Biden: Americans need F-15s to fight me

Biden is just an angry old man yelling at the neighborhood kids to stay off his lawn. He believed the likes of Ron Klien and Susan Rice who told him he was the next FDR and when he started getting crucified for letting the mean girls run his admin he reacts like a woman scorned. His hatred of Trump and us has destroyed him and clouded his already compromised judgement.
kind of off/on topic, anyone ever read the The Peoples Republic series by kurt schlicter?
I got the set of novels for my dad once I realized they are basically fifty shades of grey for guys that smell like hoppes no.9

A little too hyperbolic for my tastes but can be a fun read. He has a fun way of describing a leftist controlled breakaway America full of leftist dystopia post civil war or "split"

I'm not really convinced that the progressive left would allow the country to split, if they get any say in the matter. You have to remember that progressives are a kind of religious zealot.

Look at the way they talk about middle americans, "ultra-maga's", etc. They speak with an unmistakable burning flame of religious zeal. There is no arguing to be done.

I don't know what lies ahead, but we are well into a 4th turning, and that means the US is due for a major conflict this decade (the last 4th turnings brought us ww2, civil war, and revolutionary war). Storm clouds gather. Ray Dalio puts the odds of a US civil war at 1 in 3. He's a serious guy and student of history, not an internet keyboard warrior. He manages one of the largest funds in the country.
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Who says the majority of military and government services would obey (illegal) orders from corrupt government?

There are a shitload of former and current .mil and law enforcement who would "side with us insurgents" instead of take a bullet for the likes of Biden.
I would like to think so , but no dictator I can think of had a problem raising troops to enforce their will.
The vast majority though were suppressing and brutalizing unarmed populations.
Here it's going to be a choice of Muh dental plan vs shot back at .
I would like to think so , but no dictator I can think of had a problem raising troops to enforce their will.
The vast majority though were suppressing and brutalizing unarmed populations.
Here it's going to be a choice of Muh dental plan vs shot back at .
Vax compliance was a good start at culling the ranks.

Who knows what comes next, but I think it’s fair to say they definitely fear a military coup.
Everyone talks about the Taliban and how we played patty cake with them for 20 years, but we clearly were not there to accomplish a mission and return home victorious. We were there to bleed the tax base here dry and wash that money for those that pull the strings. While I don't believe we will actually go hot in a civil war here, IF we did, it would look nothing like Afghanistan. They are showing you that they hate us and will pull no punches if they truely wanted squish a rebellion. They don't have to though, they are doing a far better job controlling us and whittling us down with their controlled media/tech playing their long game. All this bluster and posturing about killing Joe 6pack with an F15 is just that, in hopes to spark someone into doing something stupid so they whittle us down even further with justification and public sentiment on their side.

It feels good to pretend we would stand a chance tho, and the memes are fun, so by all means, do whatever it takes to enjoy the last little bit of time we have left.
You’re underestimating the hate many on the right have for those on the left. The polarization is real and if the shooting starts, don’t for one minute think one side will pull punches and pursue half measures because “America”.

Civil wars are not civil and the atrocities we saw in places like Bosnia could easily happen here, from either side, once the hate is unleashed.
But if a city became truly embattled, chaotic, wouldn't the inhabitants, innocent and malevolent alike, head on out to the suburbs and then to the rural areas when the suburbs become untenable? Tens of thousands on the move ... Coming to visit you. Possibly with the encouragement/ assistance of Gov.

Then what?
They’ll be unarmed for the most part. Man up and send them on their way. Then post some sentries with night vision for the inevitable “revenge-midnight-incursion” by some of the more aggressive and desperate types. Hang the dead bodies from a tree with a sign as a warning to thieves and looters.

