Biden: Americans need F-15s to fight me

Everyone talks about the Taliban and how we played patty cake with them for 20 years, but we clearly were not there to accomplish a mission and return home victorious. We were there to bleed the tax base here dry and wash that money for those that pull the strings. While I don't believe we will actually go hot in a civil war here, IF we did, it would look nothing like Afghanistan. They are showing you that they hate us and will pull no punches if they truely wanted squish a rebellion. They don't have to though, they are doing a far better job controlling us and whittling us down with their controlled media/tech playing their long game. All this bluster and posturing about killing Joe 6pack with an F15 is just that, in hopes to spark someone into doing something stupid so they whittle us down even further with justification and public sentiment on their side.

It feels good to pretend we would stand a chance tho, and the memes are fun, so by all means, do whatever it takes to enjoy the last little bit of time we have left.
Geez. That's depressing.
Bet you're a lot of fun at parties.

(No offense intended, just teasing.)

BTW.... You're probably not wrong.
Remember Teddy Chivas' funeral and such??? Imagine that multiplied a dozen times. It will be ugly. Hell, Bill is the best of the bunch. He could work with people. Imagine the Obunneral. It's going to be racist ass-kissing from stem to stern. And when Mooshell goes - people are going to make up accomplishments like she did something with her life. The woman is a walking 2x4 of intelligence and people are going to act like she's Albert Einstein and Mother Theresa wrapped up in one. IT's gonna be a tough call which is worse - having them alive or having to stomach that all over everything for a week. LOL

And if turning your own military on your own people is a strategy, you've already lost the war. So good job on them. LOL
I just watched a commercial for the "George Floyd" foundation run by his sister dedicated to anti-racism. WTF? Only the Leftists could turn a drug addicted felon/sex offender into a hero of the left. Just shows their lack of morals and values, imagine George Floyd being celebrated alongside MLK and Gandhi?
Floyd was not a revolutionary like Che but he will be celebrated as such, I've seen idiots walking around with his ugly imagine on T-shirts.
che was truly, really, a gangster. not so far from floyd. the subsequent stories and poems immortalizing them - is a different story.
not that far from what stalin was while he was a dzhugashvili. some just make it and some - do not.
che was truly, really, a gangster. not so far from floyd. the subsequent stories and poems immortalizing them - is a different story.
not that far from what stalin was while he was a dzhugashvili. some just make it and some - do not.
But he was aligned with Fidel and his Communist movement and a MD, Floyd was just a common criminal, junkie looking to pass a counterfeit bill to get high.

I'd also take the Huey if I could learn to fly it, easier to fly and land.
We don't need AR-15s to fight against F-15s.

In the event of a "civil war" or whatever might happen, small arms held by regular civilians would be used to take out (snipe, gun down in the street, whatever...) the politicians, their families, their enablers in the media and big tech, etc. Disrupt supply chain. It would be a lot of small gains that would collectively turn any tide.

That's what the party Dems know and fear.
the event of a "civil war" or whatever might happen, small arms held by regular civilians would be used to take out
in the event of a civil war all the 'regular citizens' who will still have anything at all will be robbed at gunpoint by local gangs and all those gangs then will be wrecking havoc non stop for a decade.

yugoslavia went through that, russia went thorough that, i grew up through that. you do not want that.
and any old fart here envisioning holding defense of his castle against hordes of young hungry criminals is a moron. they will smack your house with RPGs, if you shoot at them, then will come to collect what is left of you and your prized guns and other possessions.

so, no, civil war will not be that simple.

and politicians, somehow, typically do survive all that just fine, as the whole horde of military and government services will be protecting them. and regular people get too busy hiding and protecting themselves rather than shooting at them.
in the event of a civil war all the 'regular citizens' who will still have anything at all will be robbed at gunpoint by local gangs and all those gangs then will be wrecking havoc non stop for a decade.

yugoslavia went through that, russia went thorough that, i grew up through that. you do not want that.
and any old fart here envisioning holding defense of his castle against hordes of young hungry criminals is a moron. they will smack your house with RPGs, if you shoot at them, then will come to collect what is left of you and your prized guns and other possessions.

so, no, civil war will not be that simple.

and politicians, somehow, typically do survive all that just fine, as the whole horde of military and government services will be protecting them. and regular people get too busy hiding and protecting themselves rather than shooting at them.
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
in the event of a civil war all the 'regular citizens' who will still have anything at all will be robbed at gunpoint by local gangs and all those gangs then will be wrecking havoc non stop for a decade.

yugoslavia went through that, russia went thorough that, i grew up through that. you do not want that.
and any old fart here envisioning holding defense of his castle against hordes of young hungry criminals is a moron. they will smack your house with RPGs, if you shoot at them, then will come to collect what is left of you and your prized guns and other possessions.

so, no, civil war will not be that simple.

and politicians, somehow, typically do survive all that just fine, as the whole horde of military and government services will be protecting them. and regular people get too busy hiding and protecting themselves rather than shooting at them.
Many/most of the people who are thinking a civil war will be nothing but a 100% nightmare are dummies.

if one comes, which there sadly seems to be a chance, boy, will that f***ing suck.
in the event of a civil war all the 'regular citizens' who will still have anything at all will be robbed at gunpoint by local gangs and all those gangs then will be wrecking havoc non stop for a decade.

yugoslavia went through that, russia went thorough that, i grew up through that. you do not want that.
and any old fart here envisioning holding defense of his castle against hordes of young hungry criminals is a moron. they will smack your house with RPGs, if you shoot at them, then will come to collect what is left of you and your prized guns and other possessions.

so, no, civil war will not be that simple.

and politicians, somehow, typically do survive all that just fine, as the whole horde of military and government services will be protecting them. and regular people get too busy hiding and protecting themselves rather than shooting at them.

