Biden: Americans need F-15s to fight me

Unfortunately, the plandemic has shown us that formerly reasonable people will turn on their neighbors and become the eyes and ears of dictators in the name of the greater good. If you live in Massachusetts, you would be nuts to tell 99% of your neighbors that you have firearms, even if you get along with them.

We’ll eventually start seeing a full court press by the anti-2a folks to impress upon people that they can red flag their neighbors who own firearms if they failed to say good morning to them one day. Don’t think that will happen? People creamed themselves with the power to report their neighbors who had gatherings during the lockdowns, what do you think they’ll do when they figure out they have the power to permanently disarm you with a phone call?

Remember the tip lines for reporting the unmasked seen in public. Call the tipline, the police, the board of health. Report the unmasked, report gatherings on private property. Turn in friends, neighbors. The headlines in the news gathering dispersed tickets issued. Hunting fishing gathering sustenance was infringed. Could not have guests in a boat, could not cross state lines. They had cops patrolling boat ramps, wmas, seeking foreign ie out of state plates that had broken into the state to hunt or fish. No refunds were issued for non resident licenses.
America's army was defeated by a bunch of Vietnamese farmers with SKS rifles on the other side of the world. I can only imagine the shit pile that would develop once Biden starts launching airstrikes on American cites

He's talking out his always

pissed off american engineers with nothing to lose are way more scary to me than all the f15s tanks and drones.
America's army was defeated by a bunch of Vietnamese farmers with SKS rifles on the other side of the world. I can only imagine the shit pile that would develop once Biden starts launching airstrikes on American cites

He's talking out his always
The American Military WAS NOT DEFEATED by a bunch of farmers with SKS's, it was defeated by Democrat Pols and the media. Please read, "A BETTER WAR" by Lewis Sorley, I will lend you my copy if you like..
The American Military WAS NOT DEFEATED by a bunch of farmers with SKS's, it was defeated by Democrat Pols and the media. Please read, "A BETTER WAR" by Lewis Sorley, I will lend you my copy if you like..
How is that any different today? Today's US military is led by the very same type of people. It's not the troops who are idiots, its the leaders
Everyone is scared of the mighty drones. Can’t see them and can’t hide from their thermal sight. Or can you?


That thermal sight is a room temp device
Cooled mid-wave sensors are sensitive to down to milli-kelvin delta-T so your survival blanket is not going to stop heat transfer to that level.
And if the aggressor has multispectral capability that blanket is going to blind the operator in SWIR.
How is that any different today? Today's US military is led by the very same type of people. It's not the troops who are idiots, its the leaders
Because the Military must obey orders from civilian leadership who's allegiance is to voters who elect them. Just like in Vietnam when LBJ started selecting targets and telling Generals what they couldn't do the JCS should have resigned their positions. Same with the disastrous pullout from Afghanistan, if GEN. Milley had any balls he would have resigned but we know he also suffered from TDS.
I remember during the BLM riots some dude had the whole city of Dallas upside down for over 3 hours. They finally caught up with him in a parking garage if I remember correctly and that was 1 guy, with 1 rifle, who had the whole city shook up.

While I don't condone what that dude did it was a great demonstration of what one motivated person can achieve.

I take solace in knowing that death eventually comes for us all, including Pelosi, Schumer, Hillary, Bill, Biden, Obama, W, and the rest of the traitorous grifters destroying our country.

That particular satisfaction is slipping away from us as life extension techniques become more effective. We're ruled by 80 year olds now and it won't be too long before we're ruled by 100 year olds.
America's army was defeated by a bunch of Vietnamese farmers with SKS rifles on the other side of the world. I can only imagine the shit pile that would develop once Biden starts launching airstrikes on American cites
When it comes to civil wars, the enemy are those one has learned to disdain over the course of years, if not decades. It’s no-holds-barred and atrocities, with the winners executing the war criminals on the other side.

A curse shall light upon the limbs of men.
Domestic fury and fierce civil strife
Shall cumber all the parts of [insert YOUR COUNTRY].
Blood and destruction shall be so in use,
And dreadful objects so familiar,
That mothers shall but smile when they behold
Their infants quartered with the hands of war,
All pity choked with custom of fell deeds,
And [insert MARTYR name] spirit, ranging for revenge,
With Ate by his side come hot from hell,
Shall in these confines with a monarch’s voice
Cry “Havoc!” and let slip the dogs of war,
That this foul deed shall smell above the earth
With carrion men, groaning for burial.