Some of you aren’t mentally prepared to do what may be necessary to survive if the SHTF. Might want to start thinking of contingencies because the crap storm is coming…
You’re underestimating the hate many on the right have for those on the left. The polarization is real and if the shooting starts, don’t for one minute think one side will pull punches and pursue half measures because “America”.
Oh please! Go hang out on /liberalgunowners Reddit and you will see who really hates who! The majority of those on the right will tolerate and even protect the liberals, such as myself. Why? Because I DO NOT tell them how they should live. At the same time, I tolerate them as long as they don't tell ME how I should live.
I cannot, in all my heart say the same about the extreme left. Anarcho-socialists, communists, socialists, antifas, anarchists: they tolerate me because people like me give the clout but I have NO illusions about depending on them to protect me when the civil unrest comes. I'm too rich because I have a stable job and a college degree with practical applications. I will be the first one to get sacrificed in the name of communism or some such bullshit. I have seen them attack a young kid from a well-to-do family from Newton who dared to wrap himself in the flag of Israel in Boston Common. This kid was VERY progressive... and Jewish.
Remember, Hitler's party: National Socialist German Workers Party, was one of several socialist/communist parties in Germany. The first thing they did is go after all other communist and socialist parties. They eliminated competition and became the only socialist party in Germany. Only then did they start going after all other political opposition.
What's the on going price for a F-15 then? asking for a friend.
Don't know about those but here are a few I found on Trade-a-Plane you might like:
There are also a few Mig-21s and a Mig-29 if you're into Russian stuff. I did see an F-15 a few years back too. It was the only one in civilian use and was based in Canada.
You’re underestimating the hate many on the right have for those on the left. The polarization is real and if the shooting starts, don’t for one minute think one side will pull punches and pursue half measures because “America”.

Civil wars are not civil and the atrocities we saw in places like Bosnia could easily happen here, from either side, once the hate is unleashed.
Oh I know what civil war means, and I know what it could look like when those of us that are muzzled by "civil society" and the chains of modern America like a mortgage, insurance, the well being of our children, the fantasy of retirement, 70" TVs and 30 packs of beer, lose all of that. The revenge on those that worked to take it all away will be epic. But the fight against this current government when they decide to put an end to it will look nothing like the wars of our recent history because there will be no money to make off of it, and until my parents generation either die off or stop consuming propaganda from those 70" tvs, they will cheer it on gleefully because "America".
The Leftists have been brainwashed by their Elitist Professors and their Repressive Pols into hating anyone who challenges and disobeys their beliefs, edicts and they know the only way they can attain and keep power is to destroy anyone or any institution that opposes them. They have no clue what a Civil War would look like but they are zealots egged on by their handlers. Put TRUMP 2024 stickers on your vehicle in the People's Republic and you will find out the tolerance of the Ma. Leftist. Be prepared for a full on assault after November when Maura and her LT. Governor take over and unleash their anti-Freedom policies.
I don’t like G forces. I was very unhappy on the Disney mars ride (which I think they said was 2.5gs for a few seconds.
I dislike having my brain rattled around in my skull. Worst ride I have ever been on was the Hulk coaster at Universal. Every time I get off it I have a headache. Only ride that has that effect on me…
Oh I know what civil war means, and I know what it could look like when those of us that are muzzled by "civil society" and the chains of modern America like a mortgage, insurance, the well being of our children, the fantasy of retirement, 70" TVs and 30 packs of beer, lose all of that. The revenge on those that worked to take it all away will be epic. But the fight against this current government when they decide to put an end to it will look nothing like the wars of our recent history because there will be no money to make off of it, and until my parents generation either die off or stop consuming propaganda from those 70" tvs, they will cheer it on gleefully because "America".
"Civility" is a very thin veneer .
There is a storm brewing under the surface for decades in people who just wanted to live out their lives and be left alone.
The libs may think they want to squeeze till the cork pops .
God help them is all I can say.
That F-15 won't mean shit when the door comes flying off the hinges in the wee hours of the morning.
"Civility" is a very thin veneer .
There is a storm brewing under the surface for decades in people who just wanted to live out their lives and be left alone.
The libs may think they want to squeeze till the cork pops .
God help them is all I can say.
That F-15 won't mean shit when the door comes flying off the hinges in the wee hours of the morning.
6 Million folks in MA. If even 25% identify as “conservative”, that’s 1.5 million in tiny blue MA. If even 1% of those conservative folks go kinetic that’s 15,000 fighters behind enemy lines. Can’t round them up all at once, not enough police and military personel. There are about 2000 MSP and 2000 sworn officers in Boston, the two largest departments in MA. There are about 8500 National Guard split between Army and Air. Without Federal resources, MA would be lucky to have a 1-1 ratio with it’s adversary. Those numbers don’t favor the state…

