they do them? Can anybody answer that? (or take a serious educated guess).

What do the people sponsoring these events hope to accomplish?

Doing the math they want me to have $200 to put towards a build rather than $50?

That's all I can think of.

Final answer.
I agree. What do you think would have to happen for them to consider this a "successful" gun 'buyback', and how do you think they'd use that to their political advantage?

This is like a trick question because when the Progressives control the commentary it doesn't matter what is successful or not, it will be spun as successful.

A successful gun buy-back for me goes two ways. The first is that criminals line up and turn their guns in and gun crime drops as a result, but that's not likely to happen. The more realistic successful gun-buyback has pro 2A people lined up around the block turning $50 into $200.

An unsuccessful gun buy-back has little old ladies turning $600 into $200.

If you want them to stop having gun buy-backs, IMHO we'd need to game the system and bleed it dry. Believe me, they'd eventually take pictures and fret about pro 2A people using taxpayer dollars to fund gun purchases.

The question is, are there enough POS guns out there to turn in and game the system?
If they get 1 or 100, if they get 2 or 32, big guns, black guns, shiny guns, rusty guns, they will take pictures of them, show them to people who know nothing about guns and claim a success, either way.

The did "something"

We can take it up the gun barrel or we can try to make them look like jackasses.

I vote for the latter. The former hasn't been working.


Sent from the blind
Always wanted to go to one of these silly events with some paper 10s & some $ in my pocket. Never know what people are trying to get rid of...some old timers turn in some neat $h!t...some peeps don't know what they have; but I/we would!
Always wanted to go to one of these silly events with some paper 10s & some $ in my pocket. Never know what people are trying to get rid of...some old timers turn in some neat $h!t...some peeps don't know what they have; but I/we would!

I don't think you can legally do a FA-10 with a non-licensed person?
I don't think you can legally do a FA-10 with a non-licensed person?

This is an obvious problem- If you do it this way the unlicensed seller, at a minimum, doesn't get immunity from prosecution like they do when they give the gun to the police. I'm not sure if the buyer would get screwed, but I doubt it. (that of course, depends on who
finds out about it...)

Here is an idea:
Everyone chip in $50
Everyone gets a ticket (more $$ more tickets).
We raise $$$
Find the right FFL and CoP

Host our own Gun Buy Back

And the end of the day, Cop runs the guns, if they are legit, the FFL (for a fee) Transfers them to the ticket holders.

1st ticket gets first pick etc. (actually since this is my genius scheme, I want 1st pick.)
Anyone know the locations? I have a friend that needs to dump some. Trust me noone wants these pos's.
Here is an idea:
Everyone chip in $50
Everyone gets a ticket (more $$ more tickets).
We raise $$$
Find the right FFL and CoP

Host our own Gun Buy Back

And the end of the day, Cop runs the guns, if they are legit, the FFL (for a fee) Transfers them to the ticket holders.

1st ticket gets first pick etc. (actually since this is my genius scheme, I want 1st pick.)

I'm in for 4 tickets...

Sent from my KFSOWI using Tapatalk
Here is an idea:
Everyone chip in $50
Everyone gets a ticket (more $$ more tickets).
We raise $$$
Find the right FFL and CoP

Host our own Gun Buy Back

And the end of the day, Cop runs the guns, if they are legit, the FFL (for a fee) Transfers them to the ticket holders.

1st ticket gets first pick etc. (actually since this is my genius scheme, I want 1st pick.)
Great, you taking my Raven for $200?
Here is an idea:
Everyone chip in $50
Everyone gets a ticket (more $$ more tickets).
We raise $$$
Find the right FFL and CoP

Host our own Gun Buy Back

And the end of the day, Cop runs the guns, if they are legit, the FFL (for a fee) Transfers them to the ticket holders.

1st ticket gets first pick etc. (actually since this is my genius scheme, I want 1st pick.)
You guys seem to be missing the reality we've been trying to point out for years with these dog and pony shows.

99.99999% of the crap they pickup is worse than crap as it is crap of questionable origin.

To make matters worse in MA you have the AG's (non)list issues.

Just let them drool on themselves. We should be pointing out the wasted resources and opportunity cost of $100K that could have been spent actually making people's lives better or, say, catching criminals?

How about if all the money they spent tracking law abiding gun owners was spent investigating Tsarnev's suspected involvement in a triple murder prior to the Marathon Attacks?

"Doing something, anything" is not without a cost and a potentially deadly one at that.
You guys seem to be missing the reality we've been trying to point out for years with these dog and pony shows.

99.99999% of the crap they pickup is worse than crap as it is crap of questionable origin.

To make matters worse in MA you have the AG's (non)list issues.

Just let them drool on themselves. We should be pointing out the wasted resources and opportunity cost of $100K that could have been spent actually making people's lives better or, say, catching criminals?

How about if all the money they spent tracking law abiding gun owners was spent investigating Tsarnev's suspected involvement in a triple murder prior to the Marathon Attacks?

"Doing something, anything" is not without a cost and a potentially deadly one at that.

So what you're saying is that with the proceeds of my $200 Raven sale I should go for the video of the giant presentation/donation check to Comm2A instead of the new Windham AR.
Here is an idea:
Everyone chip in $50
Everyone gets a ticket (more $$ more tickets).
We raise $$$
Find the right FFL and CoP

Host our own Gun Buy Back

And the end of the day, Cop runs the guns, if they are legit, the FFL (for a fee) Transfers them to the ticket holders.

1st ticket gets first pick etc. (actually since this is my genius scheme, I want 1st pick.)

I like the idea but part of the problem with it is that most of these buybacks, like 75% of the yield is trash. Even in the free-er states where these things yield higher participation rates, the guys offering money to the people in the parking lots are probably only considering buying 10 or 20 percent of the guns. The rest of the stuff is often things gun stores are too ashamed to put out on the shelves. Although I guess some stuff, like getting a trash-can .22 rifle or shotgun for $50 might not be so bad.

The only thing these buy backs do is give the antis cheap publicity. They are getting coverage that would cost them many times more in advertising .
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Q. Are gun buybacks proven to reduce gun violence?
A. Currently, there are no reliable statistics regarding a gun buyback’s direct effect on gun violence. That said, we do know that if a gun is turned in, it will not be used in a future crime. The buyback program is one part of a larger anti-gun strategy and opportunity to mobilize our community in joint efforts against gun violence. This program demonstrates Boston’s “Call to Action” for safer city streets. “Your Piece For Peace” embraces the philosophy that one fewer gun on the street is potentially many lives saved.

Q. Are gun buybacks proven to reduce gun violence?
A. Currently, there are no reliable statistics regarding a gun buyback’s direct effect on gun violence. That said, we do know that if a gun is turned in, it will not be used in a future crime. The buyback program is one part of a larger anti-gun strategy and opportunity to mobilize our community in joint efforts against gun violence. This program demonstrates Boston’s “Call to Action” for safer city streets. “Your Piece For Peace” embraces the philosophy that one fewer gun on the street is potentially many lives saved.


There ya go. Proof. They are anti-gun.
Never let them get away by saying "We aren't anti gun.. blah blah blah" again.
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