Boston Globe Writer Thinks Shooting Gun Rights Activists Would Be "Funny"

As a Globe subscriber for 20+ years, you must be very familiar with Derrick Z. (for Zero) Jackson (big time anti-gun). After numerous emails from me that made him cry, he blocked me from sending anymore. [laugh]

Dont forget Steve Bailey, the ****wit that admitted to commiting felonies in public with Rosenthal while running straw purchase jobs.

Look at this tweets here, guy is a tool bag.

Looks like his account got hacked... good.


LOLOLOLO! LMAO! Holy $hit!
I can't stand progressive hipster types like this douche. What's ironic is that these white progressives always race-bait and beat the war drum of Black Lives Matter, but only make a stink about shootings when it happens to middle class white folks--never a peep about blacks being shot almost daily in Chicago, LA, and Newark.

The problem here is a lack of imagination.

I'd let the guy spout off for a while - then I'd offer to take him for a ride somewhere to get all "multicultural". Once we got there (Chicago/Baltimore/Atlanta) - I'd tie him up to a phone pole - put a "Zimmerman Rules!" t-shirt on him - and then leave his ass there and let nature take it's course.
I've been a Globe subscriber for 20+ years. I'm actually well aware of the Globe's editorial policy concerning the 2A.

I probably read the Globe every day for about 35 years before finally dumping them a few years back. Along with too many other things to do in life, their completely shitty coverage of the news - the constant liberal whining and outright stupidity just got too much for me to want to continue to send them money.

I find now I don't miss the newspaper.
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