When it comes to civil wars, the enemy are those one has learned to disdain over the course of years, if not decades. It’s no-holds-barred and atrocities, with the winners executing the war criminals on the other side.

A curse shall light upon the limbs of men.
Domestic fury and fierce civil strife
Shall cumber all the parts of [insert YOUR COUNTRY].
Blood and destruction shall be so in use,
And dreadful objects so familiar,
That mothers shall but smile when they behold
Their infants quartered with the hands of war,
All pity choked with custom of fell deeds,
And Caesar’s spirit, ranging for revenge,
With Ate by his side come hot from hell,
Shall in these confines with a monarch’s voice
Cry “Havoc!” and let slip the dogs of war,
That this foul deed shall smell above the earth
With carrion men, groaning for burial.


The deep state/establishment in this country isn't stupid. They are waiting for the first shot to be fired because whoever that is will become the villain of the story for all of the rest of human history. They would love nothing more than to see some cigar chomping white guy with a maga hat opening fire duel wielding ARs shouting "yee haw motherf**kers" but then it never happens. They goad people, practically prodding people with sticks, just waiting for one person to crack so they can pull out a 500 gallon vat of paint to paint whatever side is the bad one. Meanwhile the deep state/establishment resumes the controlled demolition of a country for some billionaire influencers who want to die in pyramid made of gold and money so that in 5 thousand years future generations will think Bill Gates was the pharoah.
The deep state/establishment in this country isn't stupid. They are waiting for the first shot to be fired because whoever that is will become the villain of the story for all of the rest of human history. They would love nothing more than to see some cigar chomping white guy with a maga hat opening fire duel wielding ARs shouting "yee haw motherf**kers" but then it never happens. They goad people, practically prodding people with sticks, just waiting for one person to crack so they can pull out a 500 gallon vat of paint to paint whatever side is the bad one. Meanwhile the deep state/establishment resumes the controlled demolition of a country for some billionaire influencers who want to die in pyramid made of gold and money so that in 5 thousand years future generations will think Bill Gates was the pharoah.
6 January gave them their excuse and talking points, the morons who showed up and entered the building gave the Leftists all the ammo and publicity they needed to tar and feather us. The lamestream media played along willingly because they're in it up to their eyeballs and Trump is a threat never seen before in modern US history. The midterms and 2024 will be a make or break moment in our history, it will determine whether the swamp controls us or we finally get a handle on them and start whittling away their hold on power and us. Make no mistake, they won't go down willingly, they have too much to lose.
6 January gave them their excuse and talking points, the morons who showed up and entered the building gave the Leftists all the ammo and publicity they needed to tar and feather us. The lamestream media played along willingly because they're in it up to their eyeballs and Trump is a threat never seen before in modern US history. The midterms and 2024 will be a make or break moment in our history, it will determine whether the swamp controls us or we finally get a handle on them and start whittling away their hold on power and us. Make no mistake, they won't go down willingly, they have too much to lose.

The swamp always wins because they control both parties. The left (democrat voters not real leftists) haven't figured out yet that they are nothing more than oysters to be shucked and devoured by the Walrus and the Carpenter. Like George Carlin said, imagine the average person and the realize that 1/2 of the people are dumber than that.
I take solace in knowing that death eventually comes for us all, including Pelosi, Schumer, Hillary, Bill, Biden, Obama, W, and the rest of the traitorous grifters destroying our country.