This. BTDT.

I have no interest in living in Kosovo c. 1999. I've seen that already.
Okay someone help me out. If Biden says we need F15s to fight the government and our guns are worthless then why is he worried about someone having an AR15? Or is he saying he's willing to flatten an entire city just to grab a handful of guns?
Okay someone help me out. If Biden says we need F15s to fight the government and our guns are worthless then why is he worried about someone having an AR15? Or is he saying he's willing to flatten an entire city just to grab a handful of guns?
He's saying conservatives don't need AR15's because they have no use in militia. He's wrong, but that's his claim.

He doesnt want AR15's in the hands of people for reasons.
He's saying conservatives don't need AR15's because they have no use in militia. He's wrong, but that's his claim.

He doesnt want AR15's in the hands of people for reasons.

But he did say he has F15s. What exactly does that mean? If some people wanted to fight the government that he would send in fighter jets and flatten an American city?
But he did say he has F15s. What exactly does that mean? If some people wanted to fight the government that he would send in fighter jets and flatten an American city?

He's saying that if there was a civil war the US military would attack their enemies using it's airforce, rendering said enemies weapons useless as they can't shoot down F-15's.

He's inadvertently making the case that the 2A covers man portable anti air systems, really.

he's a stupid old cock sucker.
in the event of a civil war all the 'regular citizens' who will still have anything at all will be robbed at gunpoint by local gangs and all those gangs then will be wrecking havoc non stop for a decade.

yugoslavia went through that, russia went thorough that, i grew up through that. you do not want that.
and any old fart here envisioning holding defense of his castle against hordes of young hungry criminals is a moron. they will smack your house with RPGs, if you shoot at them, then will come to collect what is left of you and your prized guns and other possessions.

so, no, civil war will not be that simple.

and politicians, somehow, typically do survive all that just fine, as the whole horde of military and government services will be protecting them. and regular people get too busy hiding and protecting themselves rather than shooting at them.
Black/Latino inner city gangs are armed with stolen handguns and have no RPG's and very little ammo and no organizational skills for combined Ops. They're NOT marksman and can only operate in their hoods, get them into a different AO or the woods and they'd be shivering and crying like little children. I've had young tough inner city black kids in the woods of the Northeast and they're totally out of their element. They would be effective in the hoods terrorizing the unarmed inhabitants but when they came up against armed citizens with long guns and basic Infantry skills they'd be toast. The Civil Wars in the now extinct Yugoslavia are no comparison to a Civil War in the USA. I spent time there and everyone owned an AK and grenades, in the US there would be 2 factions doing the fighting, unarmed Leftist vs. armed citizens. The gangs could be mercenaries/security for the left but they sure as hell wouldn't be looking to die for whitey.
Black/Latino inner city gangs are armed with stolen handguns and have no RPG's and very little ammo and no organizational skills for combined Ops. They're NOT marksman and can only operate in their hoods, get them into a different AO or the woods and they'd be shivering and crying like little children. I've had young tough inner city black kids in the woods of the Northeast and they're totally out of their element. They would be effective in the hoods terrorizing the unarmed inhabitants but when they came up against armed citizens with long guns and basic Infantry skills they'd be toast. The Civil Wars in the now extinct Yugoslavia are no comparison to a Civil War in the USA. I spent time there and everyone owned an AK and grenades, in the US there would be 2 factions doing the fighting, unarmed Leftist vs. armed citizens. The gangs could be mercenaries/security for the left but they sure as hell wouldn't be looking to die for whitey.
They are not even a factor really outside their neighborhoods. Every hood shoot out I’ve seen on video instantly becomes chaos with everyone mag dumping while running in opposite directions.

If the theorized civil war happens, big dump cities will be quickly depopulated as the residents starve and kill each other.
They are not even a factor really outside their neighborhoods. Every hood shoot out I’ve seen on video instantly becomes chaos with everyone mag dumping while running in opposite directions.

If the theorized civil war happens, big dump cities will be quickly depopulated as the residents starve and kill each other.
kind of off/on topic, anyone ever read the The Peoples Republic series by kurt schlicter?
I got the set of novels for my dad once I realized they are basically fifty shades of grey for guys that smell like hoppes no.9

A little too hyperbolic for my tastes but can be a fun read. He has a fun way of describing a leftist controlled breakaway America full of leftist dystopia post civil war or "split"
But if a city became truly embattled, chaotic, wouldn't the inhabitants, innocent and malevolent alike, head on out to the suburbs and then to the rural areas when the suburbs become untenable? Tens of thousands on the move ... Coming to visit you. Possibly with the encouragement/ assistance of Gov.

Then what?
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