Boston globe Mill article

I bet this bitch has national aspirations beyond the Governors chair. This will give her national exposure. Look at Hochul. She was a no name a few months ago. Now you can't go anywhere on line without seeing her name.

Just my opinion....
This piece doesn't help her, though. It basically calls out her BS.
I bet this bitch has national aspirations beyond the Governors chair. This will give her national exposure. Look at Hochul. She was a no name a few months ago. Now you can't go anywhere on line without seeing her name.

Just my opinion....
Maurons big thing is flexing with climate change bullshit, (filing lawsuits against oil companies etc) what she’s been doing all along…. Pitching gun control on a national level doesn’t really win you a lot of brownie points even as a moonbat. It’s a political loser of an issue outside of big dump city politics…. even for dems.
not saying he did, but how the hell did they get that information? his name, age, hates liberals, nes screen name, sells machine guns. who the f*** is doing all the talking?
It is very easy to get almost anyone's information, specially when that person is constantly posting that he is in charge of XYZ at place ABC.

Take several dealers for example, here they might be called SIG12345 and they will tell you they own shop ABC. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that John Smith owner of ABC is SIG12345 on NES.

And that is simple reporting.

The gov knows who everyone is here.
I understand the concept of “Massprudence” and I get where a lot of you are coming from in terms of dealers letting pictures be taken, talking to press, etc.

A couple of years ago I’d be on the same page. But what is a right if we have to live in the shadows to exercise it? I understand that “Assault weapon” has a legal implication, but ideally we collectively pull our heads out of our asses and get the laws amended because flash hiders and bayonet lugs do not meaningfully change anything other than legal status wrt MA MGL. So yes, assault weapon is a dumb term, and yes, it has legal implications. The issue is that those legal implications need to be removed, not that we shouldn’t be open about being able to buy an “assault weapon”.

The fact is, we are behind enemy lines, but we do have federal, constitutional cover. We can choose to tiptoe through life using the doctrine of Massprudence, tight lipped and in the shadows. Or we can openly go about our lives and the chips will fall where they fall. If the judicial branch will not ultimately uphold our rights then I’d rather know that sooner than later. As far as I’m concerned this is a step in the right direction. Rip the bandaid off. Pray it ends with a favorable SCOTUS ruling and not a game of dodge ball with bullets.
👍 [rockon]
The legislature is not in session, and won't be until after the election. So.
Correct, the hit piece is a Warning Order to the Dems to "Do the Right Thing" when they get back in session IMHO. Guida erred by stating "How easy is it to BUY an Assault Weapon in Ma? The answer is pretty easy. You can literally do it right now." He should not have used the term assault weapon, he should have stated you can buy a legal firearm at the Mill.
Have you been on NES before?
at least it is good for them to understand that the reality of this society is way more complex than a famous clinton`s 'basket of deplorables' slur presuming all who oppose her are an uneducated unwashed gangs of mountain inbreeds and classic western movies style hillbillies with rotten teeth.
it is very good for them to know that they will have to go through doctors, lawyers and engineers on their massacre toward shiny bright future of theirs, in case of they will truly decide to usurp power and denounce the constitution, amendments, rights and all the cornerstones of this society.

and they better be reading this thread as well, and i do hope very much that they do. not if those damn socialists would change their opinions and aspirations - it is a very naïve to presume for those who truly believe the interests of collective supersede personal freedoms would EVER change their ways or alter their opinions - but at least they will know better what kind of the opposition their holy war for socialism will face.

i do not try to demonize them, as a lot of that is just an unfortunate result of the socialist scum at all the universities here that keep pumping that poison into kids brains, some will eventually vent it out - but those who make it their careers and serve this evil at the boston globe and other similar entities - it is naïve to expect them to change.
I wish I was at the Mill when she was trying to interview folks, I would have given her an earful of my interactions with Globies. I was a subscriber for years because it gave me access to posting comments to their columnists. They finally got sick of me humiliating their fellow subscribers during the Trump admin and banned me, I still have the email from Jason Tuohey, 5/1/18 informing me I hurt too many feelings and was banned from posting. I asked them to show me where I violated their policy and all they did was send me their policy on posting hurtful comments. [rofl] So much for free speech and liberal orthodoxy. I would have loved to interview the reporters on their "feelings" on gun owners, crime, liberal politics and the 2A and the Globe's liberal bias. They have an agenda, and WE stand in their way. I would have volunteered to help the reporters learn more about firearms and taken them shooting. If they refused it would have demonstrated their bias and lack of knowledge on their subject. I wouldn't lose sleep over this article, if Maura wanted the Mill gone she would have marshalled her forces and attacked without probable cause knowing no judge or jury in Ma. would rule against her. I assume she has bigger fish to fry like oil companies and climate change which was mentioned earlier by a poster. Yes, she wants a position in the DOJ under a Dem President so she's keeping her powder dry.
Bring back Scrivener
Yup, too bad the reporters didn't interview him [rofl] You have to understand the mentality of the Globe and their followers. These are the phonies who place BLM and Coexist signs on their front lawns in their lily-white suburbs but have no interest in "coexisting" with the other side, their fellow citizens. They're gutless weasels, individually they'd never confront you in person. What got me banned from the Globe was when the libs harassed me I would invite them to dinner or lunch on my dime to have a conversation face to face which was deemed threatening their liberal subscribers. WAAA! This is why they HATE gun owners, they're afraid of citizens who don't take shit from them and challenge them to put your money where your mouth is. They hate cops but expect them to protect them and do their bidding, which is to protect them from US, not the real criminals.
"i do not try to demonize them, as a lot of that is just an unfortunate result of the socialist scum at all the universities here that keep pumping that poison into kids brains, some will eventually vent it out - but those who make it their careers and serve this evil at the boston globe and other similar entities - it is naïve to expect them to change."

They are brainwashed, unable and unwilling to change. This is their new found religion, they're true believers and hate Western Civilization, the nuclear family consisting of a Mommy and Daddy who are M/F, capitalism unless it's infected with SJWer BS and Climate mandates. GUNZ are antiquated tools for non-progressives who haven't seen the light of their over educated ways.
The quote from me is from NES, not from me talking to the globe. I make no effort to hide who I am here on NES, and I have certainly said that the enforcement notice is a steaming pile and that our obligation is to follow the actual written law.

I read an article that was mostly a Healey hit piece and an open advertisement for the Mill and a couple of the dealers specifically.

Now the whole state can know about us…

Maybe some of the other gun stores in the area will stop being such pussies.
Maura is just on the c u n T whistle ever since a radical Muslim extremist took their f u c ked up ideology and shot up a pulse night club…. However it’s not politically correct to say wow a psycho Muslim who was raised to hate the alphabet lifestyle and throw people off rooftops was behind the shooting so let’s blame ar-15’s because it’s only the guns fault…
Says right in the article that both ATF and the Littleton police have been in the Mill and everyone was found to be following the law.
The PD officers have had no training and don't know what the hell to look for. The dealer's bound book and 4473s are for ATF eyes only. We are having PD inspections now only because Pinard has a hair across his ass. His favorite gun shop, Blue Northern went out of biz and I think that he is blaming that on competition from us. He was making good bucks giving LTC classes and now has competition there also. Jack.
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