Personally, I’m hoping to be in a red state with my family before the Union goes kaput, but we’ll see how quickly Biden gets us there.
You will see the alphabet agencies rounding up dissidents long before a kinetic conflict we are closer to 1936 Germany than we are 1775 America at this point.
Nope. As soon as that is attempted on any sort of scale, word will get out and I guarantee it gets hot from there. The lessons of Nazi Germany, Communist Russia, Communist China, etc aren’t lost.

Right now they are using Jan 6 as an excuse to hold a some few hundred. What excuse will they use to hold thousands and how will they hide it? Simple. They can’t hide it. As soon as the first series of raids happen, it’s literally go time across the country. A country armed to the teeth…

One of the few benefits of social media, the internet, and technology. Shut down the internet and cell service? Word spreads via ham radio and word of mouth between friends/neighbors. There is no scenario where word doesn’t get out before they get very far with mass incarceration.
You will see the alphabet agencies rounding up dissidents long before a kinetic conflict we are closer to 1936 Germany than we are 1775 America at this point.

Not enough people learned the lessons of Weimar. Everyone reads about 1933-1945 Germany, then the entire 1918-1933 period in peoples minds is just Versailles treaty and hyperinflation, nothing else.

Post ww1 period was the last time there was a global sovereign debt crisis in the developed world. We have one today.

The whole tranny thing and the rest of the sexual agenda was invented in Weimar.

An increasingly tyrannical liberal government catering to an out of touch wealthy class, and letting crime run rampant.

Antifashistische Aktion terrorizing the cities (I bet you can’t translate that into English!)

A weak and incompetent center-right.

No, it’s not 1936, it’s more like 1922 Weimerica and Joe Biden isn’t Hitler, he’s the increasingly tyrannical liberal government that came a dozen years before.

This doesn’t go anywhere good, but try to get your framing right.
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Nope. As soon as that is attempted on any sort of scale, word will get out and I guarantee it gets hot from there. The lessons of Nazi Germany, Communist Russia, Communist China, etc aren’t lost.

Right now they are using Jan 6 as an excuse to hold a some few hundred. What excuse will they use to hold thousands and how will they hide it? Simple. They can’t hide it. As soon as the first series of raids happen, it’s literally go time across the country. A country armed to the teeth…

One of the few benefits of social media, the internet, and technology. Shut down the internet and cell service? Word spreads via ham radio and word of mouth between friends/neighbors. There is no scenario where word doesn’t get out before they get very far with mass incarceration.
Man you’re awfully optimistic.
I hope so.
I dislike having my brain rattled around in my skull. Worst ride I have ever been on was the Hulk coaster at Universal. Every time I get off it I have a headache. Only ride that has that effect on me…
The Hulks got worse over the years. I skip it for the same reason. It needs a major refurb.
They underestimate the rage building just below the surface. They overestimate their strength and capabilities.

It’s mutual. The liberal journalist/government worker/political class etc is absolutely seething at the right and “ultra-magas”, and they have a pretty large minority of people gaslit at least enough to go along with it.

And all sorts of people on the right are pissed as hell too.

‘24 Election season starts in earnest in, what, 3 4 months?

