Biden: Americans need F-15s to fight me

Oh please! US is like a slowly heating pot and we are frogs. We are being slowly squeezed and we don't realize it. There won't be confiscation or bans! Here's what's going to happen:
  • The government will pass laws that will tax manufacturers on anything they sell to citizens. The price of firearms will go through the roof making it impossible to buy firearms for 99% of the population.
  • The government will pass laws requiring gun owners to buy insurance. The cost of insurance will be very small but it will require annual proficiency tests. Failing the test will require you to surrender your guns until you can pass the test.
  • Annual proficiency tests will be required. These tests will get progressively more difficult to ensure a 50% failure rate. Heck, even today, if every gun owner took the NRA Basic Pistol test, more than HALF would fail it!
  • Surrendered guns will be stored in bonded warehouses that will charge exorbitant fees making cost prohibitive to retrieve your guns once you do pass the test.
In 10 years, the majority of guns will be confiscated via the above scheme

I see three paths of execution of gun confiscation:
  • Tax manufacturers until they stop selling to private citizens. Military and Police only
  • Make everyday places "gun-free". the only places where it will be allowed is inside your home and in some remote deserted place.
  • Proficiency tests and insurance scheme I described aboce
Your post is worst case scenario for us and the Country but I believe there would be a true rebellion if these laws were passed and enacted.
I would like to think so , but no dictator I can think of had a problem raising troops to enforce their will.
The vast majority though were suppressing and brutalizing unarmed populations.
Here it's going to be a choice of Muh dental plan vs shot back at .
Those people's families and enablers would also be targeted
Why does everyone qualify this by including "my own"?

Do people go around swallowing other people's vomit?
Your post is worst case scenario for us and the Country but I believe there would be a true rebellion if these laws were passed and enacted.
really? House is now trying to pass TWO laws in congress:
  • 1000% tax on AR-15 sales.
  • 20% tax on profits of firearm manufacturers. All of them
The AWB is also being prepared to be rammed through. Are you rebelling yet? What about when they passed the federal red flag law? Did you rebel then!? "True rebellion" my a##. "There will be a civil war!" proclamations are the equivalent of a guerilla's chest-beating to try to intimidate others. This is the only thing about "guerilla" ya'll.

What works is voting in pro-gun legislators, justices, governors, and presidents! What works is suing the government for bad laws! Instead of monkeying around, start campaigning for state legislators that are pro-2A. Instead of empty proclamations, put your name down to be the name/face of lawsuits to overturn illegal gun laws! Contribute to orgs that fight for us!
Oh please! US is like a slowly heating pot and we are frogs. We are being slowly squeezed and we don't realize it. There won't be confiscation or bans! Here's what's going to happen:
  • The government will pass laws that will tax manufacturers on anything they sell to citizens. The price of firearms will go through the roof making it impossible to buy firearms for 99% of the population.
  • The government will pass laws requiring gun owners to buy insurance. The cost of insurance will be very small but it will require annual proficiency tests. Failing the test will require you to surrender your guns until you can pass the test.
  • Annual proficiency tests will be required. These tests will get progressively more difficult to ensure a 50% failure rate. Heck, even today, if every gun owner took the NRA Basic Pistol test, more than HALF would fail it!
  • Surrendered guns will be stored in bonded warehouses that will charge exorbitant fees making cost prohibitive to retrieve your guns once you do pass the test.
In 10 years, the majority of guns will be confiscated via the above scheme

I see three paths of execution of gun confiscation:
  • Tax manufacturers until they stop selling to private citizens. Military, Government and Police only. They will use government purchasing(ex. IRS just bough tens of millions of rounds of ammo) power to make it beneficial to gun and ammo manufacturers to do business with the government only.
  • Make everyday places "gun-free". the only places where it will be allowed is inside your home and in some remote deserted place.
  • Proficiency tests and insurance scheme I described above

The way the cards are laid out right now, post-Bruen, if they want to do these kinds of things dems will have to effectively do a full blown coup, civil conflict/war, etc etc to do that.

Bruen isn’t like Roe, it’s not a flimsy/bs 1 off ruling that is easily overturned, it’s built on a solid foundation of multiple other cases over the years.

They have been legally btfo’d, and have no legitimate path left on that front.

I’m not saying that’s beyond the realm of possibility, I’m just saying that the subtle “boil the frog” options have now been shut down. At least on the gun issue.

The problem with wielding overt hard power is that it often comes at the price of legitimacy.
The way the cards are laid out right now, post-Bruen, if they want to do these kinds of things dems will have to effectively do a full blown coup, civil conflict/war, etc etc to do that.

Bruen isn’t like Roe, it’s not a flimsy/bs 1 off ruling that is easily overturned, it’s built on a solid foundation of multiple other cases over the years.

They have been legally btfo’d, and have no legitimate path left on that front.

I’m not saying that’s beyond the realm of possibility, I’m just saying that the subtle “boil the frog” options have now been shut down. At least on the gun issue.

The problem with wielding overt hard power is that it often comes at the price of legitimacy.
Empty words! Neither Bruen, nor any other ruling stops government from taxing companies. No decision of SCOTUS helped prevent the passage of the federal redflag laws. What do you think will happen if the government mandates insurance where people will have to pay $1/year per firearm? Nothing! Most people can afford that. Once that law is in, the government can start regulating the insurance policy rules since it's no longer in the domain of legislation but rather regulatory. Annual proficiency tests here we go!
Empty words! Neither Bruen, nor any other ruling stops government from taxing companies. No decision of SCOTUS helped prevent the passage of the federal redflag laws. What do you think will happen if the government mandates insurance where people will have to pay $1/year per firearm? Nothing! Most people can afford that. Once that law is in, the government can start regulating the insurance policy rules since it's no longer in the domain of legislation but rather regulatory. Annual proficiency tests here we go!
LOL, not knocking you, but really? Are you a boomer? Can't stop the signal. They can try, but when illegal unconstitutional laws make you a criminal, noncompliance is mandatory.