Remember Teddy Chivas' funeral and such??? Imagine that multiplied a dozen times. It will be ugly. Hell, Bill is the best of the bunch. He could work with people. Imagine the Obunneral. It's going to be racist ass-kissing from stem to stern. And when Mooshell goes - people are going to make up accomplishments like she did something with her life. The woman is a walking 2x4 of intelligence and people are going to act like she's Albert Einstein and Mother Theresa wrapped up in one. IT's gonna be a tough call which is worse - having them alive or having to stomach that all over everything for a week. LOL

And if turning your own military on your own people is a strategy, you've already lost the war. So good job on them. LOL
Everyone talks about the Taliban and how we played patty cake with them for 20 years, but we clearly were not there to accomplish a mission and return home victorious. We were there to bleed the tax base here dry and wash that money for those that pull the strings. While I don't believe we will actually go hot in a civil war here, IF we did, it would look nothing like Afghanistan. They are showing you that they hate us and will pull no punches if they truely wanted squish a rebellion. They don't have to though, they are doing a far better job controlling us and whittling us down with their controlled media/tech playing their long game. All this bluster and posturing about killing Joe 6pack with an F15 is just that, in hopes to spark someone into doing something stupid so they whittle us down even further with justification and public sentiment on their side.

It feels good to pretend we would stand a chance tho, and the memes are fun, so by all means, do whatever it takes to enjoy the last little bit of time we have left.
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Everyone talks about the Taliban and how we played patty cake with them for 20 years, but we clearly were not there to accomplish a mission and return home victorious. We were there to bleed the tax base here dry and wash that money for those that pull the strings. While I don't believe we will actually go hot in a civil war here, IF we did, it would look nothing like Afghanistan. They are showing you that they hate us and will pull no punches if they truely wanted squish a rebellion. They don't have to though, they are doing a far better job controlling us and whittling us down with their controlled media/tech playing their long game. All this bluster and posturing about killing Joe 6pack with an F15 is just that, in hopes to spark someone into doing something stupid so they whittle us down even further with justification and public sentiment on their side.

It feels good to pretend we would stand a chance tho, and the memes are fun, so by all means, do whatever it takes to enjoy the last little bit of time we have left.

life in every breath
OK. So in 1994 Joe and his cronies invented the "Assault Weapon" (s). The AR was stripped of it's evil features for 10 years and they claimed that crime went down during those years. (no mention of gun crime). The ARs now function and fire just like they did during the ban, so why are they all of a sudden so bad, Joe? Jack.
... bruhhh you miss the last 18months?

He was content letting 80 million get some experiment or starve

He don't give a f*** and neither does the rest of the world.... they're actively rooting for it.

Killing thousands of americans probably wouldnt even rate a delay in his vacation
I don't know if thousands of Americans would be sitting around waiting to be killed.
What these idiots don't comprehend is unlike their video games , in the real world , people can kill you back.
Maybe they picture in their heads some old battle photos with sides lined up on each end of a field or something.
Or a group standing around waiting to get drone striked in the wide open not the reality and horror of asymmetrical war .
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Unfortunately, the plandemic has shown us that formerly reasonable people will turn on their neighbors and become the eyes and ears of dictators in the name of the greater good. If you live in Massachusetts, you would be nuts to tell 99% of your neighbors that you have firearms, even if you get along with them.

We’ll eventually start seeing a full court press by the anti-2a folks to impress upon people that they can red flag their neighbors who own firearms if they failed to say good morning to them one day. Don’t think that will happen? People creamed themselves with the power to report their neighbors who had gatherings during the lockdowns, what do you think they’ll do when they figure out they have the power to permanently disarm you with a phone call?
I don’t disagree but they effectively already have that power in Massachusetts with our may-issue suitability LTCs, and you just don’t see it happening much.
I don't know if thousands of Americans would be sitting around waiting to be killed.
What these idiots don't comprehend is unlike their video games , in the real world , people can kill you back.
Maybe they picture in their heads some old battle photos with sides lined up on each end of a field or something.
Or a group standing around waiting to get drone striked in the wide open not the reality and horror of asymmetrical war .
Eh... I'm just saying biden doesnt seem to give a flying f***
It's terrifying to see elected officials openly calling for the killing of Americans then trying to gaslight us into believing that they never did such a thing. Sad part is that the sheep of the populace eat it up.
Eh... I'm just saying biden doesnt seem to give a flying f***
He's a meat puppet reading off a teleprompter.
He can't even lead himself out of a room.
His handlers and their supporters on the other hand should step back and pick up a history book or two.
Thinking they will be sitting back safe and snug sipping a latte while it all goes to shit is delusional at best.
They seem to be skipping over the fact that they won't be reading reports of some brown folks getting blow up thousands of miles away .
It's coming to their neighborhood.
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