What happens if neither side is willing to concede the election in ‘24? If they are both completely convinced the other side has cheated; I’m sure the circumstances will be too absurd to even predict as of now, truth being wilder than fiction and all.
It’s mutual. The liberal journalist/government worker/political class etc is absolutely seething at the right and “ultra-magas”, and they have a pretty large minority of people gaslit at least enough to go along with it.

And all sorts of people on the right are pissed as hell too.

‘24 Election season starts in earnest in, what, 3 4 months?

What happens if neither side is willing to concede the election in ‘24? If they are both completely convinced the other side has cheated; I’m sure the circumstances will be too absurd to even predict as of now, truth being wilder than fiction and all.

I'm hoping for the best and preparing for the worst... and by worst I mean the left goes full retard, Biden goes full tyrant. We were planning on moving South in 2025/6 anyway, as our youngest will have graduated high school by then. If we have to move things up, we will. These plans started with the vax mandates, which was one reason we sold our house when we did. Nothing I'm seeing has made me regret that decision...
I'm hoping for the best and preparing for the worst... and by worst I mean the left goes full retard, Biden goes full tyrant. We were planning on moving South in 2025/6 anyway, as our youngest will have graduated high school by then. If we have to move things up, we will. These plans started with the vax mandates, which was one reason we sold our house when we did. Nothing I'm seeing has made me regret that decision...
It's better down here socially. Not perfect but far better than the creepy ass hell hole that MA is.
"No, it’s not 1936, it’s more like 1922 Weimerica and Joe Biden isn’t Hitler, he’s the increasingly tyrannical liberal government that came a dozen years before.

This doesn’t go anywhere good, but try to get your framing right."


"It’s mutual. The liberal journalist/government worker/political class etc is absolutely seething at the right and “ultra-magas”, and they have a pretty large minority of people gaslit at least enough to go along with it.

And all sorts of people on the right are pissed as hell too."

The swamp hates US, the Mega Maga crowd because we threaten their namby pamby jobs/lifestyles. Trump shattered their cozy existence which was off limits to the DC pols whether D or R because of their power to destroy anyone who challenged them. The Right hasn't called for a war on the Left because they believe in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, the Leftist's don't. It's like wars America has fought since WWII, we fight but follow the Geneva Convention and our adversaries don't. Unless the Right takes the gloves off we will be always be on the defensive and fighting with one hand tied behind our backs..
Nope. As soon as that is attempted on any sort of scale, word will get out and I guarantee it gets hot from there. The lessons of Nazi Germany, Communist Russia, Communist China, etc aren’t lost.
Oh please! US is like a slowly heating pot and we are frogs. We are being slowly squeezed and we don't realize it. There won't be confiscation or bans! Here's what's going to happen:
  • The government will pass laws that will tax manufacturers on anything they sell to citizens. The price of firearms will go through the roof making it impossible to buy firearms for 99% of the population.
  • The government will pass laws requiring gun owners to buy insurance. The cost of insurance will be very small but it will require annual proficiency tests. Failing the test will require you to surrender your guns until you can pass the test.
  • Annual proficiency tests will be required. These tests will get progressively more difficult to ensure a 50% failure rate. Heck, even today, if every gun owner took the NRA Basic Pistol test, more than HALF would fail it!
  • Surrendered guns will be stored in bonded warehouses that will charge exorbitant fees making cost prohibitive to retrieve your guns once you do pass the test.
In 10 years, the majority of guns will be confiscated via the above scheme

I see three paths of execution of gun confiscation:
  • Tax manufacturers until they stop selling to private citizens. Military, Government and Police only. They will use government purchasing(ex. IRS just bough tens of millions of rounds of ammo) power to make it beneficial to gun and ammo manufacturers to do business with the government only.
  • Make everyday places "gun-free". the only places where it will be allowed is inside your home and in some remote deserted place.
  • Proficiency tests and insurance scheme I described above
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