Oh and can't forget @Boris
What excuse will they use to hold thousands and how will they hide it? Simple. They can’t hide it.
I would (as a DC psychopath) stage a mass casualty event with MAGA fingerprints planted all over it. “Mass” as in MASS casualty event. Something really spectacular. Historic. Tens of thousands dead maybe hundreds of thousands.

As the country and world reel from the shock, the round up begins. No objections, no fuss, full support of the media, red flag laws on steroids, neighbor ratting out neighbor as a dangerous gun owning terrorist.

Congress acts quickly, declaring MAGAs terrorists and ineligible to own guns and must surrender or face confiscation and SWAT arrests.

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I would (as a DC psychopath) stage a mass casualty event with MAGA fingerprints planted all over it. “Mass” as in MASS casualty event. Something really spectacular. Historic. Tens of thousands dead maybe hundreds of thousands.

As the country and world reel from the shock, the round up begins. No objections, no fuss, full support of the media, red flag laws on steroids, neighbor ratting out neighbor as a dangerous gun owning terrorist.

Congress acts quickly, declaring MAGAs terrorists and ineligible to own guns and must surrender or face confiscation and SWAT arrests.

At that point fight or die.
Maybe both.
At that point fight or die.
Maybe both.
So let me get this straight:

You have a family that depends on your income to eat and have a roof above their heads. The government says you must surrender your gun or go to prison. If you go to prison, your family starves and goes homeless because the bank account is empty and the mortgage hasn't been paid. You would put your life and the lives of your family on the line for a gun?

Keep in mind, 64% of Americans are one paycheck away from abject poverty. Less than 5% have enough in the bank account to survive without income for up to 6 months.

Revolution is when there is nothing left. The US has a LOT to lose before it gets there.
So let me get this straight:

You have a family that depends on your income to eat and have a roof above their heads. The government says you must surrender your gun or go to prison. If you go to prison, your family starves and goes homeless because the bank account is empty and the mortgage hasn't been paid. You would put your life and the lives of your family on the line for a gun?

Keep in mind, 64% of Americans are one paycheck away from abject poverty. Less than 5% have enough in the bank account to survive without income for up to 6 months.

Revolution is when there is nothing left. The US has a LOT to lose before it gets there.
You failed history I see.

130 million men, women and children were slaughtered by their own governments in the 20th century alone. They first disarmed them.

If kneeled over the trench with a gun to the back of your family’s head is “too late”, the question you have to ask yourself is: when is the “right time”?

I would suggest if there is to be a line to draw, it must be drawn when you are still capable of some sort of defense of your family, and after you are disarmed is “too late”.
So let me get this straight:

You have a family that depends on your income to eat and have a roof above their heads. The government says you must surrender your gun or go to prison. If you go to prison, your family starves and goes homeless because the bank account is empty and the mortgage hasn't been paid. You would put your life and the lives of your family on the line for a gun?

Keep in mind, 64% of Americans are one paycheck away from abject poverty. Less than 5% have enough in the bank account to survive without income for up to 6 months.

Revolution is when there is nothing left. The US has a LOT to lose before it gets there.
Sounds like 64% of Americans are right on the line to me.
Empty words! Neither Bruen, nor any other ruling stops government from taxing companies. No decision of SCOTUS helped prevent the passage of the federal redflag laws. What do you think will happen if the government mandates insurance where people will have to pay $1/year per firearm? Nothing! Most people can afford that. Once that law is in, the government can start regulating the insurance policy rules since it's no longer in the domain of legislation but rather regulatory. Annual proficiency tests here we go!

Strict scrutiny pretty much rules out anything effective the anti’s can/will try. Punitive taxes, fees, etc.

I’m not saying the anti’s won’t do it. I’m just saying they will have to go completely mask-off, and exercise hard power, effectively ending the constitution, and all pretenses of democracy and legitimacy.

The anti’s have lost on all fronts legally, and it’s just a long and tedious mopping up operation now (applying strict scrutiny). But they believe themselves to be so morally right that they may completely stop caring about courts, laws, etc.

While I’m focusing on 2a, this obviously extends wayyyy beyond the 2a.

When Biden says “our democracy”, replace with “my regime”, and replace “will of the people” with “the outcome of the rigged election that installed me in the White House” to understand the meaning correctly.

You then get the clear meaning of what he’s saying:

“MAGA Republicans threaten my regime. They refuse to accept the outcome of the rigged election that installed me in the White House! They threaten to use violence!”

You can then see why disarmament is such a priority and why 12 foot high fences around the WH and Capital were installed. They’re very scared they will be held accountable for what they’ve done.
You would put your life and the lives of your family on the line for a gun? not for a gun. For your rights.

Are your rights worth risking your life for? That's the essence of everything this country is meant to represent, and the citizens' answer to that question determines a lot about how vital our republic will remain.

How about it? Are your rights worth risking your life for? What do you think? not for a gun. For your rights.

Are your rights worth risking your life for? That's the essence of everything this country is meant to represent, and the citizens' answer to that question determines a lot about how vital our republic will remain.

How about it? Are your rights worth risking your life for? What do you think?
If we lose freedom here, where will we go?
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